Shaving after hsv2 first outbreak is over

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hello, i am curious. i cant find good reference on google. i was recently diagnosed with hsv2. i finished my medicine yesterday morning and as i am in NO rush to shave after the pain i just felt. i am wondering when if at all, ill be able to shave again? the over growth of hair after the two weeks of medicine is killing me.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    i'm currently going through the same but i'm experiencing outbreak number 2. i'm dying to shave down there but i'm not fully healed. I'm on anti virals and the 2 sores i have are clearing up , i think it would be okay to shave as long as you so do gently and all your sores are healed. I mean why should we have to stop grooming ourselves and living our lives right?! are you on supressive treatment?

    • Posted

      an i ask you guys a question? how long after exposure did you get your first outbreak? and what were your symptons? thank yo

    • Posted

      I also don't know exactly when i was infected, i been with the same partner sexually for nearly a year...we had unprotected sex. he did admit stepping out on me a few times smh but he claims he wore condoms (condoms don't prevent it 100%) anyway, ive never had any sympoms in the past and i'm the type of person who catches a cold immune system is weak. so i'm sure if i had this in my system awhile, i would of probally had symptoms. I thought i had a UTI for like 2 weeks prior and then it didnt get better and sores started to pop up down there and it hurt to pee. I went to the ER, got a swab test down and the rest is history ...

  • Posted

    can i ask you guys a question? how long adter exposure did you get your first outbreak? and what were your symptons? thank you

    • Posted

      i dont know when i contracted it. since you can go months without your first flare up after being infected. all i know is i thought i had a yeast infection until it didnt get better and it began hurting to pee.

    • Posted

      so you didnt have any sexual contact months before the first OB?

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      i had sex two weeks prior. but ive been with the same man for 5 years. so im not sure what triggered it..

  • Posted

    I'm not sure what suppressive treatments are to be honest. i was given a 10 day antiviral medicine and two additional 5 day dose in case i get another flare up. I'm terrified to do ANYTHING that would cause another flare to be honest. how far between were your first and second flare up?

    • Posted

      literally 3 days after my first outbreak was over (all the sores were gone) , i was done with all my pills and i had 3 days of peace and no pain or itching and then BAM i noticed another sore pop up. It was painless but pus filled. Then a few days later another sore popped up on my vagina lips . I been keeping a close eye down there and so far it's only those 2 sores this time (compared to my first outbreak which was dreadful) This time theres no burning when i pee, i just I have a lot of itching and discomfort. I'm back on the anti virals which seem to be healing them quickly...that was an indication to me that suppressive treatment might be my best bet. suppressive treatment just means you take the anti viral pills everyday to prevent outbreaks and its suppose to lessen the chances of transmisson to partners (but it isn't a guarantee)

    • Posted

      oh man....i'm 4 days past my last dose of antiviral med and im praying i dont get another flare up...or at least any time soon...

  • Posted

    It sounds like all of us have been recently diagnosed but I thought I’d go ahead and ask anyway. I think I might be experiencing my second outbreak. I’m six weeks past my first outbreak and I just feel off down there kind a like a burn. I wouldn’t call it an itch.. just a feeling of being uncomfortable..and maybe a little redness.. no sores or blisters. i take Suppressive therapy, a 1000 mg of lysine a day immune booster and vitamin B. I’m a control freak and the fact that I can’t control this disease I think upsets me more than anything... do you think im heading into another outbreak?

    • Posted

      that sounds like the beginning of another outbreak. the dr told me the moment i feel off/irritated/itchy to start antiviral meds. but i dont take suppresive treatments or anything else. i rarely get sick so i assume my immune system is fairly good.

  • Edited

    personally i wax and dont shave! i found that the regrowth and itchy/in growns from shaving really irritated me.

    i usually take 1g valtrex the day before the wax and 1g the day off and then my usual suppressive 500mg daily tablet after! havent had a outbreak since and the hair is gone for longer and not as irritating when growing back 😃

    • Posted

      ouch, i dont know if i could wax, lol. im not on suppressive treatments...whats is valtrex?

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