Shingles without the rash

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For about two weeks I was experiencing pain on my right side, around my rib area to under my breast bone. It was an odd pain, nothing like I've had before, it felt as though someone punched me really hard. I thought it was just a muscle strain from so much coughing as I had pneumonia, but the pain didn't go away when the cough did, the pain got worse, and it was constant and would not respond to over the counter pain meds. It got to the point I was crying from the pain. All I can describe it as if someone beat the s**t out of me and left me there, or a car ran over my side. I had no burning, no tingling, no rash. It is a scary pain.

Nonetheless I was still diagnosed with shingles, and given anti virals and pain meds. Within a week I felt a lot better, now the pain is mostly gone, thank God.

Shingles also makes you feel lightheaded, faint, weak, unwell in yourself, not right. Before I got the pain I had a few days of feeling really weak and not right and thought I was going to pass out. Funny that as I remember a day before I got Chicken Pox, years ago, I felt really off.

Terrible thing to get. Now fearing getting it again so will look into a vaccine.

Just wanted to post this in case there are any of you who are wondering if its possible to have shingles without the rash. Yes, it is. Not common, but possible. It is also possible for the band of pain to shift, rather than just stay in one place. In my case my pain started on my right side, then went to my left side, same area of my rib/breastbone.

Hope this helps some people - if this is you, go to your doctor, the anti virals really work fast and the pain meds make it bearable. Paracetamol is not enough for this. Neither is co-codamol. You need either a med that dulls the nerve endings, or an opiate

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  • Posted

    Thank you dear for posting this. I have been suffering like this for a few weeks now, but since I don't have a rash, I never thought of shingles, but today my teenager has been diagnosed with it, only he has a rash on his back. So it makes me wonder if I have it and passed it onto him bless gp is so unbelieving though, so I doubt he will accept this theory. But nevetheless, thank you for posting.
  • Posted

    Danielle thank you...I have pneumonia now and think I may be getting the shingles..your information was very helpful.
  • Posted

    it was so helpful to read this post.  I've had excrutiating pain over left flank/back and wrapping around to my abdomen for the past 2 weeks.  I've been to 2 ER's, private MD, had a CT scan, MRI, and several blood tests.  Everyone ruled out Shingles because there was no rash. I'm going back to my MD tomorrow and asking for the shingle blood test. these postings have been so helpful  thank you!
    • Posted

      Dear Annie,

      If the pain is lancinating, excruciating, nonstop, and only on one side, it certainly could be shingles without the rash or "Zoster Sine Herpete." Ask the physician to look it up if he is unfamiliar with this concept. Many people on this site have had it. You didn't mention your age or any medical conditions that might predispose you to Herpes Zoster-Shingles. It does take a few weeks for the immunoglobulin titers to rise for Herpes Zoster if you do have it. FYI. I will post this and look up exactly the duration of IGG and IGM


    • Posted

      Thank you!  I have an appointment this morning and will ask her about both Herpes  zoster and Zoster sine Herpete.  I had anothr painfilled night last night and nothing has changed over the 2 weeks. I'm 64 yrs and work full time as an org. consultant with lots of travel.  I've been extremenly busy for the last 6 months.  I'm healthy and walk, do yoga, etc, no surgeries, no meds, so this is driving me crazy.
    • Posted


      The pain of shingles at our age (I am 64, as well) is constant, boring, electric, lancinating. It would not be similar to muscle spasms. It is usually excruciating. The Varicella titer IgM should have risen by two weeks. IgG would be positive, showing a prior chickenpox infection. It would rise later.

      These are not specific or sensitive tests, meaning there are false negatives, time wise.

      If the excruciating pain was preceded by a few days of some of these symptoms such as headache, joint and muscle aches, malaise, fatigue, chills and sweating, malaise, weakness, photophobia, this is considered the preeruptive or prodromal phase of Zoster-Shingles. Usually, pain occurs, followed by the rash. Obviously, the disease fails to read the text book and many physicians are abysmally ignorant regarding this disease!

      Let me know how you do!

      Best of luck!


    • Posted

      Hi Merry and everyone else here. I'm Jules from the US. I alm so glad to find this page! I have had increasing burning, itching pain, inflammation, pain in the cheekbone, ear and eye problem and it often turns into infection up into my forehand on the left side of my face for way too long. The ENT I've been seeing has been great. I've seen him one to two times a month for almost a year, but this has been going on for a long time. He did mention shingles a while ago. I have no external symptoms. When it gets bad enough, it does turn into an infec, which usually travels down the complete left side of my body and we go to antibiotics. He has been generous with the narcotic pain meds. He actually looks inside my sinus cavity with a small scope every time I go. I've been on prescription nasal rinses with many things in it from him. I'm getting really bad again, seeing him next week. I'm going to ask him about the possible shingles he mentioned. Thanks again, Jules.
    • Posted

      Hi Jules,

      Do you have vesicles-blisters type rash on your left face, as well? How long do these episodes of infections last? How often are you getting these infections? Are you placed on any antivirals or antibiotics at the onset of the infection? How are are you? Do you have any other medical conditions? Are you immunocompromised?

