Shaking and internal vibrations
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Hi, I am 19 years old and for the past weeks i have had severe panic attacks that led me to the er multiple times. After going to my gp and doing many blood test they could not find anything wrong with me. For the past days i have had a variety of symptoms such as shortness of breath, muscle twitches, dizziness, aches all over body, weakness in legs and head, blocked ears, fast heart rate and more. Right now i am more worried about this vibration or shaking i feel inside my body when sitting or laying down. Whenever i type or move my hands while laying on back or head i can feel a shaking inside my back and head but cant physically see it. It feels like i shake extremely and can only feel it inside. I am scared if i have something serious or if it is a neurological disorder and wanted to see if anyone has had the same symptoms. Thanks
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jan34534 joaquin00537
yep all your symptoms are very common with stress and anxiety. I had all of your symptoms starting in my 20s and was very scared. I am now in my 50s and everything is OK. The internal vibrations in your head and anywhere else are caused by the anxiety. Anxiety tends to target the nervous system but it’s not harmful. It just tends to show symptoms in the nervous system. such as twitching, vibrating feeling, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, I’ve had them all!The more you worry about it the more you will have the symptoms. Speak with a counselor who can help you manage all of this. Feel better.
bethany69432 joaquin00537
Oh my god I experienced this when my panic was horrendous, mine was more in my chest and front though I tried to explain it to my doctor and other people and they couldnt understand what I meant I thought I was going mad!! Mine has stopped now though I only get it on days where my anxiety is really bad now if that helps! Hope you feel better soon Xx
joaquin00537 bethany69432
Thanks, im experiencing like vibrations in my head and in my neck when i sit down and lay my head back. I also feel my heart pulsing hard through out my body when i sit or lay down and sometimes it gets me so dizzy or it feels like my ears are having pressure.