Sharp pin prick &burning sensations everywhere?

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Hello hopeing someone can relate ๐Ÿ™‹ sharp pin prick sensation &a burning spots. I had these first start five years ago during peri menopause .

waxed and waned with skin sensitivity if you brushed your skin it felt painful or lingering.ย 

I just went through a bout of P rosea which is a virus with rash over the trunk of your body . Of course it put my anxiety in over drive and now those sharp pin prick sensations kinda like an insect bite and burning sensations are in full swing like never before.

the sensations can be anywhere ..ear..roof of mouth..sole of feet ..tummy ..ANYWHERE ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

even certain clothing is making my skin sore it's like my nervous system is just firing off like over stimulated.

please if anyone has experience this....was it due to menopause or anxiety ? Or both ๐Ÿ™ˆ


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Rose, yes, I have this too.....I think this is oestrogen getting drawn from our bodies...ahem, only a theory though ๐Ÿ˜Š my skin is sometimes oversensitive too and if I touch something really cold, I can feel it ages after like a burn.....bloody fecking hormones.....hugs xxx
    • Posted

      Something else about touching sometimes I can't even take the feeling of my sheets touching with my skin I have to use a soft blanket to lay on because the sheets make my skin crawl
    • Posted

      Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

      i can't take HR due to family history.

      surely developed health anxiety due to such weird menopause symptoms so makes it missable.

      i agree that's most likely the cause but thinking anxiety just amplifies it terribly.ย 

      It's comforting to know others can relate but sad at the same time .

      wish there was something that worked for everyone ..alas that's just not a reality.ย 

      Do you know anyone that has developed during menopause a pattern under their skin in the small capillaries . It looks like a lace pattern real name is livedo recticularis . Like when you get cold or temperature changes . It's not permenant comes and goes through the day.

      ive no auto immune problems and doctors told me it's from menopause .

      but I've scoured the net and can't find a single person who associated it with menopause. So now I'm skeptical ๐Ÿ˜™

      actually seeing my skin change with this pattern is hard to dismiss mentality .ย 

      Maybe I'll write a new post and see if anyone responds .

      thank you ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    • Posted

      Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

      i had read all those symptoms before and never seen mine listed.

      but I just found several legitimate links that say :ย 

      it is a supported fact that hormonal changes or disturbances can be the cause. But it also said that "usually " it's women in their 30sย 

      however im not the "usually" lolย 

      even my hair which was poker straight all my life went very wavey at 45 years of age and still is that way. ๐Ÿ˜œ

  • Posted

    Omgosh omgosh this is sooooo true I've started getting this my leg my butt everywhere I would jump thinking it was a bee or something of that sort your so right I hate telling my husband all the things I go through because I don't want him thinking I am kookoo but that omgosh a Nd I also been experiencing like leg aches like my lower back then my leg grrrrrrrrr thank God I'm not going kookoo because I thought I was just imagining this
    • Posted

      Thank you๐Ÿ˜

      were not crazy lolย 

      but some days I really think I've lost all reasoning.

      ive had so many weird things happen like my upper arms the backs of them I mean..turn bright red and look totally sun burnt. Hot flashes and I dint sweat just my chest turns red .cant tolerate heat now cause I get burning pricks all over my back and down my arms RUN to get the ice packs lol..

      regarding the burning feet " yup they turn red and very hot and my hands can do the same .

      seems that all these physical things wax and wane symptoms migrate.ย 

      I know sometimes I don't ย tell my hubby stuff too cause it's just never ending it seems .ย 

      But there will be better days ahead somewhere ๐Ÿ˜‰

      thank youย 

  • Posted

    Also does it ever feel like your feet are on fire it happens to me every so often
    • Posted

      Hi Monique yes I had the hot feet if that what you mean I had it in bed and walking
  • Posted

    Im having the exact same thing..did you find out what was causing it?its driving me crazy!
  • Posted

    I have the same someone sticking me with a needle..everywhere..expecially the arms!!!2 periods this month. .very heavy

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