Shoulder and top or arm chronic pain

Posted , 3 users are following.

2000 I had car crash my shoulder and top of arm crushes

had to wait six months for bones to heal before able to operate 

took morphine in patches and sticks

jan 2014 had new shoulder fitted all was going well off morphine and movement good the. In July chronic muscle pain started had many test to schedule bone ok and all test came back good

muscle and nerve pain unbarible at times om 200mg tranidol plus other meds for pain and at Physio twice a week but no imorovement

can I use a tens with shoulder replacement one physio says yes another no

i am waiting to see pain specialist but not till Aug

anyone else had or having this would love to talk

my consultant did suggest as I have been in pain for 15 yrs it could be in my head

cant write what I would liked to have said to him

wish he could have it just for five minuets see how it feels 

only sleep I get is when I take sleeping tablets 

would love to chat 

thanks for taking time to read kind regards Sue

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Suzan, I am sorry your in a lot of pain, i understand pain myself. I cannot comment on you having a shoulder replacement as i have not had one. I have had two knee replacements on the same knee thou due to Arthritis, so can understand this type of pain. The Consultant that said the pain is in your head sounds arrogant. I can identify with nerve pain. I am on Gaberpentin and this as helped and Amitriptyline is also good for nerve pain, both these drugs also help with sleep.The only side effect i get from this drug is tiredness. I personally wouldn't use a tens mchine on a joint replacement but that is only my opinion. I would go back to your GP and ask them to review your medications. I also have to wait till June to see my Consultant, frustrating i know. I hope this helps in some small way.

    Best wishes.


    • Posted


      thank youfor your reply

      i live in France and very lucky as never have to wait for appointments but I have been told this place I have an appointmant for is excellent and people come from all over France to go there

      i have been on both those drugs before whe I lived in England 

      yes I was very upset when he said could be in my head

      really wish I never had the shoulder replacement as pain far worse than it ever was 

      as you know living with pain is so difficult and takes all your strength just to get through the day

      once again thank you for your reply just nice to talk to someone that understands

      kind regards Sue 


  • Posted

    Hello Susan, your pain sounds unbearable, for myself having bad flare-ups of arthritis seems mild to what you are suffering. Hopefully in the near future wth all the treatments for different illnesses being discovered by new technology now available today hopefully there will be a treatment and relief for pain you describe. I agree with you when someone says "I feel your Pain" then they don't unless they are suffering the same. Hopefully another doctor could give you some relief. I will follow your post and hope you get help soon.
    • Posted

      Hello Betty

      thank you for your message

      yes everyday new new treatment are being found let's hope one day we can all be pain free 

      what a wonderful thought

      sending kind regards

      from Sue 


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