Sharing my experience - recurring shingles
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I'm a 35 year old female and have had recurring shingles for about 7 years which occurs anything from 3-7 times a year and occasionally back to back. It is always a small cluster of itchy/stinging spots at the base of my spine and thankfully, the only other symptom can be overly sensitive skin down the back of my thighs. It is the only 'illness' that I ever suffer from - I never get colds or other 'bugs' that seem to plague everyone around me. So, the main guidelines about shingles are very general and should not discount anyone who suffers from this if they fall outside the norm for the condition i.e. over 50, poor immune system, you only get it once, spots appear on the sides, chest or face etc. as I don't fit any of these but have had tests and confirmation.
My advice to anyone else who suffers from this is - do try to get antiviral medication like aciclovir as it will minimise the frequency of outbreaks, try the coldsore patches from the chemist (Compeed is the brand I use) - they can be costly but keep the area clean and covered to prevent spreading and definitely seem to clear it up more quickly and with less scarring and, finally, try not to touch the area at all outside of treating it. I have become good at recognising the early sysmptoms and the earlier I act on it, the less troublesome it is. I have also made a connection with using sunbeds as a couple of outbreaks have occurred shortly after using one so minimise UV exposure of the area (not usually a problem when it's on your bottom!). Hope this helps.
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gjpadblog Guest
Mind you, this worked for me, and I've had the longest period of no outbreaks after several years of recurring episodes.
>>>>> At first sign of itch - alternate applications of coconut oil and a topical antibacterial ointment - with a dab of essential Lavender oil at least twice a day.
The blisters dry up super quick, and after three or four outbreaks (which usually coincides with my menses) I haven't had an outbreak in about five months, with all other variables in my life the same.
Possibly worth a try?
llp02 gjpadblog
mary70054 gjpadblog
kaz47626 Guest
I first got it 5 years ago - spent a night in hospital with suspected gallbladder stones only to be told there was nothing wrong. Three days later, got the rash. Suffered with nerve pain for months. 2nd time was 2 years ago - woke in the night with the horrible itchy lumps developing, although no nerve pain. By the next morning I had 4 or 5 extremely itchy lumps. Saw a doctor immediately who diagnosed shingles. I went on antivirals and cleared up quickly - no real nerve pain.
So last week i developed 4 or 5 extremely itchy lumps in a line around the ribs within 2 hours. I went to emergency at the hospital (it was in the middle of the night) and they gave me anti-virals which worked really well, only got a few lumps, no nerve pain and lumps quickly crusted then started healing. But I only was given 5 days of meds and I realised that I needed to take 7 days (or even more as this is my third time and I also have an autoimmune condition). Saw a locum doctor today (my doc is away) and he said:
- it's not shingles as shingles is painful not itchy
- it's not shingles as the blisters have healed well over the five days and are now not causing problems
- it's not shingles because there are only 5 or so 'sites'
- it's not shingles because while most are on one side of the body I had one on the other side
- it's not shingles becuase recurring shingles is almost unheard of
-it's not shingles because the rash isn't extensive and pus filled
He then showed me photos of shingles online ("Dr Google", basically)
I ended up leaving, absolutely furious, without the extra days of meds.
What really really upset me was that he seemed to think I was making it up and that although I had had a few days of feeling terrible before the itchy lumps (very flu-y and sore and feverish and upset tummy etc), I was confused as the rash was something else. I told him that as I had had shingles twice before I knew exactly what the nerve pain felt like (1st time) and also that it could be contained at the itchy lump stage if I got on the drugs early enough (2nd time). And that this time was exactly the same as time 2.
He still didn't believe me and smugly kept telling me it's not shingles.
I think his refusal to accept that shingles are ITCHY was what upset me the most. The itchy blisters I had last time and this time are just unbearably itchy and i did tell him its a weird sort of below the surface as well as on the skin type of itch.
he clearly thought I was an idiot. and a hypochondriac. I don;t know what he thought I was going to do with two days of anti-virals - sell them on the street???
Overally I am deeply deeply disgusted and insulted by his atitude and refusal to believe that I might know something about my own health and problems!!! I will never need to see that doctor again but if I do get shingles again soon due to not taking enough meds, I am making a formal complaint. I can't see why doctors are so ignorant about this condition. He even told me the old story that people used to believe if you got shingles on both sides and they joined you would die. relevance??? NONE. Expertise? NONE!
I would love to find an authoritative medical paper online which explains that shingles can occur even without a rash; that shingles can occur without pain; that shingles can be very itchy! In fact, shingles can occur very regularly in all sorts of weird places.
viki02823 kaz47626
Tfinden Guest
See if you can ge this medicine it worked for me it could work for you as well
Tammy Finden
scott83219 Tfinden
cherie66153 Guest
james17171 cherie66153
mary70054 Guest
My first episode was about 9 years ago, after a very stressful period in life. It kept coming once a year aprox. for the following 2 years and it was severe. During that time I was also diagnosed with Lyme disease, fybromialgya, chronic fatigue, post mononucleosis, and in the middle of all this, after doctors told me I could never get pregnant, I got pregnant. I had to stop treatment inmediately and had the next recurring shingles episode on the day my son was born. After this shingles has hapenned every 3-4 months, and it was really bad in the begining right after I gave birth the pain and fatigue where so big I think I became a little suicidal. But a lot has changed since those days, it still happens, but not as bad, so that means my inmune system is stronger. the blisters last only a few days, the fatigue and depression are still there but the healing time is down to 3-5 days. the worst part of the symptoms are really before the blisters show up. So when they do show up, its kind of a relief. I have been in a 80% vegetarian diet for 4 years now. I drink home made organic kefir every morning with lots of fruit, whole chia seeds and flaxseeds. I avoid sugar at all costs and limit my coffee intake. I do low impact excersise and drink lots of herbal teas. I also take multivitamins and when I feel the burning sensation anywhere in my body, I take high dose vitamin C (crystals work a lot better than capsules). I avoid buying GMO's corn and soy. Almost everything I purchase to eat is organic. What has helped the blisters heal without almost any pain is a mixture I make with 1 part powder boric acid and 2 parts petroleoum jelly. Do your own research about this, I did and found it is not toxic at small amounts. I trick I have found is that when I feel a little tired for no reason, flu like symptoms for example, it might be shingles trying to take over so I drink a bottle of h2o with 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract, its bitter but I prefer this than an outbreak.
Something interesting I noticed, I had shingles without blisters for almost 8 years before a blister finally appeared (yes, shingles without blisters do exist). I had severe pain, burning sensation on my legs and flu like symptoms since I was in my 20's (I am now in my 40's) but never a blister until I had a stressfull event happen in my life (I did have chronic stress all my life, since I was a kid) It is been hard, and I still get shingles 2-3 times a year, but not as severe, not as painfull and there is almost no scars thanks to my petroleum/jelly boric acid mixture. I hope this helps someone that is in pain. Another thing I do often is drink organic raw apple cider vinegar with organic raw local honey (one spoonfull each). Its a tonic for your inmune system
It can get better, it did for me. Avoid stress at all cost, smoking and drinking, and people that stresses you also . I will start doing some of the stuff that people here posted, because I believe the cure is in making our inmune system stronger, peace to all!
allenstlouis Guest
scott83219 allenstlouis
evan79564 Guest
The symptoms lasted for about two weeks, and it affected my upper back and neck area. I'm pretty sure the outbreak was caused primarily by stress. Every site I look at barely even acknowledges that people my age can get shingles. It's rather frustrating, especially with my paranoia of reoccurances.
The point is, I was 15. So, yeah. It can affect pretty much any age.