Shingles without the rash

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For about two weeks I was experiencing pain on my right side, around my rib area to under my breast bone. It was an odd pain, nothing like I've had before, it felt as though someone punched me really hard. I thought it was just a muscle strain from so much coughing as I had pneumonia, but the pain didn't go away when the cough did, the pain got worse, and it was constant and would not respond to over the counter pain meds. It got to the point I was crying from the pain. All I can describe it as if someone beat the s**t out of me and left me there, or a car ran over my side. I had no burning, no tingling, no rash. It is a scary pain.

Nonetheless I was still diagnosed with shingles, and given anti virals and pain meds. Within a week I felt a lot better, now the pain is mostly gone, thank God.

Shingles also makes you feel lightheaded, faint, weak, unwell in yourself, not right. Before I got the pain I had a few days of feeling really weak and not right and thought I was going to pass out. Funny that as I remember a day before I got Chicken Pox, years ago, I felt really off.

Terrible thing to get. Now fearing getting it again so will look into a vaccine.

Just wanted to post this in case there are any of you who are wondering if its possible to have shingles without the rash. Yes, it is. Not common, but possible. It is also possible for the band of pain to shift, rather than just stay in one place. In my case my pain started on my right side, then went to my left side, same area of my rib/breastbone.

Hope this helps some people - if this is you, go to your doctor, the anti virals really work fast and the pain meds make it bearable. Paracetamol is not enough for this. Neither is co-codamol. You need either a med that dulls the nerve endings, or an opiate

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    Hi Danielle,

    4 Years ago I felt feverish, weak, in pain. Cant remember if I had a band of pain near my Kidneys, but I was definatly unwell.

    I was a big GYM nut, every day 2 classes sometimes, Dancing as well. 

    All this stopped when these symptoms came up :-(

    I had scans and heaps of Blood test but no one ever tested if I had Shingles over the 4 years.... until 2 weeks ago.

    As far as I knew I never had Chicken Pox or Shingles... Doctor called me a 'Carrier', kids had the chicken pox's but I never had any signs of it, no rash.

    My bloods came back recently with  varicella-zoster virus detected ..... now all made since, why I was so sick and why I had unexplained Neuralgia in my left side of my face.

    I now have Postherpetic Neuralgia through my face which gives me great pain.

    Most meds give you such side effects that half the time you dont know where you are or what you are doing.

    Wish you all the best Danielle.... you are not alone in this.

  • Posted

    I know what you mean.  I have tried so many meds for pain.  Everything makes me feel lightheaded.  I tried Cymbalta and I was a mess for 3 days, Nausea, abdominal pain, headache, ears ringing, no appetite, exhausted, no energy and short of breath I think do to the anxiety from the side effects.  How can they make these meds and expect you to take them if they make you sicker than when you started.
    • Posted

      The only medication (and I was on all of them) that gave me relief was methadone. I also have post herpathic neuralgia and it's back, even with the methadone, but not as bad. The doc said that it was brough back by the cold. Hope it subsides as spring approaches --I am in New York.
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      i get these symptoms with NOthing BUT TYLENOL. I THINK ITS THE SHINGLES

  • Posted

    Thank you for this. I was told I had the shingles 20 months ago in my head. The whole of the left side of my head was like a burning furnace, go thought it was cluster headaches, the a consultant said I had shingles. I had no rash on my face or head, just unbearable burning pain in my head. I had this for 4 weeks before I saw a consultant I was then put on Gabapeptim and antitriplyn . I was told I now had post herpeptic nuralgia . I  had never heard of this before I lost my job, because I was off work soo long and between pain and the drugs there were days when you didn't know how you would get through . I don't know when this will go away, I am still on medication and have days when my head is sore, or my face feels tight and weird. I hope there is a complete recovery for me,as I hope for anyone else out there who suffers from this. I do find meditation and rest are the best, and I keep taking the tablets but t sometimes there are days when you have things to do . People can't see this and so you may look alright on the outside but the pain is always there.
    • Posted

      Hello, I am responding to your post regarding the pain on the left side of your head.  I have exactly the same thing and have for several years now.  I also get a numbness and burning red hot on the left side of my face and an itcy and slightly painful inner ear.  I am not sure if all this is connected and am curious what more you have learned to confirm these symptons are actually shingles and what meds you use.  I am already on gabapentin for an unrelated condition, or maybe its not.  Its for the nerve pain in my left shoulder. My left eye also swells up and I suspect my vision is affected as well. 

      Any further information you have to share with me is greatly appreciated.  I'd like to know what othere medications are out there that could help me with this severe head pain.



      Do you have anything to share with me that could help me figure out whats happening to me?  My

    • Posted

      Hi Irene,

      I have Shingles or Ramsay Hunt Syndrome-Herpes Zoster Oticus in my right ear every three to five weeks for the last 19 years. It starts with a severe right sided headache, worse than a migraine. My first episode felt like I was trying to give birth via my ear canal while someone was inserting a boiling electrified cattle prod into my brain.

