Sex Drive
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Good morning my question is how can women get back their sex drive sence i have started menopause i dont have the sex drive that i use to have and i'm dry and it dose not feel good any more is there any thing i can do for this. I know that they have stuff for men but can't find any thing for women with this problem. any thoughts on this matter.
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jude84900 doris28535
Hi Doris,
There isn't a easy OTC go to pill that will fix what you have described for women. As we near and go into menopause our hormones continue to diminish, including testosterone that plays a big part in our intimate life. Our lubrication ceases, our desire decreases, it can get uncomfortable or down right painful and orgasms get harder and harder to achieve. Our mind tells us we want that intimacy in our life, especially if we have a partner that is still wanting, but our changing bodies will not allow what use to be so natural and normal to do anymore. The best advice I can give you from my own experience is to get on at least testosterone replacement. I had the same issues as you and it was very alarming. I went to a holistic doc ( generally docs don't seem to know what to do for women at this stage in our life ) that was well versed in bio identical hormone replacement that included testosterone. I no longer have the issues you have described. Things improved pretty quickly. I started with bio identical creams that were applied daily. They worked great, very easy. I am now on pellets that include estrodial and testosterone. Pellets last between 3-4 months. My husband is on testosterone pellets too. A mans libido goes when his testosterone decreases as he ages as well.
doris28535 jude84900
Thank you this was very helpful thanks again
Sassyr12a doris28535
Hello Doris
It took me a really long time to get my sex drive back and even now its not great. Ironically getting back on the horse increased the desire so worth a go. I'm on bhrt but didnt find that it helped to lubricate at all, but when I went to see a specialist she suggested 'Yes OB' which is a plant based lubricant and it's amazing. It's a completely different texture to normal lubricants and sex was pain free. I think if I tell you where I got it, my message will be moderated but if you need to know just DM me. Good luck xx
doris28535 Sassyr12a
okay i'm not sure i want to know thanks any way
Sassyr12a doris28535
Not sure where you think I may have got it but it was from your regular online supermarket and not somewhere questionable. The reason I didnt include the name of the website is that any branding reference ends up being moderated which would have delayed the response. The specialist is a colcoscopy nurse under the gynae department of my local hospital and so is also not questionable. The lubricant is recommended for post menopausal women as it works alongside other treatments but does not include hormones, only plant oils. Another alternative is to speak to your doctor about estrogen which can be applied to that area. Good luck x
mee16031 doris28535
Oh yeah, tell me about it! I was on high gear and verrry turned on the last two years before menopause hit. But the month my period stopped poof! my libido just vanished!! i just don't feel anything anymore. i am so frustrated that i feel teary and angry about it. it's just not fair. i exercise, i eat organic, i am on premarin but ironically premarin is making my non existent libido even worse. I use estriol cream for the dryness and it works extremely well.