Side effects from cutting down

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Hi, I was under the impression that by slowly reducing the tramodol dosage the side effects would flare up, stay for a bit but then settle down.  Then when I was feeling brave enough to cut down again.  This just isn't happening for me.  I started cutting down a year ago and have had a permantent headache.  Recently cut down to 100mg a day and the headaches turned into migranes.  The only option open to me is cold turkey now but i just cant cope with weeks of migranes.

Has anyone else tried to cut down slowly and found the side effects dont settle down?  

If I go back up to the dose I was on will the side effects stop?  Any ideas? Pretty stuck at the moment! Georgia

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi georgia,I have only been cutting down a couple of weeks,originally I was on 2x50mg Tramadol 4 x a day,I went straight to 1x50mg 4 xa day,after that I tried to cut out 1 tablet a day but that was too much had all the usual side effects,so then tried missing 1 tablet out every other day,now I am missing my midmorning 1 out every day,I feel very tired & itchy but that's nothing compared to a Loy of other people,so next week I'm going to miss another one out every other day & take it from there,it's a lot of trial & error but I'm not prepared to go through the horror of the nasty side effects,if I carry on like this it will be fine,but if not my doctor will get the drug team in,it will mean more meds but they will stop all the side effects! So that's my plan you shouldn't have to suffer that's what our nhs is for,I hope this helped you in some small way,all the best Georgia take care x
  • Posted

    Well i don't know the rate at which you are decreasing...maybe its too fast for you.  I know you want to get off but I wouldn't try it cold turkey....maybe go up a little bit for one week and see if the headaches stop....but not back to your full dose!  Also try  not cutting down again the minute you feel better but wait a week till you're solidly locked in on the new dose.  If you really must come off cold turkey perhaps you could get some medical help with that.
  • Posted

    I started on max 8-day 50mg for about 2 months then I goolge tramdol and saw the effects of being a drug addict so I started to cut down to 6-4 over a short period I do get sweats chills double vision I ran out the other week and it was awful for A day I had to get some more I want to get down to 2 a day but it's hard as I'm in pain 24/ 7 I also take amtriplyine for sleeping it works well but tramadol is a dangerous drug
  • Posted

    I highly recommend triptan drugs for the migraines. Imitrex was the first in this class, but there are many more choices now. They are expensive, but worth every penny if you suffer migraines. If taken early enough in an episode, they can sometimes abort it completely. They are prescription only, and you need to have them on-hand to take ASAP.

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