      I do get vesicles on my ear drum, a right facial droop. I take Famvir 500mg 3x daily x 7 days at first onset of pain now, and the episodes are not nearly as severe as the first. I would see an excellent ENT or neurotologist for diagnosis. I saw two highly rude ENTs in the States, then a kind and wonderful neurotologist who diagnosed it.

      It appears that the NHS only prescribes Acyclovir, which is less effective than Famvir or Valtrex in treating the recurrent Zoster-Shingles.

      Please feel free to Email me as I am a

      Nurse Practitioner in the States and like to help fellow sufferers.

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Hi Merry,

      I got my first experience with internal shingles last year in the month of may. I was detected with shingles without rash. It all started with pain in my right ear and feeling of weakness and nausea a week before the pain started. Pain in the ear was usually accompanied by severe headaches.It took about a month and three doctors to diagnose the shingles.

      I was put on a medication of aciclyovir. It took almost a month to recover from the pain. But still pain sometimes crops up. From past one week I have been experiencing same feeling of weakness and nausea. Also the pain in the right ear is increasing. I fear this might be my second encounter with herpes zoster oticus.I initially feared that getting such shingles are pretty abnormal and that to repeatedly. After reading your post I got a lot of confidence and I feel your pain, especially one in the ear.

    • Posted

      Dear Alamdar,

      I am so sorry for your suffering. It sounds as if you have Herpes Zoster Oticus which is also called Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, especially if you have Facial Drooping. You need to start the antivirals immediately. I become ataxic, or off balance before and during each bout, as the virus is attacking your Vestibular nerve as well as your Facial nerve. Please make certain you receive opioid analgesics from the physician, as well. Many physicians tend to skimp on this, but I don't believe patients should suffer. Remember you have a viral illness and get plenty of rest. You need to recover from this completely. Your body needs plenty of sleep for the next few weeks so obey your body's strong hints and sleep.

      I was getting the recurent Herpes Zoster Oticus in my right ear every three to five weeks for the last 19 years. I know and understand the pain.

      Please let me know how you do and if you have any specific questions.

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Hi Juliana,

      I have had reoccuring shingles with no rash for almost 2years and was told similar info that the valtrex is better than generci valocyclvir. the generic is like $30 the valtrex is $400-500! the pharmacists all told me there is zero differnce (one pharmacist told me that the drugs are required to be at least 95% the same but can have 5% differences and that is the fillers) but my dr says shes seen  brand work alot better and to get it if i could afford, which i can get the funds together if it will really work better but after hearing every pharmacist tell me that there is virtually no differnce & tell me that alot of  drs like to beleive this but its not  really true, i didnt spend the $ on it, (we have 4 kids and $ is always tight!) Do you have any advice or data to back up if brand is truly better than generic for treating reoccuring shingles with no rash? thank you!  Holly

    • Posted

      Hi Holly,

      Holly is my identical twin's name... I am so sorry you have this excruciating disease.

      Actually, I take the generic Valcyclovir, not the Valtrex. I would not waste my money on the brand name medication. The difference is the following : generic drugs dosage have to fall within 95% of the dosage of the brand name medication. That is in the States. The UK has similar strict rules. I frankly would ask for Famvir or Famcyclovir, which is slightly more efficacious than Valtrex or Acyclovir. Famvir has a different mode of action. Famvir works better for me.

      Also, please make sure you have a supply of Opioids as I take them for 3-4 days. The pain is agonizing without the Opioids.

      How often do you get Zoster-Shingles? Where is it?

      Money is tight for me, as well, so I completely understand. In this case, ask for Famcyclovir, and you probably will find you will feel better faster, and with less pain.

      Also, as I have had Herpes Zoster Oticus in my right ear every three to five weeks for the last 20 years, I have recognized certain symptoms and signs that always precede the disease. It is a true viremia.

      Most of us have aches and pains, headache, fever, fatigue, chills and sweating, malaise, weakness. I become ataxic as have it in my right ear. I also get swollen lymph nodes in my right neck.

      I know to start my antivirals before the onset of pain in my ear. In that way, I reduce the intensity and duration of illness.

      I tried taking Valtrex and Famvir low dose daily to suppress the shingles, but that didn't work. There is a new Shingles vaccine coming out on the market soon, that is supposed to be much better than the current one. I had the old vaccine Zostavax, and it did not reduce my outbreaks of shingles.

      I hope this has helped you.

