Severe phantom tooth pain in perimenopause

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Hi ladies

I'm currently experiencing really severe phantom tooth and jaw pain on the right side. it's causing me horrible headache on the temple there too. I've been to dentist had x rays etc and they found nothing wrong! It started about 3 months ago and it's awful. I'm in perimenopause quite young at 42. I'm also having night sweats and periods that come and go sometimes don't have one for weeks and weeks. dry skin etc. anxiety which isn't being helped by this awful tooth pain! I've been putting off going on HRT and trying natural remedies but they do nothing!! I wonder if anyone had the tooth throbbing pain and headaches and if HRT helped them? x

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    lousie i so feel for you. I recall the hell i went through with that pain. I would cry day and night. It also affected my ear. Mine would last up to 3 weeks nonstop, then give me a break for 2 then return. This lasted for almost 6 months. Thank God no more of those symptoms. I don't know what to tell you to ease the pain because nothing bloody worked. You just have to hang in there. praying for you 🙏

  • Posted

    i get random toothpain, i just try to ignore it, it always goes away, my gyno doesnt want me on hrt as it causes too many problems xx

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    I'm 43 and mine started at 39.5. I have tried natural progesterone and it does help. Currently, however I take Boron daily since it seems to give my estrogen a boost and dandelion tea (this I found helps me feel better) if I'm feeling down (sign of low estrogen). Have you tried Evening Primrose Oil? This helped me some for a while. Hang in there; you're not alone. It's a rough road!

    • Edited

      Okay; have you ever heard of the supplement DIM? Someone told me that helps when your estrogen is too high. XOXO

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      thank you ❤ i broccoli everyday which is basically the same thing xx

  • Posted

    Do consider seeing an oral surgeon to check for temporomandibular joint disorder. TMD can cause tooth pain and jaw pain, but also headaches and earaches. ENTs will often misdiagnose it as a eustachian tube dysfunction, when in fact you might be unconsciously clenching or grinding your teeth.

  • Posted

    i had tooth pain all the time the only reason i didnt go to my dentist is because it was in a different tooth everytime so i did not want to have unnecessary work done, i also suffer from accidentally biting the sides of my cheeks as well as my tongue . my jaw and ears were in pain i could not touch them somedays most of this has gone away now i started on HRT in March and it did not go away until Sept/oct crossing my fingers that it doesnt come back

  • Posted

    Hi - I have jaw ache and it affects my ear, eye and neck on that side. Also goes up into my temple and top of my head. I grind my teeth and clench my jaw all the time so I think it's caused by that. Haven't found anything that helps much, I think mine is to do with TMJ. Will be interested to see if anyone has. Hugs xx

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