Side Effects Amlodipine

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Hello all, I am new to this forum but felt compelled to write in.

i take 5mg Amlodipine with 16mg Candesartin to control my blood pressure.

My bp is under control but I suffer with the following side effects.

light headed, dizzy, stomach gripes, tiredness, I can also on occasion suffer from mild angina symptoms, aching shoulders, jaw, mild chest pain

These symtoms do not occur daily, they have not natural cycle I can pin down.

I suffer with ectopic heart beats and the occasional pause, especially at low rev, as the heart is either warming up or cooling, slowing down. I can in the main handle these symptoms now I understand them better, but the Amlodipine side effects do cause me concern and raise my anxiety levels.

I have had an angiogram, stress MRI and I don't suffer with angina, it's the Amlodipine that appears to be causing my issues.

After reading that so many people suffer in different ways, does anyone know of an alternative to Amlodipine I could discuss with my consultant for a possible swap/trial?



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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Matt, both my hubby and our neighbour had pacemakers fitted whilst taking Amlodipine.  My hubby had in fact collapsed in the early hours and the paramedics diagnosed total heart block.  I know someone else on Amlodipine who was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation shortly after starting this drug.  I had to come off it because my ankles swelled to such an extent that it caused what the GP diagnosed as varicose eczema.  At that time, on doing some research, I discovered that the Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston (a reliable source) did not recommend Amlodipine for women over a certain age due to causing heart problems.  Now obviously you're not a woman.  However, I queried this with a doctor on my renal team and he said that further research on this subject didn't prove anything.  I am not convinced after the experiences of both my hubby and neighbour in particular.

    It does sound as though Amlodipine doesn't agree with you and you should ask your GP to try a different pill - there are loads to choose from and there should be one that will suit you.   I am someone who is very sensitive to drugs - am now on my 8th pill, Losartan Potassium, and this has caused me the least side effects of the lot, especially at the lower 50mg dose.  

    • Posted

      Thanks Mrs O.

      I'm glad I found this forum, today I've received some great information and advice.

  • Posted

    When I discovered Amlodipine had caused aFib, my doctor switched me to metoprolol tartrate 25 mg.  I have had no side effects and my BP has been fine.  There are a lot of other drugs you can take for BP.
    • Posted

      Thank you cpwood, that's good information and much appreciated.

  • Posted

    Hi Matt, I had to stop Amlodipine about 3 or 4 months ago because of the digestive problems caused by taking it for over 12 years. I had the swelling in my ankles but that went away and the other problems slowly creeped up on me. In 2014, I ended up in the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. I had chest tightness, strange discomfort/aches on left side, arm, shoulders, under my left breast, and anxiety.  Cardiologist performed heart cath but ruled out heart attack.  It took another 3 years before I figured out that it was the Amlodipine and that it was more related to gastrointestinal problems.  My doctor had prescribed omeprazole.  Sometimes I would forget to take the Amlodipine for several days (I've never been very good a taking pills consistently) and started to notice that my digestive discomfort would subside.  After a week, the digestive problems have subsided but I'm not sure how much damaged has been done so I'm trying diet, exercise, massages, yoga, and meditation. My PCP changed my Blood Pressure meds to Losartan, Lisinopril, Bystolic and Cartia XT but all have caused significant side effects so we are still trying to find one that will work.  

    • Posted

      Thanks Mesirm, it's good to know that others have experienced similar symtoms.

      I'll talk to my GP and consultant about swapping the amlodipine for an alternative.

  • Posted

    Hi Matt. I am 64 yrs old. About ten years ago I developed high BP and, like you, had an angiogram that showed my arteries were all clear. AS well as taking up Yoga and swimming my GP put me on Candesartan 16mgs and Bendrofluazide 2.5mgs (this was after trying all the other meds for BP. I was OK for a few years on these. Due to frequent trips to the loo at night he tried Candesartan 16mgs and Amlodepine 5mgs, which worked well I was worried about my kidneys getting overworked and, as I was getting older the GP agreed I just stay on Amlodepine only. I felt the Candesartan was more harmful because it can deplete your sodium levels and also cause muscle problems, breathing problems etc. The Amlodepine has worked well for four years but I feel my muscles are affected. I have to do lots of excercises as well as the yoga to keep the aches and pains at bay! Hope this is helpful.
    • Posted

      Thanks davidg,

      Alll information is a help. I'm convinced that the Amlodipine is the cause of my issues, i intend to discuss these in more detail with my GP and consultant.

  • Posted

    watch out for lots of leg pain in the calfs and shins , i had it and it was horrible!!
    • Posted

      Thanks jason97677

      i do get the occasional leg pains after exercising, another side effect!

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