Should I get this looked at?
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This is about "skipped heart beats".
So right off the bat, I'll explain that I have anxiety and panic disorder. Usually I have these skipped beats under control and I don't worry. However the last 3 weeks or so I have been exercising trying to get fitter. One thing I have noticed my resting heart rate seems to have lowered dramatically from a usual 78-85bpm to 68-76bpm in just these last weeks. Also dropping to around 62-65bpm at night, like right now for me. Problem is, last 2 or 3 days I've started noticing I'm getting a lot more skipped beats when I'm laying there at night watching tv. Should I be worried? I've heard of fit healthy people having undiagnosed heart problems and dying. Like even the footballer Davide from Fiorentina. This has put me on edge. I had a ultrascan on my heart a few years ago like 2015 or something and they said my heart was structurally fine but with me doing exercises now could that all change? I'm agoraphobic so I struggle to get out to see a doctor... life is difficult and there is no winning..
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jenny61596 AussieLee
jwsonoma AussieLee
Hello AussieLee,
I have P A-FIB and am on Flecainide and Warfarin.
No Afib for +2 years.
Now this is just me so see what others say.
I would see your doctor about the reducing HR if nothing else in your life has changed just to put you at ease. I have found just walking an hour a night has reduced my HR from high 50s to low 50s. Plenty of meds also reduce HR.
Aside from that I get skipped beats all the time even in my doctors office and my docs say not a problem. I
I had a 10 day Zio patch which monitored my HR for 10 days and told the complete story.
It could be that you are now more aware of your heart beating. When I get freaked out about something cardiac related I become much more aware of my heart beat, feel the skipped beats and normal ones as swell and of course worrying only makes things worse for me.
I have been talking to my doc about taking CBD oil with no THC to mellow me out without the THC stonner effects.
AussieLee jwsonoma
Hey bud, I don't know if it is just me stressing or not. It's just I only seem to get them at night. I am very aware of my heart beat during the day but do not seem to get them in the day. I have had days where I have skipped beats all day but not for a while, it's just recently started happening most nights.. when my heart rate gets lower so it's putting me on edge that I'll die or something. Like I used to say just cuz I'm exercising doesn't mean it's healthy.. I'm only just starting my CBT for agoraphobia so i struggle to get out the house so I can't even see a doctor.. I'm in a really sh***y situation at the moment.. I'm regretting exercising for 3 weeks though. My belly fat hasn't budged much.
jenny61596 AussieLee
jwsonoma AussieLee
It looks like exercise is paying off if your HR is has dropped 10BMP. Professional foot ball players put a lot of stress on their hearts so I wouldn't worry about that.
I would expect you would loose 1-2 lbs a month exercising 30 min a day.
Eat 1/2 a chocolate bar and there goes a day's exercise.
Maybe you can get phone appointment with a doctor?
I just had one with my doc today.
AussieLee jwsonoma
Hey just thought I'd follow up. I think it was me stressing out about it. I havent had any skipped beats for 3 days so I'm a lot less on edge. I've took it easy on the exercising as I think I may have been pushing myself too hard also.. I've lost 2lbs in the last week
I've stopped eating chocolate altogether just been eating what I need to. Stopped eating junk food too. Except on Saturdays I treat myself to a good curry or kebab depending on what I feel. I haven't rang my doctor either, I just thought I'd see how it goes and I'm feeling fine for now. I'm just not used to exercising hard. I assume that is what was causing it and also worrying about it. But thank you for your words, wisdom and time. I really appreciate it