Side effects citrolopram 30mg

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I came off 45mg of metrazpine 6 weeks ago as i was feeling better anxiety wise however I had put on a considerable amount of weight which i didnt like so asked to swop to citralopram. The side effects have been pretty bad, no appetite, feeling sick, diarehea funny sensations in my legs particulary right leg, waking at around 03:30, panic, anxiety about my heath (I have an obsession with cancer). My doctors tell me i need to hang in there with the 30mg and have given me some diazpam for emergencies ( ie taking myself off to A and E). Its week 4 and im trying all my counseeling tools, CBT and forcing food down. My doctor said i should see this as positive, an opportunity to lose the weight i put on with the metrazapine. I was hoping for some reasurence that this has happened to others? Thank you gem x

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi gemma58,

    I've been through a similar situation, was on Mirtazapine, but drs swapped me onto sertraline to avoid weight gain. im only 5ft2 & weigh in at 10.5 stone around 66-67kg. I weaned off sertraline 40mg October 2019, i noted mild tinnitus, which comes & goes but i have had MRI & all normal. You see I also suffer from health anxiety, & cancer-phobic. i have no reason as no 'red flags' tests all clear. But, anyway, I'm now on Citalopram 20mg, which i take in the morning & 2mg of Diazepam which i take at night. My sleep is alot better, 7 hours insteaf of 4!! Yes, I had worsening of the anxiety, muscle jerks when trying to sleep. I noticed my right foot feels colder than my left sometimes, & I seem to have a runny nose when eating or when I'm doing housework. I note these drugs can cause dryness, Dr not concerned, especially as my head MRI was normal. I imagine these drugs when combined will probably be making the side effects worse. Anyway, i hope this helps & if you have had any similar side effects to hear your experiences would be much appreciated. Many thanks

    • Posted

      thank you so much for replying its a relief to know there is someone else in the same boat (although i wish it wasnt the case because its a tough anxiety to manage) im waiting to feel better... do you remember how long your side effects lasted? I was 9st 7 when I started the metrazapine when i stopped i was 11st 11.5lb! so there is plenty of scope to lose weight but that feeling does not help with the cancer side of the anxiety. My docs are extremley tollerant of me and understanding.. i have spoken to them on the phone every other day and they have said i have to try and get some control as going to A and E having tests again is extremley risky at the moment with covid. So im trying my hardest to sit tight xx

    • Posted

      I can totally relate to you. I have been on citalopram for 14 weeks, it's been a mess some of the time. I have the gut issues you speak of, appetite comes and goes from time to time although I am maintaining weight, I have an extreme preoccupation with cancer. At first I thought it was kidney cancer, then colon cancer, then pancreatic cancer and on and on and on. Most recently my throat feels like it's got lump in it. I've seen my doctor for it and he says he can't see any signs of anything wrong. I haven't underwent an endoscope, but my dr sees no need for it? I have a constant sensation of dryness/a lump....and sometimes I get a little hoarse. I notice that swallowing requires a bit more concentration than I'm used to.

      When I get really stressed about it all my legs move out of control it seems like. I get sweaty and extremely sensitive to temperature changes in general.

      I like to hope that most of this is side effects of the medication as well as side effects of anxiety itself, but it's really hard to convince yourself of that.

    • Posted

      thank you for your reply.. its reasurring again to know of others in similar situations. I had similar symptons re dryness, lump in throat... its called 'globus sensation' and extremley common according to my doc. I have to keep going with my CBT techniques and feel more reassured that i have eaten 2 meals today.

      would be great to keep in contact to track progress.


    • Posted

      I've read up on globus sensation a ton. I try to convince myself that's all it is as well...and on some occasions it does seem to relax if I can get my mind preoccupied with something else. However, it does seem to go on and on and on more often than not.

      That most definitely has my mind more preoccupied than anything with the cancer thoughts right now.

      I will private message you and would be glad to keep in touch.

    • Posted

      Hi Gemma,

      sorry I didn't get back to you very quickly. Regarding the side effects, I think these were for about 1- 2 months. But I started to feel better certainly by 3 months. Metazapine is a definite weight gain side effect, my GP was not keen fir me to stay long on it.

      Anyway, now I'm on the Citalopram I am 80% more stable, 'normal' Except for this runny nose which tends to be stuffy on waking. I was blowing it each morning & then noticed a trace of blood. Now my nose easily bleeds for a couple of seconds, & only a few drops. Seems to be both nostrils. it hasn't helped that I keep checking by putting a Q-Tip followed by tissue daily! Not giving the vessels time to heal am I?

      Anyway, your CBT will teach you to be more patient as will mine when it starts. It's a testing time fir us all. Others will be more understanding of our anxiety now. If you were seriously ill, remember you would loose a significant amount of weight. I use the Dr Morton service if I'm really worried, you can have unlimited access if you subscribe. Saves you awkward trips to A&E, especially at this time.

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