Should I wait until stage three before having radio therapay

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I am 73 and have just been diagnosed with stage1/2 prostate cancer, Gleason score 9, following a 16.7 PSA and biopsy. I have begun hormone therapy but am not keen to start radiotherapy until I absolutely have to because of the side effects. I gather that treatment for stage three prostate cancer is almost as successful as stage 1/2. In which case I would rather wait for as long as possible.

I assume that there is a reasonable time lapse before stage three moves on to stage four, so my preference would be to have regular MRI scans and only go for radio therapy when the cancer has escaped the prostate capsule.

Can anyone advise me about the best course of action?

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Peter,

    Firstly commiserations. I am in a not too dissimilar situation to yourself and also have some difficult decisions to make regarding commencing treatment ( EBRT ) vs no treatment. it is difficult. You/we run the risk of some pretty nasty possible complications. As I inderstand it, what the Doctors are trying to do by treating, is slow the progress of the disease down to give you a few extra years of life during which they hope some better cure-rate treatment might be developed.

    Whether the quality of that extra life is something that you will consider acceptable is an individual choice.

    For my part I hope I too can defer treatment for at least a year or two. I have posted on the American 'YANA' site ( 13/2) and that lead to a couple of very interesting reads you might like to look at.

    Anyway, all the best. Dudley

  • Posted

    Hello Dudley

    Since reading your message I have had 40 minutes with the oncologist and am now as confused as you. He tells me

    1. That with a gleason score of 9 my cancer will almost certainly have spread but, as yet , the metastises are too small to be picked up by the scans

    2.They still don't know if the cancer spreads from the primary source or whether ,once it is out, it spreads

    from the metastases

    3 He thinks it is better for me to have radio therapy as a belt and braces precaution and also because

    the cancer just might not have spread yet

    4. I may have to wait up to six months for radio therapy because of the high demand!!

    Against all this I have to bear in mind that if my GP had his way I would still be in blissful ignorance of the fact that I have cancer at all as he discourages PSA tests.

    By the way can you give me more info in the US website as I couldn't find it on Google

    All the best


  • Posted

    Hello Peter,

    Reading between the lines, it seems you are having a TURP? and I hope you will not have to wait too long for that.

    Which procedure, will take a few months to recover from; and so it will probably not seem too prejudicial to not start EBRT until 6 months hence


    Regrettably I'm a bit pushed for time at the moment but I will correspond more fully about the psychological aspects of our condition after I've seen my Radiologist on Thursday.

    In the meantime the site is ' You Are Not Alone Now ' acronym Y A N A. But just a word of caution if I may. There are all types contributing to the forums... Some neurotic, some who appear to have swallowed a medical dictionary and apparently know everything and some who are clearly crazy or B S-ers. Like the guy who cycled 200 km 3 weeks after a TURP ! ( Yeah, right. )

    You should see my post amongst those, hopefully, less worrying. A thread on the first guy to respond's answer leads to a very detailed account of the progress of untreated cancer from go to woe.

    Take care of yourself Peter and try still, to enjoy life. Personally, I am making the effort to view every day as a celebration of life itself.


  • Posted

    Radio therapy has its own pros and cons.And when it comes to prostate care you should not take any risk.It is best to consult with a health professional.


  • Posted

    Hello Peter, I was diagnosed a bit earlier than you, with psa about 9. I had prostatectomy to attempt a cure, but it had already broken out of the prostate. The joy of having prostate out is that you get a good idea of what the spread is, as any 2ndaries will still emit psa, which should have gone to zero if all were surgically removed. In my case it was clear they were very active, so I agreed to have further treatment which included hormone therapy, radiation and chemo. The radiation is relatively easy going and I would recommend you get on the list.

    I don't mean to alarm, but if you don't act, it is usual for cancer to spread beyond the area treated by the radiation therapy (which is only in the vicinity of the prostate ). During any waiting period I suggest you have the hormone treatment to slow any growth and spread. It is pretty tough though. It gave me a whole new respect for menopausal women.

    I am quite bitter and twisted about the testing thing. If I had been found a couple of years earlier I would be in a better place, conversely if I had been left (as your GP thinks is ok) I would have died in 2013. That is the best guess stat from the growth rate and av longevity. My oncologist is a fun guy smile .

    I guess you can tell I'm on the side of aggressive treatment of prostate cancer both medically and via diet. I'm happy to chat. All the best, David.

  • Posted

    Thanks David,

    I had decided to withdraw from the forum as it was tending to depress me, but I was alerted to your response in my emails. Many thanks for your advice. It is in line with what others are telling me, as well as my oncologist, so radio therapy it is, just as soon as the NHS can fit me in. Good luck and best wishes, Peter

  • Posted


    i was diagnosed with Prostrate cancer in 2009. geeson 8 stage 4 and given 12 months to live. tried to get me on a trial but i refused. Hade 4 weeks of radiation and yes its not untill you come to the end of the four weeks you feel the effects. Bleeding sorne tireness. I went on to Zoletex untill last year when they said it had stopped working and went on to watch and wait which i hated. i have to know where i am. I was told again 12 months.and went down hill for a week or two. however soon came back and went on to Abiraterone which im told is £800 a to me,. The cancer has shrunk back and I have side effects but im still alive.

