Side effects of citalopram will they ever go?
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When do the side effects settle? Been on citalopram before & don't remember having anything this bad other than headaches. This time nausea increased anxiety stomach upset shakes insomnia restlessness etc!! Started on 10mg but I halved them & seemed ok but increased to 10mg & wham!
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ashleigh73659 Keepkalm
I feel the same I'm on day 20 and still have side effects or maybe just my own anxiety. I'm on 10mg
Guest Keepkalm
Hi Keepcalm
Sometimes you get a completely different experience on citalopram the second time round, I've read this on here so many times. I've stopped and started back up myself and the start up effects were more intense the second time.
jim280 Guest
Sonia.....when you recovered the first time on the med, how long did your recovery take when you were completely anxiety free and your old self again ?
Guest jim280
Hi Jim
I would say 10 to 11 weeks. I started back to work after the 11th week. I still wasn't 100%, I still had anxiety driving to work and whilst there but each day it got better.
jim280 Guest
thnx...when did you lose fear and nervousness from anxiety and stopped thinking about it ?
Guest jim280
Hi Jim
Like I said, even when I went back to work I was still feeling anxiety, I think it went on for several weeks but I knew I was getting more confident as time went on, keeping busy in work helped.
What dose are you on and how long for, if you don't mind me asking?
jim280 Guest
Hello Sonia.....i am on 15mg lexapro for 13 weeks. getting still feel mild anxiety....i guess its blips that come as you recover until the meds completely settle in your brain. Much better than where i was prior to starting lexapro.
i had seen one of your posts where you mentioned, once fully recovered, you were symptom free for 10 yrs....thats great......i assume you prolly reached anxiety free day in day out in 6 months too like most people ?
Guest jim280
Hi Jim
13 weeks is still early days for many people, give it more time.
Yes, it's true, I had a good run on 10 mgs, symptom free.
I'm sorry, not sure what you are asking me in your last paragraph?
jim280 Guest
thnx sonia.
i was asking what timeframe your reached completely anxiety free and back to your old normal self or better ? i suspect it would have been by 6 months of taking the medication.
Guest jim280
Hi Jim
Difficult to answer that one, it was a long time ago. All I can say is once I was back in work I had less time to focus on anxiety, I worked in a very busy environment and had other things to focus on. The less I thought about it the better I felt and my confidence gradually came back. I knew I was getting better so I didn't let it take over my life. From memory, I would say that after starting back to work it was less than 6 months.
Now I am withdrawing, it is taking longer to stabilise. For me, withdrawal is worse that start up.
Good luck!
jim280 Guest
Thnx.....Glad you have been anxiety free for 10 years....amazing run.
Yeah withdrawal is painful.Hope you make it through like you recovered when you started on meds.
gemma58214 Keepkalm
hi im on week 6 of 30mg... I had upset stomach, nausea, panic attacks, lost my appetite completly. Stomach mostly settled last week, appetite is slowly returning, not feeling as anxious but still got a few more weeks i think until i feel the full effects. Your not alone in feeling effected both physically and mentally by the medication. I am sticking with it xxx
Guest gemma58214
i was on 20 mg for 5 weeks, now been on 40 mg for 4 weeks. side effects still, so do i need another 4 weeks for me to dosage to truly kick in? thanks for your input!
Hampton18 Keepkalm
I'm anxious about everything, please help how long for these tablets to help its been weeks. Its like hell
babsyboo Hampton18
how many weeks are u on them by now ?
I'm on week 18 and still have very bad days with high anxiety bad thoughts and lots of crying how about u ?
But I also had 9 good days before I got to the 7 days bad right now called blips and katecogs says they can take days . But then good ones come again . What side effects do u still have if u don't mind me asking . Hope to hear back from u soon
Hampton18 babsyboo
Hi hope you are well, I have been on them for 6/7 weeks. Just moved up to 30 mg alongisde, diazepam as im so bad at times. Hoping these tablets work and my ocd thoughts ease.