Sicky feeling with acid reflux!
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Hi all, I suffers its terrible acid reflux. I take Lansoprazole as my medication. Which just isn't doing its job just lately? For the last 2 weeks now from when I wake I feel sick, the food I eat doesn't come back up,thank god!. I watch what I eat having this condition. Sleep propped up slim and not overweight. Why am I suffering with this constant feeling off sickness? Does anyone suffer like this to. Wind is terrible both ends my chest to feels tight sometimes I had an appoitment at the doctors surgery today and the doctor seemed baffled as to what it could be? She seemed reluctant at dioganising anything, like I said my medication is Lansoprazole she prescribed me with Lansoprazole Orodisperisibletablet!!!!and to see her again in a week!.may I ask if anyone else takes this maediation? Will the sickness get taken away? I bloody hope so. Any advic please!!.
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susan21149 Shelly0069
My chest was really hurting the other day due to acid reflux.
Plus i have sleep apnea and that does not help either
frankieD Shelly0069
middlemuddle Shelly0069
Things I have noticed, my symptons are worse in the second half of my cycle, I think due to the drop in ostrogen.
Try to avoid foods which create wind, experiement, look at the FODMAP diet for things to avoid but generally pulses, breads, onions, garlic.
Try to eat several small meals rather than 3 main meals.
Try the moorning bicarb test to see if your problem is really low acid and not high.
Reduce stress.
Get and Endoscopy to rule out any major problems.
I hope the fact that there are lots of us suffering eases your worry. I think our digestive systems just don't work as well as we age and we need to do anything we can to support them/take the strain off them.
MrsMerm Shelly0069
yes have had similar and believe it is another dreaded symptom of the menopause I'm afraid
Drink lots of water (I like the fizzy type in bottles)
try to avoid alcohol
it makes everything worse at meno time...............
Mrs M
sheryl37154 Shelly0069
If test is negative (and an endoscope can identify too), use kefir anyway but not till you are tested as it suppresses it and you will get a neg result even if positive.
Shelly0069 sheryl37154
sheryl37154 Shelly0069
It is a test for a particular bacteria (HP) in the stomach which eventually causes ulcers. It causes a whole range of symptoms including acid reflux, sensitivies to various foods, even a constant throat clearing which my husband had. Google it, you will be surprised. My main problem with it was ulcer like pain in the gut. My husband did not have that pain, but the acid reflux caused by the HP was causing inflammation of his throat and sinuses.
I am told there is a blood test for it. My husband was diagnosed via an endoscopy as they were looking for something else.
My husband was also given nexium only but it only suppressed the problem a little.
camillesmith Shelly0069