Sick of feeling rubbish every month
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So I've come to terms that my body is changing and all the symptoms are present each month on ovulation and just before my period but I don't know how long I can deal with it month after month! I'm only 41 and the last 2 years there have been many changes but the last 6 months have literally been hell!! Because my hormone levels are fine and so is my thyroid ect the doctors don't think I'm in this peri menopause state! But every month it's here! Anxiety from hell, night sweats, dizziness, muscle and joint aches and pains, severe gastritis, extreme tiredness, headaches, low motivation, low mood, painful sex,loss of appetite and weight loss, heart palpitations,pain in lower back all the time all in all I feel crazy 😜 each month seems to be something new! Someone please tell this will get better and I will get my life back! I was always so happy and the life and soul of any party now I feel a stressed out moaning 41 year old! 😩
2 likes, 15 replies
ImagineOneDay Foxy_polly
karen43902 Foxy_polly
Have you had an Ultrasound to check there's nothing going on down below?
i had a lot of your symptoms before they found my ovarian cyst
Foxy_polly karen43902
Hi Karen I had an ultrasound about a year ago and all wax fine but my doctor thinks I should have another one to make sure in case something g had changed in that time so I'm having one onthe 5th may. Xx
gailannie Foxy_polly
Hi Foxy, crazy isn't it. While lab work often isn't much help in this stage, women know things are changing. And you are at that perfect age for perimenopause, which is that 10 year period before menopause actually occurs. Things geared up slowly coming into puberty, and they do the same slow unwind on the way out.
As we age, we often lose lose more of our progesterone production than any other hormone to start. And this is why many women have found some help with progesterone for the last 14 days of the cycle in this stage. However, some don't. The best things you can do is get plenty of rest, eliminate stress where possible, eat a really healthy diet, take a good multi vitamin, drink water, a little exercise, and get to bed by 10pm. Your body is under stress as these changes occur and anything you can do to help it out is important.
Foxy_polly gailannie
Hi gailannie
Thank you for your reply and your right about it taking time to get to puberty but I never really thought about it like that for the menopause! I do Pilates once a week and walk the dog every day I also eat a really healthy diet and have just cut out dairy as I'm dairy intolerant! I try not to have to much refined sugar but I am partial to the odd biscuit and crisps! I also take lots of vitamins including magnesium and vit b complex and I have regular acupuncture and meditate most nights all of which are helping. I'm coming to terms that every week is different as my body makes changes and I try to cut myself some slack and relax and go with the flow but some days it's hard. Xx
Azzumi Foxy_polly
Hi Foxy..they're all very typical Peri symptoms. I started BHRT 12 weeks ago and its helped me a lot but even with that it's still super important to eat as clean as you can and drink plenty of water. Do some exercise, I love my weight training. Put my earplugs in, lift weights and forget about the outside world for a while. Getting enough sleep is incredibly important too. Your body needs to rest and recover with everything its going through. Peri usually isn't a quick process so take one day at a time. I found it very easy to get completely overwhelmed by things. Sometimes its one hour at a time. Don't be too hard on yourself either, everything you go through is very norminal.
Foxy_polly Azzumi
Hi Azzumi
Thanks for your reply it definitely helps to hear other people's experiences and as for clean eating as much as possible your right. I've been quite good with that but could be better thing is I need to put weight on do I do eat a few biscuits ect as well but I figure we're all aloud a treat! But I cook eveyfrom scratch and eat loads of fresh fruit and veg and good fats like avocados and lots of nuts too! I've switched from normal pasta to brown as with rice too! Lots of sweet potatoes instead of normal and it has definitely helped. Xx
Mars777 Foxy_polly
Foxy_polly Mars777
Hi mars777
Yes I've had blood work done about a year ago and all was fine with my fsh levels xx
Guest Foxy_polly
Oh I hear ya! I'm not and will never be the same person I used to be. I told my husband it's like I'm living with a chronic illness. Wish I could tell you it gets better but I don't know that yet.
valarie24431 Foxy_polly
pinkcatfairy Foxy_polly
Dear foxy polly
I started peri about 51, sorry you have started going through it at 41. Firstly my periods started changing, heavy floods then endless spotting. Headaches and migraine auras and the dreaded gastitis which gave me no appetite and I lost weight. The health anxiety was awful and some days I didnt want to get out of bed. I'm now 53 and feel better in myself, I still get the anxiety and panic feelings at times but I did have an anxiety disorder before all this but I can say generally overall I do feel better than I did and I hope you reach the end soon x
Foxy_polly pinkcatfairy
Hi pinkcatfairy
Yes I to have a generalised anxiety disorder for which I've been on escitalopram for 12 years trying several times to come off them but now I take 5mg a day which I will stick to and I also have acupuncture! My periods changed to every 23 days for a year now there back to 28 days??? I just live each day as it comes now as I find that the best way to cope and I feel this is going to go on for many years to come xx
penelope65426 Foxy_polly
Hello my dear I hear you. I have everything you do I'm 49 and if it's not enough to struggle with anxiety and panic.We need this like a hole in the head.I have a small lump in my neck it's called a goitre of the thyroid I have had blood tests three monthly since and the results do change BUT stay within what is called the normal range I get a photo copy of the results every time.But because it's hormones the slightest move affects me in so many ways.And again Menapause is the same fluctuations in hormone levels some women can tolerate hormone fluctuations.But others like us can't tolerate the slightest in are not going Mad everything you feel is very real.What the doctors call normal range is not for everyone.We are all different people make me so mad how you are made to feel.Hang in there!💐
Foxy_polly penelope65426
Hi Penelope
Thanks for your kind reply and your right we are all different and our body's all handle things differently. It's so nice to have this forum for support after having these symptoms for at least the last 18 months worse in the last 6 I'm now accepting that this is body as I've had so many tests done and everything thing comes back normal. Now I try and live in the moment and take each day as it comes which helps a lot. Xx