Should I have so many side effects with sertaline 50mg
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I've been on sertaline for 6 days now for anxiety and the side effects have been horrible.
I've had..
dry mouth
Teeth grinding
cold sweats
Freezing cold
Strange dreams
Shaking hands
Stomach cramps
Feeling and looking spaced out
feeling more anxious than ever... has anyone had all of these side effects or am I supposed to only have some...
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They then settled down and only a few remained, tiredness, dodgy tummy & teeth grinding.
I also felt up and down.
It took 8 weeks for sertraline to properly work (I'm on 50mg) but it is totally worth it.
The side effects lessen and are not as bad over time and after week 2 it wasn't daily I was experiencing any of them.
The teeth grinding is the only one which has remained but I use a gum guard. Oh and I also still have strange dreams. Not every night tho.
I've been on sertraline for nearly 4 months now.
I am grinding my teeth all of the time (not just when I'm asleep like I used to).
Have you been grinding when awake as well?
I'm on them for anxiety too and it's really helped. Stick with it and remember it's not for ever!
i've been on sertraline for what was 6 weeks on tuesday, the first 4 i was on 50mg, from the first day, my anxiety increased and i had lock jaw a couple of times, and gittery jaw too, then i started yawning all the time!! sounds crazy but i did, couldn't stop it which i was amused by at the time!! i've only had a toilet emergency about 3 times in total so i guess i'm quite lucky, however, i have lost a stone in weight over these 6 weeks. i also have the cold chills, usually first thing and last thing at night i get really cold. i've also had the shaking hands and the bad headaches, few times turned into migranes but they have since stopped. i'm now on 100mg as my depression was too much for me to cope with so the doctor told me to increase my dose which i've done, this saturday i'll have been on 100mg for 2 weeks, usually i have 2 or 3 bad days a week, sometimes more, causes havoc at home for my poor boyfriend who doesn't know wether he's coming or going with me, but so far i haven't had any bad days since exactly a week today so, so far so good. i'm enjoying every day at the moment, just hope to god that this is the start of a new life for me, i couldn't bear it if this medication didn't work for me after trying so many different ones to wake up every day, dreading getting up and going to work or even speaking to anyone which just isn't me.
i'm so lucky to have a supportive boyfriend who has stuck with me through some horrible dark days.......lets hope this week if my first of many good ones. hope you're all feeling good today. but to all of you that have just started taking it and suffering bad side effects, stick with it and learn to trust it, i know it won't work or suit everyone but i think the majority of us will feel the benefits so stick with it guys, good days ahead :-)
can i just ask you about your good days and your bad days, do they still come and go regularly?? when i feel like i'm going into depression again, i can't do anything to stop it and i get really anxious about how long it's going to last and everything appearls black, my life, work, relationship, nothing is working, my life is just rubbish although it isn't!!?? and then when i come out the other side, i then start worrying when the next one will happen because i dread feeling this way?? did you have this at all?? i am having a really good week, but as the week is drawing closer to the end, i'm worried that i'm going to start feeling really down again over the weekend which really upsets me and my boyfriend, we've been at work all week then i'm depressed at the weekend?? is this normal behaviour or am i still ill?? i just don't know?? but all is feeling good at the moment, but is this just a good week!!?? i hope it carries on for me, my brain feels like it's resting, i don't have any bad thoughts racing through my brain or anything i'm worrying about so fingers crossed!! have a good day :-)