Shortness of breathe for almost 3 months
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I am a 19 year old male who has always suffered from anxiety always worrying thinking something is wrong with me, got covid march 26th felt fine then april first i felt like i couldnt breathe i was worrying so much freaking myself out went to hospital and they said i was fine ever since it happen i cant go 1 second with out thinking about my breathing all day everyday, i have had many ekgs, xrays, blood work they did tests on my heart and lungs everything was fine but i still dont feel fine, i used to be a very active kid played a sport every season of the year since i was 7 years old and now i just feel like i cant do anything, my mind is so foccused on my breathing i cant even enjoy going out or hanging out with my friends doing anything, does anyone have any recomendations they prescribed me zoloft but i just feel like nothing is gonna help, just wanna get back to my normal life and be able to go back to college in august but at this rate i dont see it happening.
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farah41194 cameron63240
you are suffering from the mental aftermath of covid. you have to trust in the test results. you are fine. go about your life as per normal and let your mind adapt