Sharing my experience - recurring shingles
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I'm a 35 year old female and have had recurring shingles for about 7 years which occurs anything from 3-7 times a year and occasionally back to back. It is always a small cluster of itchy/stinging spots at the base of my spine and thankfully, the only other symptom can be overly sensitive skin down the back of my thighs. It is the only 'illness' that I ever suffer from - I never get colds or other 'bugs' that seem to plague everyone around me. So, the main guidelines about shingles are very general and should not discount anyone who suffers from this if they fall outside the norm for the condition i.e. over 50, poor immune system, you only get it once, spots appear on the sides, chest or face etc. as I don't fit any of these but have had tests and confirmation.
My advice to anyone else who suffers from this is - do try to get antiviral medication like aciclovir as it will minimise the frequency of outbreaks, try the coldsore patches from the chemist (Compeed is the brand I use) - they can be costly but keep the area clean and covered to prevent spreading and definitely seem to clear it up more quickly and with less scarring and, finally, try not to touch the area at all outside of treating it. I have become good at recognising the early sysmptoms and the earlier I act on it, the less troublesome it is. I have also made a connection with using sunbeds as a couple of outbreaks have occurred shortly after using one so minimise UV exposure of the area (not usually a problem when it's on your bottom!). Hope this helps.
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tim46959 Guest
viki02823 Guest
A quick question- was curious why those who keep getting it back don't take valcyclovir or acylovir with each recurrence? For me, these work quite well BUT i can't take it because it destroys my gut! Gives me epigastric pain and early satiety- very hard to heal from as well. I thought at first it was because the meds were going down my gut, but i was experimenting with non-oral forms of the antivirals and i still got the gut pain.
but i havent heard of anyone else with this sideffect. So if you don't get this, how come don't take it with a flareup? does it cause other problematic side effects for you? or maybe does not work any more or at all?
Surferrobin1 Guest
w21044 Guest
jayneejay Guest
I too get shingles this is my third time in 6 months ..
Few spots on butt check, same place each time.
Resppeared last night 😥
I am age 50 .
First time i ignored it ( felt off colour) but ignored it , i seem to get this every 2 months.
Jay x
viki02823 Guest
I was very surprised by this. Even though recurrent shingles is rare, the eruption looked and felt like shingles, not herpes. I had two sites, the most visible one was on my chest. I had the pox along nerve distribution, though not as extended or bad as some people get. plus had pain in that entire nerve. (I also had a couple of pox on nose, and forehead, and above eyebrow and the worst was it gave me dizziness and vertigo and i supsected some form of ramsey hunt even though i did not have a drooping face muscle).
So am pretty puzzled. so much fit zoster and not simplex. But Since this is a zoster forum not a simplex forum i'll save the puzzling aspects for that forum, but wanted to mention here my surprise at the outcome.
jayneejay viki02823
Thanks for sharing.
Mine is a cluster of blisters on butt cheek, feel really poorly week - 10 days before blisters then a burning deep pain in butt cheek - cant touch skin its to painful, achy, then a cluster of raised lumps that are hot and blister.
The pain is awful in that area.
Deep deep burning ..
If you take aciclovir tablets within 72 hours of the blisters appearing it reduces the virus ..
I took it in time and not been as bad
This time around ...
I had 3 bulging spinal disks when mine occurred, and its near that, seems we all have shingles laying dormant in our nerve roots after chicken pox, and then something may trigger it, injury, illness, stress.
I am also having very severe post menopause symptoms and doc thinks it could be abit of both ..
As i cant take hrt and had a ten year peri menopause and now 20 months post meno age 50 .. Hes suggested an HRT alternative to calm body of the 20+ severe hot flushes i get daily with palpitations, anxiety, Its a low dose Escitalopram and already its showing ease of symptoms 😃 ..
I was offered this 18 months ago and refused, wish i hadnt, as so far so good already .
Jay x
viki02823 Guest
ClemoM8 Guest
1Constantoutbre Guest
jayneejay 1Constantoutbre
i have had 4 outbreaks since Jan this year.
i had one beginning of May took like you aciclivor beginning of May ( first time i taken it ) then low and behold i had another worse outbreak end of May and a few days later it got bigger and fresh blisters with the usual deep burning pain before the outbreak.
still pain on the site of the rash ( always on my buttock)
now i am using just the aciclovir cream this time
jay x
kevin-Canada Guest
I have had shingles on an small area of my left hand palm 4 times past 5 months. My last episode started 3 days ago with usual symptoms of pain in my left arm, skin sensitivity of my left arm, left wrist and left hand fingures, tingling and later a cluster of small white blisters on a usuall small area later they are going to join up and form larger single blisters and then turn red a week later and fall off the week after. They are painful but not much and the area is small about half an inch.
I thought I share my experience too. I have no reason for a weak immune system. My lymphocite count was at 2730 and no STD infection. You are not alone
jayneejay kevin-Canada
i had my last outbreak beginning of June gone..
since i had my vit D levels checked and B12 ..
i was vit D deficient even though i live in sunny country.. So taking 2200iu daily ..
Also i have Vit B12 injection weekly as this helps shingles.
my doctor gave me B12 and B1 and anti inflam during outbreaks too
now i havent had another outbreak ( fingers crossed)
good luck its a nusiance when it starts
kevin-Canada jayneejay
jayneejay kevin-Canada
oh isnt it miserble this shingles keep coming back ..
i always got mine on my butt cheek .. but been fine since last bout beginning of June ( fingers crossed) mind you i did have 3 bulging back discs in Feb and it was near that injury ..
Be careful with omega 3 being a male ..
We read and heard alot of bad things about that for men ..
(Men should be wary of taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements now that new research from the National Cancer Institute links them to an increased risk of prostate cancer.)
i also take a mega B 100 complex ( 100mg B6 and B1 etc) B1 handy for me as keeps the mozzys off me they hate B1 😊 also have my B12 injection weekly as well ..
good luck with the shingles remedy hope all calms for you soon