Side effects of amlodipine? Or original symptoms?

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Hello everyone

I am a 26 year old male with a family history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. My BP was usually higher since about 10 years ago, but not alarming enough to consult a doctor. Last month, I had a reading of 184/110. A trip to the physician got me started immediately on amlodipine 2.5mg once a day. Though I protested, my physician thought it was the right thing to do.

All routine blood work came back normal. A few days later, I felt a bizzare detachment from things. Issues that earlier irked me did nothing to me anymore. I was initially relieved that it felt calmer, but later realized that it was unusual.

The last one week has been terrible. Anxiety, increased sensitivity to sound, constant ringing in my ears, losing sleep, numbness and tingling in arms and legs. However, the BP is realtively lower (140/86).

Reading these forums made me assume that these are the side effects of the drug. I'm not sure if they are the original symptoms associated with hypertension. My GP thinks I'm over reacting and tells me that this is normal.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    It's nice to meet you karthik,

    Oh my lord, do NOT let your dr tell you that you are over reacting to these side effects. That's EXACTLY what they are. I had the EXACT same side effects. Hypertension does NOT show these as symptoms. Infact, hypertension usually goes undetected because there are no sypmtoms. Earlier I posted ALL  the side effects of this drug so that EVERYONE could copy and paste them to have for themselves or take to their DRs. Please look for this post, if you can't find it let me know and I will forward it again.

    Obviously you need something for your HBP.....but what you don't need is to suffer from these side effects that will end up harmong you if you continue this med. There are plenty of other meds he can try until you find one that's right for you. So print out the list I posted, high light the symptoms you are having and take it to your dr and give it to him. Tell him you want something else or you will consult another physician. IT'S YOUR BODY. Not his...he does not know what you feel and yo have the right to refuse to take any meds that makes you ill. He is a Dr.....not GOD!

    Good luck and keep us informed!


  • Posted

    Hi Karthik - I was put on amlodipine 10mg two years ago - and very slowly things started to go wrong. I put it down to age and was not happy with the situation. Earlier in the year I started to get swollen ankles and eventually went to the doctor who told me to stop the meds for a week and see what happened. Ankle swelling went down within 48 hours and all other symptoms disappeared. I then came onto this blog to look for other people's problems with amlodipine and what I found out really put the fear of god in me. I was experiencing the detachment from things and was beginning to think I had early onset alzheimers - scary. All in all I have counted 19 problems associated with this drug. I have not gone back on it and am controlling my B.P. with diet and healthy living. I have given up smoking after 50 years - reduced my salt intake - taking garlic in tablet form and diet - taking codliver oil in tablet form - eating plenty of tomatoes and nuts especially almonds and lots of fruit. I have managed to get my B.P. down to130/80 which is a very acceptable level. Good luck with your fight but it is a dangerous drug and when you look at the stats for this it is scary. It has been banned in Holland because of the high incidents of people committing suicide which is associated with Amlodipine and all the other side effects that come with it. This drug is dangerous. There are other drugs out there that you can try that arn't so harmful - discuss with your doctor who should be sympathetic to you. The reason most doctors like to prescribe this drug is because it is so cheap and they want to keep their budgets down but don't be fooled - this is your body and you have the right to choose what you take. Good Luck.
    • Posted

      karthik, you only have to read the posts on Amlodipine on this forum to see how many people are adversely affected by Amlodipine.  It could be, of course, because many more people on taking that particular drug than other BP meds (it does seem to be flavour of the months these days!)  I came off it after just a few months because I couldn't cope with the side effects.  There are many different BP pills out there, so do go back to your Dr before your situation worsens (I left it too long and the swelling and inflammation in my legs eventually caused varicose eczema)  Ask for Losartan Potassium (my pharmacist has said it is the pill he hears the least complaints about from customers).  So far it has been the only one out of six that I really don't know I'm taking - unfortunately it isn't controlling my blood pressure sufficiently, but that's probably just me.  

      If you have familial hypertension then it isn't unusual to be monitored and treated.  But do try the exercise and diet route as well:  no salt, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, plenty of veggies and fruit, and avoid as much stress as possible.  Yoga and Tai Chi can help.  See another Dr in the practice if necessary, and do let us know how you get on - good luck.