      What other symptoms do you have with these infections?

      With Herpes Zoster-Shingles, during the preeruptive phase, an individual may present with the following symptoms: headache, fever, chills and sweating, malaise, fatigue, weakness, photophobia. The pain usually precedes the rash, which erupts in crops of vesicles-blisters over a period of five days. It can take up to a month for them to crust over, especially if the rash is a large area. The fatigue usually lasts longer.

      Where do you live in the States? I currently live in Delaware.

      I have Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, Herpes Zoster Oticus in my right ear, and get it every 3-5 weeks for the last 20 years. Your ENT physician will be familiar with this rare occurence. My son sees the vesicles-blisters in the ear canal, but most of the inflammatory process is behind the eardrum, on the auditory and facial nerves, deep inside my head. Yikes! I understand your pain! I take Famvir, an antiviral at the first inkling of pain, which decreases the duration and intensity of pain. If it is Herpes Zoster-Shingles, you might ask him for an antiviral to start ASAP for 7 days.

      I am a Nurse Practitioner and am very familiar with diagnosing, treating and advocating for patients with Herpes Zoster-Shingles.

      I look forward to hearing from you!

      Best regards!

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Hi Merry, thanks for responding so quickly. It's the middle of the night and had started a response, but accidentally hit the wrong button and lost it. I will write it tomorrow. Thanks again. Jules.
    • Posted

      Yes this blog is so informational I was thinking because I didn't have a rash that I was misdiagnosed but we will see I've been on medicine for 2 days now so let me see how this work it's Valtrex and they gave me a high dose

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      I have been dealing with this issue for nearly 2 years. I am currently diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and am maxed out on gabapentin, which has little, if any, effect on the pain. My pain is right side only facial, eye, scalp, and forehead area. Stinging, burning, electric shock, tingling, and throbbing. I do have a small bump on my scalp that is painful to the touch. Am wondering if shingles is a possibility? I am seeing my neurologist next week and want to bring up the subject. Any advice would be very helpful. I feel like I am at my wit's end! 

    • Posted

      Hi Jessica,

      Sorry for the delay in responding. I have been ill.

      It seems you have V1 trigeminal neuralgia, that could have been caused by Herpes Zoster-shingles. Usually, the classic Trigeminal Neuralgia only occurs in the lower mandibular and maxillary branch. TN is one sided. May I ask your age?

      The classic TN or Tic Douleureux is treated with the drug of choice, Carbamazine. The two other drugs are Baclofen and Lamotragine. If the Neurontin isn't working, has he tried you on other medications?

      Why not? Two years is a long time to try only one medication. Is the pain the sudden lancinating ice pick sudden pain that disappears, only to reoccur again and again? Or is a constant burning pain?

      Has he done an MRI to rule out a tumor(probably benign) or compression of the artery that could be causing the problem?

      Has he done antibodies IgG IgM to test for Herpes Zoster?

      I am a Nurse Practitioner in the States and have had Herpes Zoster in my right ear every three to five weeks for the past twenty-one years.

      I look forward to hearing from you.

      Best Wishes

      Merry Juliana

  • Posted

    Hi Danielle,

    I know you posted this over a year ago, but I am glad you did as I to have the same symptoms, gone through so many tests and doctors dont know what it is. But the shingles makes alot of sence just wondering if you remember what kind of medication were you given to help you with this?



    • Posted

      I've just experienced the same symptoms no rash little pain left rib cage under left breast a little swollen but no rash the medicine the dr. Prescribed what is Valtrex for me

  • Posted

    I have been suffering with chronic pain starting on the lower right waist area and wrapping around the front pelvic area. I have had mri, ctscan a, blood work, hid a scan, colonoscopy and endoscopy. They can find nothing wrong with me. The pain is constant, burning and severe. I have taken 2 Lortab 10mg then three hours 2 morphine and nothing touches it. It hurts to touch also. The only thing I haven't had done was a kidney specialist check. Any ideas!! I did have shingles but only had a couple of break out blisters on the same side of the body but no blisters along waist or back area.

    • Posted


      Where were the blisters, did the pain start at the same time as the blisters, and how long have you had the pain? How old are you? Do you have any medical conditions? Are you immunocompromised with such diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, Sjogrens Syndrome, Psoriasis, or ITP, or have Cancer, or on Corticosteroids? Do you have a history of having had chickenpox? What is your occupation?

      I am a Nurse Practitioner in the States. I have had recurrent Herpes Zoster-Shingles every 3-5 weeks for the past 20 years in my right ear and twice in my right eye.

