Shingles and work

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I was diagnosed with Shingles Tue. but actually had the rash at least on Fri. (how the ER AND Urgent Care didn't realize it was Shingles I don't know!) and I am on the anti-viral, gabapantin 2700mg and ibprofin 800mg. 

I teach 5th graders and I have now missed a full week of school, I am in A LOT of pain, and taking 2-3 hour naps still.  I really want to go back on Tuesday, but wanted to get people's opinions...I mean I guess I can be in pain at school just as well as at home, yes?  I just don't know what to do about work...Please give me your opinions...Thank you!

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    More tomorrow because it's 10:30pm here and my computer crashed so I lost my original message.  Yes, I am on an anti-viral; I was already on 600MG of gabapantin (300 x2 times a day- supposed to be 900 mg but that's another story).

    PLEASE KEEP THE ADVICE COMING.  The big thing is being a teacher is STRESSFUL just as much when you're not there as when you're there (sometimes moreso) that's part of my issue sad  

    I am going to start the B-12 again tomorrow, I also have been using Essential oil and destitin to help too. 

    Okay I am falling asleep LOL (I will fall asleep at the computer) so more tomorrow!

    Thank you!

    • Posted

      Thanks for the update, I was wondering. If you don't have an open rash, try the Aspercreme/Lidocaine, it's very effective. If you didn't get the anti-virals in the first 72 hours of symptoms, it may not help; your post sounds like it was well past that, unfortunately. How's your pain level? Yes, I know that's very subjective, but it may help you monitor your progress and for us to help you.  You also had mentioned you were on 2700 mg, so I'm glad it's a lower dose. BTW, don't worry if you make mistakes on this forum, between the Gab and the virus, my normally good spelling and grammar went down the tubes!! 

      In case you didn't know, Gab can affect higher-order-thinking skills and make it difficult to process as it works on the brain and the nerve signals.

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      I was a teacher also and know exactly what you mean.  However, shingles gets so much worse when you try to go on.  It's not like other diseases and it punishes you when you think you can resume regular activities too quickly.  I always went to school sick because it was just easier than trying to try to send in plans for a sub.  That was with OTHER illnesses.  Shingles is unlike anything I've ever had.  I am now beginning month five with it.  Luckily, I am now retired so I had the luxury of being able to rest as much as I needed in the early stages.  After a month or six weeks, I got MUCH better and just have a very tender place on the palm of my hand which extends up my thumb, so I'm virtually "over it" and can continue all of my regular activities.  However, I didn't cook much or do a lot of housekeeping before getting shingles, so I'm basically just doing very light housework and going to social engagements.  Hope you are getting some relief now.  I just wanted to warn you about trying to return to teaching too soon.

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    Okay now that it's not 10:30pm LOL- my shingles are halfway down my chest and go all the under my I side of my breast all the way to mid-back.   Currently they're itching more than anything!   The Dr. said to go get Calimine lotion to put over the Desitin to help with the itching.  Then she said I couldn't go back until all the sores were closed and no scabs.  So who knows when that'll be!  I can't really tell if the sores are open but I definately know I have scabs sad

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      I'm not sure if the doctor is trying to protect you by trying to limit your activity by using the healed rash as a marker or she doesn't understand shingles. Some people think it's contagious, it's not. If someone comes in contact with the weeping vesicles, they could get chicken pox if they never had them.  I just wanted to clarify this for you.  Not to mention, yours are under your clothes. I'm sorry I have no advice regarding your the itching  I never had it, other posts probably have advice. How's your pain?

    • Posted

      I am thinking of going back on Thurs.- the pain is still pretty bad but my class has had so many subs!  I can't stand it. 

      The only thing I am worried about is my co-teacher is pregnant...Do I need to make sure I stay away from her?  It's not itching as much anymore, now it's just about a level 6-7 on the pain scale right now...

    • Posted

      Hi rlyndecker,

      If your lesions are completely covered by clothing, then you are not contagious.

      I am sorry you are still suffering from the Herpes Zoster-Shingles. The fatigue can also be problematic months down the road as other symptoms wane.

      Please let me know how I can help you with any questions. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the US and have had Herpes Zoster-Shingles every three to five weeks for the past twenty years.

      Best wishes

      Merry Juliana

  • Posted

    Hi rlyndecker, are you taking the gabapantin for pain...I have been noticing a lot of people taking my understanding that is a pain pill...just wondering? The Dr wants me to take the anti viral med...valacyclovir 1gram a day for the rest of my life...they make me sick and dizzy..and have a whole lot of bad side shingles come and go and have for over a year now..just so confused..lots have severe pain..but mine symptoms are mainly itching and fatigue..and are on my lower back on the right side.
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      Gabapantin was originally prescribed 1800mg a day for Migraines; then my primary upped it for the Shingles for the pain.

      I'm so osrry that yours come and go.  I pray mine go and DON'T come back!