  • Posted

    I moved to San Diego close to 8 years ago.  I have hypertention that runs in the family.  My new Dr. switched me from Tiazac to Amlodipine.  Over time I found myself to be less motivated to work out, put on weight and became increasingly anxious.  I didn't find joy in the activities I normally did and became amotivated and felt blue.  I chalked it up to the move to San Diego, new job, difficult colleague and beginnings of menopause.  Started with 10mg and then the doc cut me back to 5mg because of my severly swollen feet and ankles.  Cut dissolve around 2 years later my mother's terminal illness tipped my anxiety levels over the edge.  So then the doc put me on antidepressants (cocktail of Wellbutrin and Zoloft).  Around 4 months ago my readings edged up (in his office-white coat syndrome) and he increased my Amlodipine back to 10mg knowing that I suffered with the swelling side effect.  That symptom came almost immediately.  Withing 3 weeks I was suffering with severe pain in my left hip and knee joint so much so that I was limping.  I could barely walk to the corner.  I had NO energy and felt that there was no hope or joy in my life.  I was ready to see an orthopedist for my joint pain and had an aha moment.  I asked myself what had changed in my life in the last month.  AMLODIPINE increase.  Contacted the doc right away and told him that I cut myself back to 5mg and wanted to switch to another medicine.  He said that he was reluctant to do so since I might suffer other more severe side effects.  Sounds like Losartan is the preferred replacement drug.  I am going to insist that he switch me and try to wean off the antidepressents after I settled with a new pressure medication.  What a mess.  Good luck and good health to all my fellow forum participants.  Best, Sean
    • Posted

      Hello Sean.

      Sounds like you have a good plan of action! Stick to your guns and keep us informed as to your progress!


  • Posted

    Hello everyone

    Firstly, thank you all for the swift responses. I had a difficult day coping with anxiety and insomnia. You guys have certainly made me confident that this a phase which will be over when I switch meds. Being the pessimist that I am, I was beginning to accept that the changes are permanent.


    Thank you so much. I found the list of side effects. It is reassuring to see that even the wording is exactly the same.

    I've decided to see a different physician in the coming week and begin by asking for different meds.


    It is extremely inspirational that you've managed to control your BP with lifestyle changes. I hope to be able do the same at some point. All the best!

    Mrs O

    It is sad and scary to know that the drug caused lasting damage. Good luck with the fight. Yoga certainly sounds like an option.


    Good luck. Do keep us posted.



    • Posted

      You are so very welcome and wishing you the best! We all want to be of as much support to everyone on this and any other sight as well. The number of people who suffer as a result of this and many other meds is appaulling.

      I've suffered peripheral, cranial, muscle and tendon nerve damage. I'm now in Rehab and am hoping I will recover. I've been off for 7 months now and it's been extremely difficult. Some of us aren't so lucky. That's why we all need to share and help each and every one!

      You are NOT alone! smile

  • Posted


    I saw a different physician last night. Having explained my issues to him, he immediately asked me to switch to Bisoprolol Fumarate 2.5mg twice a day, and alprazolam 0.25mg once a day with vitamins. There's been a significant decrease in my diastolic pressure which was otherwise hovering around 90-100.

    As the next step, I've been asked to get a 2D Echo and TMT done. And, if they come back normal, a Renal Doppler test.

    Well, fingers crossed. And, glad that I'm off amlodipine for now.


    • Posted

      Good for you! Sounds like your on the right track. Please do keep us informed as to your test results. I'm praying things will turn out in your favor. Just so you know. Alprazolam is for anxiety. So it should help while you are dealing with this mess.

      my best to you,


  • Posted

    I believe these are certainly side effects of the drug. I experienced most of them when I took amlodipine for about 9 months. 

    Have you had any cardiology tests to find out why the bp is high? 


  • Posted

    Hi there

    Sorry, I didn't see the other repliues to your original post smile

    Ecxhocardiogram is a good test - can reveal if there is any damage to the heart owing to hpb.

    Good luck with the results fo these.

    Best wihses



  • Posted

    There are many things WE can do to control rising BP.....magnesium for one is valuable in this area, do some research on this mineral and our heart.

    Some on another post talk about beetroot.

    I truly believe MD's react and so do we and slap us on a life of drugs....

    There are homeopathics to help with BP and MEDITATION is so helpful, get into that daily habit.

    Control the salts, but we do need salt in our bodies.....and potassium needs to be watched....we can't get too low on potassium....

  • Posted

    Hello everyone

    I've been on bisoprolol fumarate for two months now, and it seems to be agreeing with me.

    My cardiac tests were normal, but my Renal Doppler Study showed that I have a relatively smaller left kidney which could be causing my hypertension. I saw a nephrologist who said that it could be due to one of the 3 reasons listed below:

    1. Urinary infection (not necessarily recent)

    2. Reverse flow of urine from the bladder to the kidney

    3. Constricted renal artery (Renal Arterial Stenosis)

    If it is either of the first two, there isn't anything that I can do except take medication for my BP. The third can be dealt with by installing a stent in the renal artery. She suggested I get an MR Renal Angiogram to confirm/rule out.

    I took a second opinion from another nephrologist who said that the surgery (even if found necessary) wouldn't help repair the damage to the kidney. We did a DMSA Renal Scintigraphy to determine the nature and extent of damage.

    Going to see him again tomorrow with the test results. Meanwhile, my BP's been rising over the past couple of weeks.

    Will keep you posted.


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