Sharing my experience - recurring shingles
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I'm a 35 year old female and have had recurring shingles for about 7 years which occurs anything from 3-7 times a year and occasionally back to back. It is always a small cluster of itchy/stinging spots at the base of my spine and thankfully, the only other symptom can be overly sensitive skin down the back of my thighs. It is the only 'illness' that I ever suffer from - I never get colds or other 'bugs' that seem to plague everyone around me. So, the main guidelines about shingles are very general and should not discount anyone who suffers from this if they fall outside the norm for the condition i.e. over 50, poor immune system, you only get it once, spots appear on the sides, chest or face etc. as I don't fit any of these but have had tests and confirmation.
My advice to anyone else who suffers from this is - do try to get antiviral medication like aciclovir as it will minimise the frequency of outbreaks, try the coldsore patches from the chemist (Compeed is the brand I use) - they can be costly but keep the area clean and covered to prevent spreading and definitely seem to clear it up more quickly and with less scarring and, finally, try not to touch the area at all outside of treating it. I have become good at recognising the early sysmptoms and the earlier I act on it, the less troublesome it is. I have also made a connection with using sunbeds as a couple of outbreaks have occurred shortly after using one so minimise UV exposure of the area (not usually a problem when it's on your bottom!). Hope this helps.
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I have not heard of this vaccination here in the UK.
Zovirax cream is commonly used by people with cold sores on their lips.
Like I suggested in a previous post, you might like to try compound benzoic acid or Whitfield's ointment. If frugally applied to the infected area upon it's appearance, it dries up the infected area and within a few days the sores are gone, although some scarring will remain for a few weeks.
It has been a great help to me over the recent years.
Best wishes with this.
pitasha help_at_hand
jane97743 pitasha
There are links from this article to more information if this helps.
My best wishes to you and the use of the Benzoic. I absolutely rely on using it.
I'm more susceptible if I'm run down or have been overdoing things.
The first doctor I saw told me it was infected insect bites but the second recognised it straight away and confirmed that it is not that unusual for it to recur. He said that I could have anti-viral medicine IF I went early's apparently not effective if taken once the spots appear. I've never bothered though.
Doctors simply have different experience so ask to see someone else if you're unsure.
Can I emphasise what another person said, that you should be very careful around pregnant women who have not had chickenpox. People with no immunity to chickenpox can catch it from contact with shingles virus and this can harm an unborn baby. It is passes on by direct contact, not airbourne.
It's been helpful to read other people's experiences, thank you.
shanamy mad1
My question is, does shingles appear after some physical trauma like falling down and hurting yourself? Last year, I hit my bad knee hard and maybe I triggered the nerves that carry the shingles. This year, I fell down on the ski slope. Did that trigger the shingles again??