      Best wishes,

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted


      10 days ago on my right side, i began having a sore throat and ear pain. It progressed to almost unbearable. I had hypersensitivity on the top of my head, right side of my face and my outer ear was read and swollen. I was extremely painful to touch my outer ear. I went to an physician and was precrisbed antibiotics for an ear infection. 3 days later, i could barely function because the pain was so intense in my ear and face. The hypersensitivity has traveled to just below my shoulder bone. I went to my regular PCP. He did a CBC - normal, and said that he really felt like this could be shingles. He prescriped Valtrex. I started that on Friday and by Saturday night, I could see some improvment. Now Monday, I still have intense pain in my ear, but my throat is much better and the hypersensitivity is now only about the diameter of an orange right around my ear. Thank goodness for my PCP realizing the pain I was in and figurering out the cause. Based on what i have read about you, do you think this is something that i can expect to reoccur?  I wonder if the rounds of steriods i have been on recently due to sudden onset meet allergy (ALPHA GAL) caused my immune system to be weakened?



    • Posted

      Dear Pam,

      You certainly have been through the wringer! First, Alpha GAL, and then Herpes Zoster-Shingles! The corticosteroids definitely could have lowered your immunity to trigger Herpes Zoster-Shingles. May I ask how old you are and where you live?

      Thank goodness your PCP is a sharp diagnostician! You were placed on Valtrex almost immediately, which will definitely lessen the intensity of the pain, the course, and the duration of the episode. Hopefully, he gave you strong analgesics, as well!

      As you are in excruciating pain, and I believe you may have Herpes Zoster Oticus or Ramsey Hunt Syndrome, this is the regimen that works for me. (I get what you have every 3-5 weeks for the past 20 years in my right ear and twice in my right eye. What fun! But I still love my life!)

      I take oxycodone for usually 3-4 days until the antiviral kicks in. I am on Topamax, an anticonvulsant, daily as it reduces the neurogenic pain. I also use Auralgon ear drops, which contain Benzocaine, a numbing agent, which sooths my ear drum and ear canal. Using three medications, plus rest and sleep, help tremendously in alleviating the pain and suffering from this disease.

      My main concern is that you need to be as free from pain as possible. Studies show that individuals who have less pain and are free from pain at the end of one month of the episode did not suffer from Post Herpetic Neuralgia PHN or the painful recurrences that I have.

      My initial episode of Herpes Zoster-Shingles was extremely traumatic in that I had the agonizing pain you have. I felt like I was giving birth through my ear canal while being electrocuted there and constantly burned.

      My allergist referred me to two ENTs who thought I was narcotic seeking. The third one, after three weeks believed in me and finally diagnosed me when the vesicles-blisters appeared in my right ear canal.

      You probably also have exhaustion and fatigue, which is why it is important to rest.

      As I have major major issues with allergies, including anaphylaxis to medications, foods containing sulfites, I am guessing you have been on a wild ride until your allergy was diagnosed. I had to figure out the sulfite allergy on my own.

      I believe that as my own Herpes Zoster-Shingles was not adequately diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, plus having had severe chickenpox as a child, predisposed me to recurrent Herpes Zoster-Shingles. I also had a stressful life, once the Zoster-Shingles started, as a single mother, working as a Nurse Practitioner.

      Please let me know how else I can help you.

      Best wishes.

      Keep me posted.

      Merry Juliana


    • Posted

      I am 51 and live in Arkansas. As far as the ALPHA GAL goes, I basically researched and diagnosed myself. Having found a physican that is famililar with the allergy and ordering the test prior to my visit scheduled for August 16 was pretty amazing. Not to mention emailing me with the results. However, she did not send my my specific levels.

      I certainly hope that I do not get the Shingles in my ear again,(or anywhere else) but if i do, i will definetly ask for something for pain other than tylenol/ibuprofen. So glad i found your initial post in doing my research. I am so very sorry that you experience this so often. 

      Your description of the pain was on point. I know that people believed me that i was in pain, but i dont think they really understand the intensity. Because I look normal and have been working each day. But as soon as I get home, I lay down!


    • Posted


      As I have suffered from multiple drug allergies, and more recently food and sulfite and nitrite allergies, I know first hand how difficult it is to discover the allergen causing the allergic reaction. my case, I had pravastatin, mango tea, and sulfites all causing severe allergies. I finally figured it out. The allergist certainly didn't.

      There is a new vaccine for Herpes Zoster-Shingles that is more efficacious than the current Vaccine Zostavax.




    • Posted

      Dear Pam,

      I am sorry my session ended last night, but the Keyboard I had installed on the new phone was terrible. As you can't see from the mistakes at the end, it was misbehaving.

      I finally installed the old standby, Google keyboard.

      As I was stating, the new vaccine Shingrex, is 97% efficacious, as opposed to Zostavax, which has a dwindling efficacy of 57-33% as one ages. Shingrex is to be presented to the FDA anytime in 2016, hopefully approved, and start distribution in 2017.

      I hope you are beginning to recover from the pain, at least, a little... What type of work so you do?

      Best regards,

      Merry Juliana

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