Should I request further testing??? Please help...

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So I went to my new GP yesterday I've lost 30 lbs since August. I have to admit that I cut out sodas, snacking, and only have carbs about once a week when I have pizza night with my husband and that's not every week. I was concerned by the weight loss, sometimes I have burning in my stomach and throat, a moving pain on the left side of my abdomen, bowels go from constipation to diarrhea, and sometimes my poop floats. My doctor seems to think this is all from my new way of eating and he thinks that I should've lost more weight because of the drastic change to my diet. I had blood work done by my old doctor a month ago that showed I'm a bit anemic and my sugar has lowered because I was previously pre diabetic. My new doctor doesn't think there's a need for further testing and that the reason for the changes in bowels and stomach pain is due to the change in my diet.

I also suffer from anxiety and depression and he believes those are factors as well. Should I request a certain type of testing or to see a GI specialist or should I just accept his and my previous doctor's diagnoses. I feel like because I'm overweight they are happy about the weight loss and don't consider there could be any underlying cause. Not sure what to do.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Your symptoms sound like IBS especially with the anxiety and depression.  Go back to your doctor and ask to see a GI specialist.I have IBS and have moving stomach pain. I have had constipation with loose stools and on off nausea.
    • Posted

      Hi Pippa,

      I'm thinking about asking for a GI specialist, but you know when you have anxiety and depression doctor's always blame everything on that. My old GP said it was IBS but hadn't sent me for any definitive testing. Did you have testing to determine if you had IBS???

    • Posted

      I had a urine test, ultrasound, stool tests for h pylori and fecal calprotectin and a celiac test.  All were negative so IBS was diagnosed.  Sometimes doctors can diagnose IBS based soley on symptoms.  However, seven doctors couldn't diagnose me so I was sent for tests.  Once everything else is ruled out, IBS can be confirmed.  My eighth doctor was the only one that asked about stress levels.  When I told him about the multiple stressful episodes I had had, he recognised IIBS immediately.  When you have IBS like symptoms, your doctor should always ask about anxiety, depression and stress.

      Maybe your old GP told you it was IBS because he was able to identify it from your medical history alone.

    • Posted

      Oh okay. Yeah only had blood tests. My old GP was aware of my stress and anxiety. As I went to her after having a major episode with anxiety and depression that led me to a crisis center. So maybe it is IBS. I'm going to add some probiotics and do Foodmaps if that doesn't work I'll go back to my doctor's. I was concerned mostly about my pancreas as my health anxiety has me focused on that organ at the moment. Both doctor's have told me my pancreas was fine, but neither tested it so how do they know.

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      I panicked about my pancreas too because sometimes my pain was in the middle of my stomach where the pancreas is located.  I asked if the ultrasound had shown the pancreas and he said no. I then asked if there could be anything wrong with it, thinking of a tumour.  He said this was very unlikely. I also wondered how he could know this without pancreatic tests.  Probably he was basing his thinking on my age.  He was obviously right because my symptoms got better rather than worse.  If a tumour was present, you would get progressively worse very quickly and it would definitely show up.  My brother who is a doctor said very nasty conditions show on scans.
    • Posted

      Now that I think about it my stomach pain has gotten better instead of worse. It's just my bowels changed from hard to soft and sinking and floating that scares me. Oh and my weight loss when my doctor and my husband have assured me this is normal due to my diet change.

    • Posted

      Keep asking for further tests to get a firm diagnosis.
  • Posted

    That is too much waight for that short time . Do you have. Pain in your stomach ? Did you wanted to lose weight or because of your stomach you've lost that much . How old are you ? Do you smoke or drink ? And your hight/weight? Do you exercise?All these questions are important because if you are jot smoker/drinker/you exercise/, you are young than doctors will send you to do further testings. I'm 27, and all my life I was activve . Im 5'8/150 lbs and si ce I got married I started having stomach issues which made me to lose 15 lbs since june. I did all testings / CT scan , blood work, stool, endoscopy, ultrasound, pap smear, ultrasound of my thyroid etcetc and all came back normal except i had H pylori which disnt go away after first tretment and my GI put me on stronger medicine and I didnt start taking them yet coz I have to take 18 pills per day !

    • Posted

      Hi Anesssa,

      Yes I was trying to lose the weight. Initially I was walking 2 miles a day and eating about 1000 calories a day. I cut out all snacking I only drink water or sugar free drinks and I started eating mostly vegetables and fruits. No red meat or pork. After losing the first 20 lbs between August and October I began to freak out. The stomach pain and bowel changes started in the end of September beginning of October when my anxiety and depression were at its highest. I'm 32 and I started off weighing 295lbs, I'm 5'10, and I'm seemingly healthy besides high blood pressure and was pre diabetic until recently. And no I don't smoke or drink. Thinking about asking to see a GI doctor. The pain in my stomach moves but it's mostly left side pain which made my old GP and new GP believe it was gas or ibs, but I've had no definitive testing for either.

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      Also I had blood work done... Thyroid test and everything was normal. I only had a CBC, A1C, Kidney Function...
    • Posted

      So H Pylori was causing your pain and weight loss??? 18 pills a day?? There's not a natural way to treat H Pylori?

    • Posted

      Your body is changing and I an sure that reason is your new way of living . Takeit slowely when comes to loosing weight . You want to lose weight and not to gain back . Sugar , soda and high carbs are worst cause of obesity. I am glad that you took that step to lose weight and I dont think that there is much to worry about . You are so young and you deserve to live healthy life . Eat lots of salad, chicken and fruit and drink water and will see how pounds are melting . One tip : drink 8 oz of warm water not too hot but neither little warm , and mix in it 2 tbsp of honey and 8 drops of lemon and drink so fast. Dont eat anything 30min after that and u will see how your weight is oing down but also it regulates your bowl movements .
    • Posted

      I've been eating just those things. Chicken, salad, veggies, fruit and water. I'm going to try the recipe that you gave hopefully it regulates my bowels and burns the fat.

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