Shingles - side effects
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I have read a lot of great informatinon on this forum, thank you! I was diagnosed with shingles on 7/21. I am 46 years old, and relatively healthy, as I am active and usually only get a cold and flu every year. Almost two weeks ago I started having some very strange symptoms, elevated blood pressure, headaches, digestion issues/dizziness, tingling and so on. This led to extreme anxiety After a week, I went to my doctor, and we were monitoring my heart. I didn't have any shortness of breath, but did have tingling in my neck and arms, so again, I was thinking the worst. After another few days, my symptoms were not getting better. I couldn't exercise, eat properly, work, concentrate or sleep. I was also getting dizzy. Around Wednesday 7/19, a rash started forming at the base of my neck. Felt like acne or ingrown hairs or something. I assumed that was just stress or me rubbing my neck so much. Then the rash got worse and was traveling up to the base of my skull. By Friday, I had enough of this. Almost two weeks of this suffering I went back to the urgent care. They did an ekg, they did blood work, and everything appeared to be ok. No infections they could see. Almost as an afterthought, I asked him to look at the rash on my neck. He immediately said it was shingles. He prescribed Valacyclovir and I started taking immediately.
Mentally, I started feeling better, so I went on to try and learn more about this. In the US, this is an "old person" disease, so I knew nothing, but learned this can happen at any age. I realized I was definitley experiencing a lot of the same symptoms as so many other.
So, I am near the end of day 3 of the treatment. I have felt a bit better, mentally and physically, but I still feel very "off". It is hard to explain, but it almost flu like, but no fever. I have bouts where I can't concentrate and can't engage in conversation. My bp is back to normal, and my dizziness/ear pain has really calmed down. I had a couple of new blisters show up yesterday, so I wonder if I am still is the "midst" of this. The rash doesn't seem to bother me too much, aside from some soreness on my neck and head. It is everything else that is freaking me out. I feel like I should be "turning the corner" and feeling healthy by now. Is it common for the sickness to go on for weeks? I see others have gone through this. Thank God I work from my home office, or I would have missed two weeks of work. I did take sick time for the worst days and doctor visits. I just still don't feel right as I get ready to start this work week. And I miss being a good husband and dad. I have been absolutely useless during this time.
Thank you all for advice, and for listening. Who knew shingles would be such a strange and stressful journey?
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MarthaSD bjorn12
June 20, 2018 Internal Shingles current experiences. After the rash is gone.
Hello ALL,
Thanks for the "NOT Trying to POWER Through It" advice and all the rest of your suggestions and experiences with the aftermath of having shingles!!! SUPER HELPFUL!!!
I'm at my 3 1/2 weeks of a 2nd shingles attack which was triggered by allergic reaction to CT using IV Iodine Contrast. The Shingles was overshadowed by my bad allergic reaction to the iodine contrast, so shingles was not diagnosed till later.
My1st Shingles attack was last Oct 2017. It was soooo mild I didn't even know I had it until the rash started to heal up...finally went into Urgent Care. It was a classic case. After rash was gone, I was still super tired/fatigued with some days not even feeling well enough to go to the food store or do things at home. Even after 2 months I was not feeling like my normal athletic self, but was able to start snow skiing for part-days. When I'm my normal healthy self I bike 40 miles in a day, snow ski all day, hike, Zumba classes, etc.
Currently, 2nd shingles attack; at 3/12 weeks.The Rash is gone...
But I continue to be:extremely tired/fatigued all the time; dizzy when stand/walk; stiff neck sometimes; headache sometimes and other less troubling things! At least the shingles pain is much less and I don't seem to need the cold pack on back & side of my neck/head as much.
Saw my new Internal Medicine doctor 2 days ago. We're taking an holistic approach. And she thinks my current symptoms should be basically gone in another 6 weeks.
1. Eat healthy; more protein, less carbs
2. Drink 80 to 100 oz of Water every day
3. Once a day, after a main meal: Take 1 Vit D3 5000 & 1 B complex
4. Daily light exercise, even if walking for just 5 minutes or just moving your arms above your head multiple times. Try to increase this slowly.
Since I've spent all morning at computer, with cold pack on neck, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm hoping enough energy to get out to food store...tbd. I have not even felt good enough to go out to the movies, and I have that moviepass card where I can see a movie once a day for only $10 bucks a month!...that's a steal! It works Great! and I'm hoping in the next week I'll feel good enough to start using it again.
What's been hard for me is that I have not been able to make plans with friends, or if I do, I end up cancelling because I'm not feeling well enough.
I do have better days and worse days. Like some of you have said, one has to look for improvement back to our weeks, months.
I'm optimistic and think by next ski season I will be back to being healthy AND back in shape...biking, skiing, etc. Hope I am right!!!???
I do plan to figure out how I can keep my immune system up at stronger level!
Hope you are having successes with your aftermath of Shingles!
Merry19451 MarthaSD
It sounds as if you are doing well after your second episode of Shingles. Your taking Vitamin D3 is excellent as Vitamin D contributes to immune function as well as many other systems. You might ask your Physician regarding the daily dose, as the usual daily dose is Vitamin D3 2000 IU. As Vitamin D3 is fat soluble, it can become toxic.
Another way to avoid recurrent Herpes Zoster-Shingles is to follow a High Lysine Low Arginine Diet. If you Google High Lysine Low Arginine Diet and Herpes, you will find information and tables on foods. Chocolate and Legumes and Nuts are high in Arginine.
Once I deleted nuts from my diet and started the Vitamin D3, the frequency and intensity of pain slowly dwindled.
The exhaustion and fatigue and dizziness are difficult to deal with in the aftermath of Shingles, but just take it day by day. It does get better with time.
