Shaking/Trembling/Chills/Dizziness/Vertigo when moving head and Neck

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Hi Ladies,

It's Me again. I have been experiencing trembing, buzzing, shaking, internal vibrations for a bit now. I just started feeling really dizzy and vertigo when moving my Head and Neck in certain positions. I also been experiencing Visual Snow Constantly, Ringing in My Ears and Nausea as well. Tingling in my hands and feet as well as burning sensations..... I also have rapid heartbeats and a jumpy heart. Please help ladies if you have experienced this before and if so what are your experiences and what do you do for it?

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6 Replies

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    I have the internal vibration, shaking in my neck, chest, arms and hands, dizziness and balance issues, hot flashes, mood swings and more. I do not have the visual snow you talk about. I do get flashes in the corners of my outer eyes from time-to-time. Menopause sucks that's all I can say. Sending a big air hug!

  • Posted

    i have dizziness anxiety and moodiness terrible feeling irritiated its been awlful nothing so far as helped me except exercise and i dont have much time or even the energy to do that

  • Posted

    Hi Shana,, MAYBE THIS WILL HELP.... I had this symptom very bad,, when it came on it lasted for so long everyday for a least a month,, THOUGHT IT WOULD NEVER LEAVE,, I could barely go to work it was horrible probably my all time worse,, really thought i had some kinda neurological problem was also extremly exhausted when this happened, im having sever memory problems now this one is also

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