Should I go to the doctor?
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I was so desperate to find out what was wrong with me I just typed in " 57 years old, fatigue, joints hurt, depressed and this popped up I had no idea menapause came with so many symptoms. I hate going to the doctor and I don't want to go on hormones, but not sure if I'm suppose to do something.
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wen_54374 Avonbygina
Welcome. Going through the menopause is a nightmare. I am 58 not had a period for about 18months I was late finishing. Every week it's something hot sweats and flushes anxiety and over thinking things .Then last couple of weeks aches and pains in arms shoulders and legs feel like been hit by a truck. Insomnia is another thing which leaves you feeling so exhausted especially when you still have to work .I don't take anything for it and try to relax when I can have a massage every 6 weeks and listen to relaxing apps.please know that you are not alone. We are all here to help .
julie89512 Avonbygina
iv been on HRT for 15 years due to a total hysterectomy at 42. So a forced early menopause for me.
Google natural ways to treat menopause and you may find useful tips.
dont know if they work or not!!
but if the symptoms get to bad I would ask for a low dose of HRT.
Apparently there are 66 symptoms of the menopause. I think depression and anxiety are the worse because it not nice feeling out of control
good luck hope you get sorted
Avonbygina julie89512
nanette44686 Avonbygina
Hi I'm 51 and going through the same I missed 2 periods earlier in the year and then gone back to every month very heavy and can be 2 week gap 3 week no pattern really I too have aching joints fatigue palpitations which can be scary and the anxiety/health anxiety which has got worse something new everyday it is a horrible feeling I have a house full of unsympathetic men and feel very alone sometimes this site has been an absolute god send to me would love to meet some of these lovely ladies goin through the same I too don't take anything and hate goin to docs sending hugs 😊😩xx
Sochima822 Avonbygina
Seems to me that since you've come this far without going to the doctor, that you're doing pretty well. Keep it up. Like I say, only go to the doctors if you feel someone else has take over your body and you're doing things you can't control, or the pain is so unbareable you can't move, or if you feel you can't breathe. Aches & pains during menopause never killed anyone directly, but anxiety I'm not so sure. I've heard ladies say they feel like jumping out a window when the anxiety hits them high. If that happens to you then go see a doctor, otherwise, enjoy the horrible ride.
Avonbygina Sochima822
thanks I don't want to go to the doctor so I will excercize and rest. Not sure why people joke about it I will get thru it just not a laughing matter thanks for your reply
Sochima822 Avonbygina
Everything I've mentioned has happened to me. I have gone to the doctors over a 100 times for every little thing I ever felt when I thought something was wrong with me during perimenopause, including being told I was a hypochondriac. They even put in the psyche ward once, because I kept calling the paramedics to come give me air, since I was having not only anxiety attacks but I was also hyperventilating and couldn't breathe. When I finally went to see my doctor and I explained everything I was going through, she put me on low dose bcp's and life finally went back to normal. There are brave ones who can through this without intervention, you seem to be one of them, thus when I look in hindsight of everything I've gone through, yes, I can laugh and say that if you want to be bold then more power to you, and enjoy the horrible ride.
Mars777 Avonbygina
Hi Avonbygina,
?Menopause yes awful for some of us. Any way i did go many years not even knowing it was menopause, but since reading some of these forums i now know it was. My hot sweats & bad anxiety started @ the finish of my menopause. Thats when i started to see the Dr. After coping with all the symptoms i had before these were the worse for me, I did go on HRT, i know its not for everyone but it was right for me as i am still taking it. Ifeel so much better back to normal. I didn't make the decision lightly but i will say my quality of life has greatly improved, I was 57 when i went on hrt, ive been taking it now for 7 years.
kelly55079 Avonbygina
I'm not so sure the doctor would do anything. Your better off googling on how others cope. I go thru phases of extreme fatigue. I just rest and be good to myself. No expectations and up a few vitimins for a week to get me going. It helps.. Then I start walking and doing more. The walking and moving around helps with achy joints. I take a few supplements for that as well. Yes, I get depressed sometimes but just knowing that I'm being good to myself helps as well as getting out with friends to laugh..
Avonbygina kelly55079
Azzumi Avonbygina
I decided to get help when I started to unravel mentally and couldn't cope with life's simplest tasks. I had a lot of emotional and mood problems that truly scared me. I found a doctor who only does hormones for both women and men and started bio identical hormones. I still have ups and downs but I'm a lot more stable and am now getting on with my life. There are doctors who can help but they need to have a very good understanding of hormones. Your average gp just doesn't know enough.