Should I get a personal trainer?

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I had my band in April and I worry about getting loose skin with my weight loss. I lack a lot of motivation with excersise so I'm contemplating getting a personal trainer?

The only problem is, I'm struggling to find one that knows how my band works. One even told me I don't need to see my dietician as they can give me advice!

Has anyone else had this problem?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Alicia

      I'm told things like swimming can help with this also thing likes situps is supposed to be good for you I have had the sleeve done in June and they tell me I'm loosing to much weight to quickly 

    • Posted

      Hi Marrianne,

      I just find it hard to get motivated and to stay motivated so I was thinking maybe a trainer may give me a kick up the backside? Is there anything they can do for your sleeve? X

  • Posted

    Hi Alicia

     it might give you the push you need did you struggle to eat normal food everything makes me feel sick 

    • Posted

      They put too much in during one of my fills and I couldn't keep anything down for a week but a de fill soon fixed that. I had another fill today and so far so good.I've been told drinking hot or really cold drinks can help if you are struggling to hold food down? Also were you told about the 20,20,20 routine when eating?
  • Posted

    I had the same worries like you Alicia. I research a lot to find the best program for me and thanfully I found one. All I want is easy and can do it at home program. Everything is possible now because of our virtual world. Losing weight should no be complicated. I am thankful with my trainer that for now I feel guided to loss weight with out having a lots of worries.

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