Should i spend money having a ramp built for 4 steps?
Posted , 14 users are following.
I haven't had my thr operation yet but I understand you can usually hancle a few steps maybe two wekks after But might the absence of the ramp--the necessity of walking up four steps to get into the house and then perhpas another four steps up to another part of the house cause me to have to stay in a rehab place for a week? Did nost of you who did not have a skilled nurse in the family , have to spend a week in rehab?
1 like, 33 replies
Wardrobe_mistre active74513
Are you in the UK or the US as sometimes things are different depending on where you are. Unless you have other disability issues you won't need a ramp. This operation is will help mobility not hinder it. My surgeon was glad that we didn't have a downstairs toilet as it meant I had to go up and down stairs each time. It was good for me he said. They will teach you the correct way to do this before you go home.
My husband took a few days off when I went home and then I managed alone ( with a bit of ingenuity). It is scary but you will be fine. I would say go home from hospital and recover in your own home. Take plenty of rest but also do the exercises
active74513 Wardrobe_mistre
Thanks. ONe thing I'm trying to do now--one skill I', M trying to master --is just how to successfully send a post such as this one. I seem to have been invited, in a more user -freinly way thatn usual--to send this reply to you. But when I do NOT get the invitation "reply to wardrobe mistre" and also don't get that nice white arrow on a green background that I now see--I don't know how to "SEND" --i dont' know how to "submit" ... Here goes Mistre, hopw e that this goes though to you!!
active74513 Wardrobe_mistre
YOu ask if I'm in UK or US . The answer is I'm in the south of United States. IS someone else who repliled to my questions mentioned (above ) she is from CANADA. It is interesting to wonder how many posters here might be from still other counteries --New Zealand--AUstralia--which are countries we knoq are English-speaking--but then there are places all over the workls that have many english -speaking people no doubt.
Rocketman_SG6UK active74513
You'd be amazed at the countries that appear on the statistics for my website.
Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, European Union, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venezuela, Vietnam.
Quite a list
active74513 Wardrobe_mistre
lors23 active74513
I had both hips done 6 weeks apart the physio helps you with stairs 3 days after op as they would not let me out hospital until l was able to do stairs as like you l have 5 steep steps up to house and 13 in the house. Just take your time and you will be fine. Don't waste money as you heal quite fast. X
active74513 lors23
renee01952 active74513
hi again active ,
I just responded to a previous post -
I understand that your surgeon wants you to go to rehab after THR surgery -
I don't think it is related to the 4 steps out and inside your house -
As you can read in previous posts, you won't be discharged from hospital before you can do steps -
Did your doctor not explain why he wants you to go to a rehab facility?
Could you ask him again?
please come back here to let us know how you are getting on, okay
big warm hug
active74513 renee01952
Thank you tors23 and thank you renee1952 and thank you everdocy else whom I have failed to respond to because of my uncertainty about exactly HOW to post --how to SEND--how to "submit" . I think I am learning that a certain amounelapse whie somone ein charge of all these messages -in charge of the system--cedicides whether our posts are in good taste.
active74513 renee01952
Renee you are wonderful !!How come you can be everywhere at once? ANyway I have been quite occupied with trying to make sure I don't fall tnthrough the cracks in therat race --the hustle -- of corrdinating all the diffrent aspects and entities invaolved in getting ready for an operation--hip replacement anterior left hip. I think it's almost three weeks since I was on PATIENT.
Rocketman_SG6UK active74513
I'd rather tackle steps than a ramp, feels much safer.
brenda92532 active74513
I had my hip replacement 9 months ago. I don't have steps to get into my house but I do have stairs to go up. In the hospital they showed me how to get up the stairs using crutches before they let me home. I think you should be ok without having to go to rehab.
All the best Brenda C
active74513 brenda92532
Very interesting now that I have half -way abosorbed someo fthe stuff many of the above posts are telling me. On the question of qhether reahab, (as oppsed to the more inclusive (or at least different) term rehab facility) is 'necessary", I notice that I have a sheet that is addressed to a physical therapist (that's the term we use in the United States)telling them(it's called an order sheet)( specifially "PT/ATC/OT ORDER SHEET " ) --requires that I have four weeks of pt etc. at a rate of theree sessions per week. What do you spuppose the ATC means? And another question occurs to me?are there any OTHER forums like "Patient"
renee01952 active74513
hi active,
Not sure what ATC means - perhaps you can ask them ...
I am sure that there are other forums like this one, eventhough this is the best --
eeeverybody--al 21 replies to my question about the steps helped me GREATLY by giving me so many different aspects of the situation. THANK YOU!!! I'v been very much occupied with trying to insure that all the fdiffrent aspects of appointments and fomrs and so on get done. So I think Ive been away from this forum--patient--for about three weeks.