Best Wishes
Merry Juliana
nikki65246 Merry19451
I realized had had shingles 2 weeks ago...lying and bed (Sunday) with shooting pain in my arm that had been causing me grief for at least the entire week prior.
A rash appeared on my chest...aahh...shingles?
In the week(s) prior I was feeling as though I had lymphoma (Have a friend that just went through stem cell...was this a sympathy pang?)...was I having a heart attack?...Did I hurt myself throwing hay and just not able to see a scrape on the inside of my arm? I am 50 now...aches come with this number?
I had already requested a couple of additional days off that week prior to my diagnosis...of course I was off from work so that we could replace our roof.....funny..shingles all around?
Doctor confirmed shingles that Monday morning so I started my prescription but turned down pain meds and stuck with Ibuprofen.
Rash followed my left side under my arm pits and to my should blade. (Maybe in my lymph nodes) I took crazy amounts of b-12 and vitamin C. Continued work (physical work "equine feces removal specialist" and rested in my evenings.
I Finished my script on the following Monday morning and my rash looks amazing with help of calamine wash, alcohol rub with Epsom salt, after sunburn aloe with lidocaine, bactine spray, and coconut oil was awesome, and corn starch. (sharing in case anyone is looking for remedies)
My rash was only "active" Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday..then there were no new patches.
Currently, 2 weeks after the first rash, my pain is still there in my lymph nodes at random times. It is like a phantom pain that just happens...bam...Nerve SHOCK/JOLT!
I was surprised that my pain was feeling like I was recovering from getting the wind knocked out of me. Pain from my chest to my shoulder ache..
Last night I skipped a clambake...I feel as though I have mono?...I feel good but then I get a wave of exhaustion at the end of the day...How long will this last?
When I walk up hill I feel as though I have asthma. Some of this is also due to the fact that I am crazy anemic..(feminine issues..)..which of course keeps me a little run down and these 2 issues may continue feeding off of one another! ....booo
I will be returning to the Doctor in a couple of weeks after I have some blood work.
I appreciate this forum as I don't have "time" to be sick...I don't want family asking if I am feeling ok because I will not be that person to whine....I do feel "normal" while I am completing my physical tasks at work...however I know that my energy is just not there.
Anyway, reading that you are not alone and that even though the rash isn't present I may be feeling the effects is nice.
One question that I have is that I am expecting a grandson in a few weeks. If I am still feeling the affects of it in my system enough to pass to a newborn?
Merry19451 nikki65246
Congratulations on expected birth of your grandson!
You are not contagious as soon as the vesicle-blisters have all scabbed over. If they are all gone, it certainly is not an issue.
Regarding the electric jolts, that is shingles. The more active and physical exertion you do, especially with that arm, the worse it can become. It is nerve pain.
The exhaustion and fatigue symptoms are part of Shingles and can last for months. If you have unresolved GYN issues causing anemia, please see an excellent boarded gynecologist to ascertain the cause of the bleeding, ie uterine polyps, cancer, hormonal.You should be treated for the anemia with iron, as it places a load on your heart.
Even when you are walking, and you feel exhausted from shingles, you should not feel short of breath like you have asthma. That makes me think your hemoglobin and hematocrit are in the "critical range."
Get checked out before your grandson arrives so you can enjoy him! You need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.
Please let me know how your visit to the GYN goes.
Best Wishes
Merry Juliana
nikki65246 Merry19451
Thanks Merry!
I appreciate the thorough and caring response.
It would seem that shingles had been around for years but it doesn't mean that everyone responds the same!
My iron is another story and my next appointment may be the one that send me in for the drip....
You are awesome!!
Have a fantastic day!
Merry19451 nikki65246
I am a Nurse Practitioner who also worked on a dairy farm in Connecticut. I used to care for the calves and called it pediatrics. I guess, in addition to stacking 60 lbs bales of hay in the hay mow in August, I was a "bovine feces removal specialist. " I used to call it "shoveling s***," in the 1970s! LOL!
Best Wishes!
Merry Juliana
MarthaSD Merry19451
Thanks sooooo much for all your advice!!!
Yes, sounds like I have TOOOO much of the Arginine in my system! Peanuts & nuts have been a BIG part of my diet, since trail mix had become a main part of my daily diet...out biking, hiking, etc. Plus I guess I'm low on protein too, I need to eat more meat, chicken & fish.
Thanks for heads up about vitamin D3. I decided to buy the 1000 D3, since 5000 D3 sounds like too much of an overkill, and I can take one or more daily and see how it goes. My doctor did tell me to take the vitamins AFTER a big meal and drink 80-100oz of water a day.
Thanks for your help!
MarthaSD nikki65246
Thanks for sharing! I'm at 4 1/2 weeks now, and I'm not feeling "normal" yet, but am slightly improving. The right diet and vitamins sounds like can really make a significant difference!
nikki65246 Merry19451
check out where I call home to work....Mohonk
And now you know how to make even shoveling sounds amazing!! with Martha...nuts are a big part of my diet and if you cut me...I bleed chocolate....NOOOOOO!
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MarthaSD bjorn12
Great to hear you are back to your normal fitness! I need to eat a lot more protein in meat, chicken, & fish than I usually do. Plus my doctor as recommended some vitamins.
THANKS so much for your encouragement!!!
susan91322 bjorn12
I didnt think shingles would have any lasting affects on my body how wrong i was . I was working full time in a care home had a rash on my back thought it was a heat rash but had all the other symptoms flu like went to doctors because i thought i had hurt my back , this happened over xmas so put it down to stress anyway still off work feel very anxious before all this i was at the gym 3 times a week looking back dont no how i managed to do all that with having the affects off shingles