Sick note for Depression

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Hello all i am new to this group my name is Craig i am 43 years old and back in the year 2000 my ex left me and she stopped me from seeing my children i have two but i went to court and it lasted for three and a hearth years and then i got told to withdraw my application by my Solicitor he told me that if i carry on with the case i will not get any where so he told me to withdraw my application and he said i can reapply latter on down the line well three years on in 2003 i went back and ask him to re start my case up he ask me if i new where my ex and my children where i told him no he then said there nothing he can do so now it been 15 years since i have held my children i have had 6 nervous breakdowns i have Tried to kill my self about 30 times but thinking of my children stop`s me but i have Suicidal Depression been to the doctors and ask for a sic note she said she can get in to trouble if she give me a sic note and as i live alone i have no one to talk to and i am all ways thinking about ending my life as i have nothing to live for any more am i wrong in thinking like this the way i have all so just been told that my Uncle has just been found dead in his flat and like i said i have got Suicidal Depression and i all so have got  back problems to and my doctor will knot give me a sick note . 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Graig, You have to hang on for your children. 15 yrs have past now and it is no longer in your ex-wifes hands to stop you from seeing your children. That must be your first priority. Do you know anyone who knows her and can ask where she is. If you have an idea of which area she lives then you can look her up on the electoral register kept in the library for that area. I think if you pay on line you can get access to finding someone through sites. She may have remarried so the search will be more difficult.It clearly means a lot to you to see them again.

    As you have a history of suicial attempts are you not under your local Psychiatric team. If you are in difficulty with this doctor, have you tried a different doctor in the surgery. They can have different opinions.

    Its difficult to say anymore because I don't know why the solicitor was so negative or why your doctor is being un supportive

  • Posted

    If you are unable to work because of your depression Craig, then your doctor really should give you a sick note.

    What do you do for a living?

    • Posted

      i am not working as yet i am on JSA as where i live there are no jobs and as i dont drive i can knot look out of the town i live in and can knot get the bus as most places that i want to work for start about 6am as i want to work with in the ICT scetor 
  • Posted

    Have you spoke to your GP about your

    Depression? Are you on any medications?

    I'm shocked your solicitor told you to end

    Your court case. There are ways of finding

    Them like the electoral register, word of

    Mouth from friends and family, do you have

    Facebook? If so you can look on there.

    There is also television, you may not want

    To but appeal on JK they are brilliant at

    Finding family! I hate how mothers use

    The kids as weapons its barbaric! I'm a

    Mother and if my husband and I were to

    Split I would never stop him seeing his

    Babies. When you do locate your special

    Babies there may be some questions

    They they will want you to answer,

    As for your sick note you could get a

    Self certificate (ask at the reception)

    Fill it out and hand to the job centre.

    It will Las 7 days then your GP should

    Write one, I shouldn't say this but you

    Could say its your back rather than

    Depression (she should do it) good

    Luck in locating your children

    I will be praying for you and thinking

    Of you.


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