sex orgasms and lack of!!
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hi all
well iv been on low hrt now for 8 days. started with spots greasy skin and its giving me syptoms i dint have befor like pain in my eye and mild headachs.
i was hoping it would stop my very dry vagina from shriveling up and give me back my sex life stop me feeling tierd and stop my spotting grrrrr it hasnt done any.
i feel like stoping it and looking for somthing else to take any suggestions would be nice.
iv used replens but it only lasts a few hours then i start to feel glupy with lumps and then feel like im starti g with thrush.
i was geti g the odd sweat befor starti g hrt and started geti g anxiety couldnt sleep well plus spotting and dryness which was the worst. anyways long story short one doc gave me a pill to stop spoti g but i now think it made menopuse worse as after a week of it i was horrid to everyone in house and hated them all and still spotted
went doc saw a diff one she gave me low hrt elesste duet.
well my spotting stoped after two days befor i even started on that hrt and my mood was changed with it it took me two weeks to decide to take it. so when i did i started my period same day prob was going to anyways even thoe it was only two weeks after stoping my last one which went on for like 5 weeks.
anyways i did have befor everything went haywire sex problems being dry no orgasm or very week feeling of one that took ages to even get to gosh. which i will addmit got gradualy worse in aroh d a year so i new somthi g wasnt right.
but befor that year it was still boom and normal.
so why do we lose the feeling its not out of bei g dry or not wanti g to as i used stuff to make me wet and it was t out of the lack of not wanti g to and it wasnt out of being why do we lose the umph and the pow of orgasm and why do we get so dry?
and why is it even if i use repelens or ky or what ever i still cant orgasm and feel totaly fedup ?
what happend did my nerves stop working have they shut off to old for the old cabam now?
if hrt isnt going to give me back my normal juices and sex what will
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michelle50768 d19606
I found found that the balance activ moisture pessaries are really good. Bit expensive but they do work and it last a long time x
monique_93857 d19606
sheryl37154 d19606
I would not touch them with a barge pole as these oral combinations are known to be the most problematic.
Ask for transdermal oestradiol patches (MX or dot type so that the oestrogen is absorbed gradually) in a form that 2 patches are applied weekly. And ask for the progesterone in a separate form. I don't know if it comes as a patch yet, we have to make do with tablets in this case.
I have been on this type of oestrogen for 25 years, plus vagifem and oestradiol cream. Can't live without them. Definitely stops the problems you are having, and many others. If it does not, you need a higher dose.
Good luck
I also use coconut oil in that area - it is antibacterial and antifungal.
d19606 sheryl37154
im burning down below and just slight wet but more watery than normal but still scant. iv also started to bleed again after finishing my period so im not taking it tomorrow im just worried about what will happen now that iv taken it for over w week will it affect me when i stop?
im goint to make apointment to see the doc who gave me pills tell her im geti g eye pain and mild headachs and still got same symptoms so dont want to take it and want to try somthing else like patches and creams.
iv just been reading also about a cream called serenity has anyone used that?
i do know im lowish on i think the doc said estrogen but that was it all she said was that she knows im dry as she did a swob and found it hard.
i think im going to stop taking this pill and as it usualy take me about two weeks to even get in to see the doc il take nothing at all and see what symtoms i get when taking nothing see which i cant cope with and get somthi g for that. i deff want somthing for dryness.
sheryl37154 d19606
But then I read an article where a woman suffered all sorts of major health issues from one of those creams.
Definitely badger your doc for a better hrt - not a combinatiion one as mentioned above. God, they scare women with threats of cancer and strokes and heart attacks then prescribe the very type that are known to be problematic.
Have you tried the coconut oil - eat as much as you can too! Bio-oil is also good (topically of course).