Short period?
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Hi ladies. My period only lasted for 3 days. Normally I am 5-7 days. It was relatively light as well. Does this mean my estrogen is low? My estradiol was 69 which was drawn day 20 of my 27 day cycle. I know these things go up and down. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts? Thanks
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gailannie 2chr2015
Yes that is awfully low for estradiol at that point in the cycle. A shorter and lighter also indicates that throughout the month you weren't prodicing a lot of estrogen, but enough to create a period.
I had shorter and lighter cycles like this also, in perimenopause. It was also the only time I got hot flashes and night sweats. Neve had them again, even when entering menopausal statis.
2chr2015 gailannie
It was my gp, not my GYN
chrisann144 2chr2015
Just to let you know our hormones are all over the place when your in peri that's why it's hard to say a definitive diagnosis and some Drs are so textbook that if its not written it can't be! I was a nurse worked with some Drs like that anyway I have stayed away from the blood work so far just have a million symptoms lol now my friend last year was bleeding bad and had blood work done and was told no she is not in Peri this year had her bloodwork done and the dr said she was close to menopause I had told my friend our hormones fluctuate from day to day so it isn't going to be the most accurate I wish they had more definitive testing for it!!!! You should just ask the dr the explain in more detail hope this helps
2chr2015 chrisann144
chrisann144 2chr2015
Me too I have most of them except depression I have my period now which came early this month ughhh my period comes early or late or skips a month so annoying lighter periods I have noticed then some months heavier which makes me think sometimes my hormones are working and sometimes they aren't lol there is a women on YouTube her name is dr Barbie she has a series all about menopause and Perimenopause I enjoy the videos you may find them helpful
chrisann144 2chr2015
2chr2015 chrisann144
colleen90305 chrisann144
chrisann144 colleen90305
This lady is great she does a great job explaining everything she has about twelve videos all about menopause she had to retire due to osteoarthritis today's video was really good plus she is a woman and really understands all of us
colleen90305 2chr2015
Yes, your cycles will fluctuate when in Peri. Lighter, shorter..... Mine are short and sweet but the PMS and other issues are so severe, I would trade them in for heavier and longer cycles, but don't want to jinx myself either
becky53379 colleen90305
colleen90305 becky53379
Hi Becky,
I never started the progesterone because I chickened out after reading about all the side effects. I'm so exhausted last cpl days as my period is due in a week. I never experienced such PMS in the past. I saw my counselor yesterday, and she's on hrt too! I should have tried it and will have to wait next month. How are you Becky?
becky53379 colleen90305
Awwww Im surprised that you didnt try it. Well hopefully you start on your way to skipping periods. Mine are so irregular I never when they will start. My past couple of days have been a little rough off and on. Im just trying pray and keep myself going. I hope that you start feeling better soon
colleen90305 becky53379