Should I stop taking mirtazapine?

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I was given a new brand of mirtazapine a week and a half ago and I have been getting terrible side effects from it, horrendous anxiety, crying spells, heart palpitations no appetite and insomnia I told my doctor and he gave me a new prescription for the sandoz brand but I've rang the sandoz company and they have stopped making it! I can't bear these side effects anymore the doctor's has given me a few diazepam. ..should I just stop taking the mirtazapine? I'm only on 7.5mg and can't take this much more! I've been on it for a year 😦 pretty please give me some advice...I was given a different brand yesterday which I had last night but today I feel like a zombie like it was the 1st time I started mirtazapine.

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8 Replies

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    This is quite unusual although I have heard different brands can cause a 'reaction' but nothing like what you are describing.  In mho, the fact that the 'different brand' which you took last night has had thus knock out effect / it sounds like it could work for you.  

    So which brand did you take last night?  And has the anxiety gone?

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      I tried the zispin brand last night...didn't sleep well and I've still had bad anxiety but have felt like a zombie today, like the same side effects of starting mirtazapine all over again.

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      Yes unbearable anxiety I've had to take some diazepam which I got off the doc today

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      But the zombie effects could be the Diazapam right ?

      I don't think I would just stop taking Mirt ... it could come right again, fingers crossed.

      It's hard to deal with bad anxiety, I've read it burns out, eventually.  Have a look at Dare   response.  com for support & download the app to your mobile - it can really help you to "leannin to anxiety" which helps defuse it.  

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      No felt like a zombie before the diazepam. I feel a bit better today; but I am not sleeping properly, normally mirtazapine gives me a good night sleep! Thanks for the advice on the DARE I bought the book of kindle and haven't been able to put it down lol...I've also downloaded the app ?

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      Glad you're finding the Dare Response useful.  Did you find the support group on Facebook ok.

      You might find your system will settle down after a few nights, best wishes 😊

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    Listen to calmer. It sounds like the new Mert is working, may take a few days to stabilize. Try and hang in there.  If you are thinking of going CT at 7.5mg , think very hard .

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