    My advice to you is this. do you want to play russian roulet with yoiur life. it might be to late by the time you make your mind up. to stay alive you take it as it comes my friend

    • Posted

      Thanks for your advice, Peter. Actually I have already decided to go ahead and am now at the halfway stage of my seven and a half weeks radio therapy. So far, so good. No side effects to speak of as yet. It is also encouraging to know that more and more drugs are becoming available to treat stages three and four. Good luck with your treatment. Peter
  • Posted

    Dear Peter,I understand you are not on the site anymore as it depresses you.I normally avoid them especially the support groups.I just wanted to say with a gleason 9 get as much treatment as you can as fast as you can.IMRT radio therapy is the best in the world.Go on line and find a hospital that does it and go there.
    • Posted

      Many thanks for your advice James. Actually others have urged me to get treatment and I am now in week five of IMRT radio therapy which, so far, has not been anything like as gruelling as I had been led to believe! I gather that  even with a Gleason 9 there is a chance that it hasn't already spread, so I am hoping for the best. Best wishes,  Peter
  • Posted

    Dear peter,Do not wait one moment! With a gleason 9 and nearly 17 psa your cancer is super aggressive.When medics say it is contained within the prostate that is not strictly true.Microscopic cells can and do escape either through blood vessels , tissue or in the lymph nodes.i do not suppose you know if your lymph nodes are free of cancer as you have not had surgery.Why did you not have surgery?

    i have had surgery and radiotherapy.I would advise you to have radiotherapy asap if surgery is not an option.Look on the internet and choose a hospital that give IMRT radio therapy.You can ask as well when they do the scan for accuracy for the IMRT to inject a special dye to see the state of play.As i said your cancer is extremely aggressive do not delay!With imrt the side effects are not too bad i am just about back to normal after 8 months.

  • Posted

    Hello James 87879,

    Forgive me for responding James,  but although I'm not 100% sure on this,  you may have well-meaningly patched back into this particular discussion at a point,  preceding your earlier contributions.

    (  Note :  PeterJ is now either finished or almost through his course of 35 RT's ).

    And incidentally James,  I don't think PeterJ has said,  and perhaps may not want to say,  why he was not a candidate for surgery.

    ( And whist wishing to not personalise this post in any way,  in my case which is not too dissimilar from PeterJ's,  I was told the tumour, due to its location, was inoperable).

    Kind Regards,



    • Posted

      Thanks dudley i only replied as i got an email.I see now it is a bit out of date.We are all on a weird journey and like you i was put off by my doctor THREE times before i got a test.

      Why they keep this testing quiet is beyond me.One doctor i saw said we are all going to die and he did not want to know his psa reading.If a doctor has this attitude what chance do patients have?

      I been in touch with nhs screening services sheffield who say there are no immediate plans for a screening program for men ( as of now there isn`t one) because the testing would cause anxiety and stress! what a lame answer.Women testing is streets ahead of men .Women are actually asked if they want a test and now have genetic testing along side mammograms.Why not men?Good luck on your journey.Kind regard james

    • Posted

      The problem is that some people like me dont produce PSA and and it took some one two years to realise that. I have a ct scan every three months as the only indication of progress of the cancer.

      Once diagnosed with cancer the law requires that treatment at any time there on should be with two week period. The term Journey i agree with and  about what is best for me. i was offered a trial which I gave a great deal of thought to discussed with my wife and turned it down. The consultant was very abrupt and obviously didnt like my descion in fact i had to asked to be transfered to some one else.

      I under stand that in need to find a solution to the problem some one has to be a guines pig. But its about the here and now and survival. Its like russian roulette and you have no idea what your letting your self in for. After a long discussion about me being an idea candidate I still said no. is that being selfish. should i be feeling guilty about it. would I still be here now if id have agreed

      when people are confused  about what treatment they should have my answer to that is how much do you want to stay alive. If you wait will it be too late. are the side effects worth putting  up with to stay alive.or just give up.

      when people talk about retention untill the consultant told me that it creates stones in the bladder and ive just had a huge one removed. So sitting at home  thinking its ok I can put up with this is not the answer.

      I was diagnosed with Prostrate cancer after two years of problems with infections difficulty passing water pain you name it I had it.

      I now have lymomedia diabettes 2 reflux problems all comming about from cancer treatment but im still here.

      I had a long discussion on Monday with my GP I agreed to sign the no resusitation form. She said that most people who have a big heart attack dont survive. We also talked about this act going through parliment that you can legaly end your life if two doctors agree. My Gp thinks its bad news because you deny your relitives of days/weeks of spending time with you. the fact that you are ready to go what is the point. would they prefer to prolong the agony. i dread the day when im no longer able to look after my self. again is that being selfish.

      Now ive given you thought for debate go ahead.

    • Posted

      This is a good point and worth a new thread. Perhaps it is a separate topic altogether. George

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