Sharp head pain right side every few minutes for 4 days

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Hi, had these really sharp head pains for 4 days. Not prone to headaches at all and these just came on suddenly. They are constant and sometimes one after the other or 5 minutes later but they never stop.  Only on right side 4 inches above ear. am on bp medication and it's kept under control but It has been v high the last couple of days (168/101. 174/98 164/90 !   Went to doc yesterday, he took my bp and upped my bp medication  (losartan) but said head pain was probably neurological.  Really getting me down now,  though in between the pains I feel ok.  Maybe high bp causing the pain or pain causing high bp??!!  I am in my 60s and had heart valve repair 3 years ago, been fine since tho am on warfarin. Anyone had the same problem?  

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    It might be worth your while taking some kind of antihistamine, just to cross off allergens as a possibility, an allergy gave me pretty bad headaches, some years ago. I have high blood pressure anyway, as do my sisters (inherited trait, from our Dad). I use a steroid nasal spray, on prescription, here in the UK.

    I hope you get to the bottom of what's going on, very soon.

  • Posted

    few thoughts... you make good point about BP ie. chicken or the egg, but would unlikely cause focal pain.

    sounds like pain from scalp nerve- could it be shingles?

    or worse, when you hear pain around (in front of ) ear temporal arteritis.. have doc check ESR and CBC, go to ER if change in vision

    • Posted

      Thanks for your thoughts, I took the extra bp tabs and my bp came down Sunday evening and the pains lessened! Was so happy but Monday afternoon they came back just the same even tho my bp is normal so will leave it a few days and make an apt with my doc.  Very fed up!!!

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