Severe road rash wound not healing for 15 days
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hello to all. thanks for considering to advice on my case.
on the 24th of September 2020 I was involved in a motorcycle accident where I rolled on the ground from about 100kph. i had some massive road rash wounds on the back of both hands, my knees and the top side of my left foot.
in the hospital the cleaned and debraded those wounds. a day later my foot was red as a rose and severely swollen. hospital put me on iv antibiotic. cefazolin and oral probenecid. that was for 6 days. swelling is gone and the redness got reduced. however, my foot wound has not even began healing. still bleeds (especially if I walk on my foot) and no scabing. all my other wounds are already covered in thick scabs and some are nearly healed already. but my foot remains a bit red, hurts, and the wound is open. they did a second x-ray to see if something was embedded in my foot, but everything appeared to be fine. I'm not sure what to do to have this wound healing. I'm looking for advice. thanks for any help.! first image is from yesterday. second is immediately after the accident. very little difference imo.
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joshuapryce1987 rumenski
It looks very painful. You need to put antiseptic on it and put a bandage on it. Go to a hospital.