side affects of hrt

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hi there,is any1 taking hrt prempak-c,if so what are the side affects .......thanks

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Scottie

    did you know that Prempak and Premique and Premarin 

    are made of pregnant Mares Urine ?  this is Equine ..

    we are not horses ..

    i would avoid and ask for another 

    it is taken from pregnant mares and done cruely 

    i bet your doctor forgot to mention that..

    i tell you so you are informed the end decision is yours 

    jay xx


  • Posted

    Hi. I have been taking prepac c for 10 months and apart from a bit of heartburn at the start have had no side effects , just feel 100% better. No night sweats , hot flushes or mood swings. I worried that I would put on weight but that hasn't happened. I feel normal again and wish I had tried it sooner. I know this isn't the case for everyone and some ladies don't get on with it. I can only comment on how it has been for me. Hope whatever you decide to try helps x 
    • Posted

      thank you gillian,will be starting them 2day,cant handle feeling like poop...............and ho well urine,but if it helps i for it.
  • Posted

    didn;t find HRT helped me, I stopped taking it and hot flushes haven;t returned smile

    I have been taking all supplements as advised by JayneeJay and I'm feeling better, not like before meno but coping wink

    • Posted

      Hi Mrs Merm 

      nice one 😃

      hope it continues ..

      i feel pretty chipper too.. 

      take care

      Jay xx

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