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       Gabapentin the generic form of Neurontin, is used to help combat nerve pain and treat other conditions such as epilepsy. It disrupts the pain signals to the nerves and interacts with the brain. I wasn't aware that Gift had been offered for migraines that's a new one for me.  when you mentioned wondering about your coworker being pregnant, first ask if she's ever had chickenpox. As I mentioned earlier the only way to get chickenpox is to come in direct contact with the open sores. It is not airborne like chickenpox it is not easy to infect anybody else with chickenpox  from your favorite vesicles. Excuse any errors please I am using text to speech as it's easier from here right now. Our Lynn you are still at a fairly high level of pain I guess I give you credit for trying to work through this but you need to let your body rest. Unfortunately what can happen if you push too much is that you can develop PHN  The conditions were the nerves are damaged and the pain doesn't last much longer months or years. It's difficult to predict who can get, and this age makes a difference.  The older you are it's more likely you can get it, it also depends on which part of your body was affected by dhingles. But the best thing is to not disrupt those nerve signals and let the body be as comfortable as possible during the stretch here. 

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      Hi Patti Tracy,

      I am sorry I didn't respond immediately to your post. I was on a driving trip to Florida down the East coast. My older medically fragile friend became ill and I was very concerned about her. I am now home.

      Please ask away. I am a Nurse Practitioner in the US. I also have had Herpes Zoster-Shingles every three to five weeks in my right ear for the past twenty years and twice in my right eye...

      I am so sorry you have this disease as I know how excruciating the pain is and am well aware of the accompanying symptoms.

      What medications are you on currently? What symptoms are you having presently? May I ask your age ?

      Best regards

      Merry Juliana

  • Posted

    I know the conundrum you are in. I teach 7th grade. I was in some pain, but did not have much of a rash. It was caught fairly early by a nurse practitioner. Started the antiviral pills and missed a few on the 8 hour mark, but finished them. I did go to school, but fell asleep for 2 to 3 hours as soon as I got home AND would sleep my normal amount at night. Slept 11 to 12 hours on Friday and Saturday night. Napped Sunday. Finally, took last Monday off and slept late. Went back to the doctor's again that afternoon. A different nurse practitioner told me I just need to rest. Wanted to prescribe an antidepressant for the pain. I would rather not take one, so she suggested Tylenol for the pain. It helps.

    I went in on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, but took off Friday and slept.

    I went in yesterday, and today is a snow day and I slept almost 12 hours. Walked the dog, pushed an electric snow blower for 15 minutes, walked the dog for 40 minutes, ate and took an hour nap.

    I have not done jazzercise for one month and I miss it.

    Hoping rest , fluids , and not beating myself up will help heal me. My school is quite stressful with some very helicopter parents who sometimes are very aggressive and, even, at times, threatening. I dot my i's and cross my t's and keep lots of documentation, but the environment is very taxing and stressful.

    If you can go in, do your job , and go home and rest, then go in. I did let my principal know that I had the shingles and that it was making me incredibly tired. She has been supportive, but I have not taken off a lot of days. I am trying to go in as much as possible, recognizing that I will have to take some days as needed. I told my students so that they understand that grading takes a longer time. I skipped a cell project that I normally do at this time so I would have one less thing to grade. My colleagues also know.

    Tell your principal, your students, and maybe their parents so that they are aware.

    Feel better rlyndecker. 🙂

    • Posted

      Donna,I know the idea of taking any medication may not appeal to you and you may be wondering why they suggested and "anti-depressant". Many drugs work on various problems. Anti-depressants often help with pain as it works on that part of the brain. Lyrica and Neurontin (Gabapentin) have multiple uses and often doctors add Cymbalta or other types of anti-d's which help with pain. My pain was so bad the pharmacist suggested adding one, but as my side-effects were bad enough from the Gab, I didn't want to try a new drug. As I taper off the Gab I may switch to it.

      Some of these drugs, like I mentioned may also help to prevent PHN, which I dreaded getting. I ended up with it anyway but I wonder if my rest, avoidance of pain (which set off the nerves) and use of the Gab have given me a much easier case of PHN than many others. Thank heavens you ot the anti-virals, many of us had such atypical symptoms it wasn't caught.

      Donna, I imagine that your posts are really helpful to Rlyn, thanks for addding that. Each of us has something to offer but there seem to be so many variations on this ridiculous/awful condition. I read as much as I can here or on reputable websites to learn as much as I can to help me get through this--call me a "life-long learner".  (I was on the school board for 20 years, so I understand the work you both do. Don't worry I was a good member not the kind you threw rocks at LOL!)

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      Thanks for your suggestion, babs. I can't do half days because of the way that my school system does subs.  And I know the reason that I am getting any support at all is because I am minimizing the impact to my students and school.  Normally, I would get push back for not doing the cell project.  I also said I could not meet with parents who wrote a very adversarial email because of the stress it was causing me .... and my principal agreed that meeting them would be stressful and detrimental to me and she met with them. (!) Sleeping is helping.  I might continue to take a day a week until spring break in early April. 

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      You're lucky break is early April- mine isn't unitl mid- April.

      I am going back Monday even though I still hurt A LOT.  I stayed home 2 weeks and pretty much did nothing the entire time except watch TV/sleep so hopefully that was good enough. 

      If worse comes to worse, I'll come home from school and take a nap but as it is I go to bed around 9-9:30...

      Doesn't it suck that we can't just do 1/2 days??? I didn't tell my Principal what was wrong, I was afraid the school would have to send home a letter and make a big to do about it. 

      Do you have anything that helps you during the day to help get you through the day? 

      Thank you!

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