      Best Wishes

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Hi Merry

      I have been suffering since Tuesday with what they first diagnosed me with as a corneal ulcer. I've went to see the surgeon for 2 days in a row with severe pain in my scalp and eye, vision in just my eye is almost non-existing. Yesterday he told me that he believes that I have shingles. I have to revisit him on Monday. I have other symptoms that are accompanying this also. I spoke with my mom lastnight and I was diagnosed with shingles when I was around 6 years old also. I am almost 40 now....I also have sarcoidosis along with many other health problems. HELP


      Sleepless in Delaware

    • Posted

      Dear Gwendolyn,

      I am so sorry for your suffering from this excruciating disease.

      Where are you in Delaware?

      I am very familiar with Delaware..

      It sounds as if Zoster-Shingles really has you in one of the worst sites possible, the eye. Hopefully, the ophthalmologist started you on antivirals immediately and anti-inflammatory eye drops. I have had Herpes Zoster in my eye twice. I get it in my right ear every three to five weeks for the last 20 years. Twice, it spread to my eye, as well...not fun.

      As you are well aware with the sarcoidosis, you are predisposed to Herpes Zoster due to the autoimmune disease. You probably have/had aches and pains, headache, fever, malaise, fatigue, chills and sweating, and fatigue with this. Also, I experience photophobia. The fatigue can last for a couple of months, especially with your other diseases.

      If you are in severe pain, I would ask the physician to prescribe an opioid for the excruciating pain as the eye pain is agonizing. I know as I had it. The ear pain is too.

      Who is your rheumatologist in Delaware, if you don't mind my asking...

      I am a Nurse Practitioner in the States.

      Please let me know how I can help you.

      Best Wishes

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Hi Merry

      Thank you for your reply

      They haven't put me on anti viral meds...just eye drop and oral...and a steroid eye drop...I go back to surgeon Monday. He also wants me to see a pain management dr. I see Dr hosny whom I'm not thoroughly impressed with but he is not who diagnosed me with sarcoidosis.

      I just have more unanswered questions than I do answers at this point.

      And I'm from Dover

    • Posted

      Hi, Merry19451 

      I was told I have Shingles.  I have no rash or blisters just like a brush burn on my left shoulder blade and then hurting stabbing pain under my arm and my left breast and right above it.  Had no idea what it was.  Went to my doctor and she put me on Acyclovir and my cardiologist did an EKG to be sure it wasn't my heart.  EKG was fine.  So I am taking the Acyclovir and Tramadol for the pain.  It still hurts but no rash anywhere or blisters.  Am I contagious?  Will I still get a rash and /or blisters? I am 61 yrs. old.


    • Posted

      Hi Janet,

      I'm so sorry for your suffering.

      If it has been several days since the pain started, I doubt the rash will appear. If the pain is intolerable, ask your physician for an Opioid such as oxycodone. Tramadol is a mild analgesic. Also, ask for Neurontin or Lyrica to help with the neuropathic pain. You actually have a viremia and probably experienced the following symptoms: headache, fever, weakness, sweating, chills, aches and pains, malaise, and fatigue.

      If you have no rash, you are not contagious, as shingles spread by the open contents of the vesicles-blisters.

      The rash usually appears within 2-3 days of onset of pain. I hope this helps.

      Please let me know how I can help you.

      Best Wishes

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Thank you, Merry, for responding back to me. I have been on the Acyclovir for 5 days now and have taken Tramadol a few times and some Tylenol. Don't have severe pain, just uncomfortable stings and jabbing feelings but it does hurt as well. I thought the only way you would be contagious is if you had rashes and/or blisters. Thank you for confirming that for me. Could I still get them?
    • Posted

      As you have been on Acyclovir for 5 days, which probably means you have had the pain for six days, I highly doubt it. The best way to recovery is to rest, complete the antivirals, and take the analgesics as needed. Fatigue can last 4-6 weeks, as you have a true viremia circulating in your body. Be kind to yourself.

      Best Wishes

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Hi Merry

      I have what appears to be a few really itchy insect bites on chest and back, left side. Have had them about 10 days. At same time have what feels like a thin line of pain inside which goes from the "bites" on my back through to the "bites" on my front. Not at all terrible, though ive sometimes taken paracetamol for it at night. Was just intrigued as to what it could be. It doesnt even feel serious enough to go to the doctor about. It just suddenly occurred to me, could it be a mild case of shingles? I've got no rash, but just what seem like these few very itchy insect bites and this "connecting" pain inside. I'm 66

    • Posted


      Try an amino acid L-Lycene. I take 500mg daily for post shingles symptoms. It is OTC and can't hurt, may give you some relief.


    • Posted

      That's kinda sorta what I'm going through right now at some point I feel like I'm being misdiagnosed went to the Urgent Care today and I told them my symptoms they informed me that it was shingles I have no rash no fever no breakdowns no lesions no blisters none of that sort however because of the symptoms which is pain in my left side rib cage and a itchy feeling they have for me that it was shingles gave me a prescription for Valtrex and Tramadol by the way I'm only 38

    • Posted

      i also had the droop and thought it was brain surgery but now I THINK SHINGLES

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