
Posted , 8 users are following.

I get a lot of sideaches lately. When i stand too long.i feel like the top of my body is so heavy and just pushing down on my waist and hips and i just ache all thw way around my body. Anyone else???

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    i ache all over my back i cant sit down i am a mess

    • Posted

      I have been having pain on the outside of both hips that makes it hard to sit and sometimes hurts when i walk or stand too long!!

  • Posted

    I ache all the time esp my hips and lower back , if i stand for to long in one spot its agony , feels like i have constant flu as the body aches are awful !!!

  • Posted

    I feel like an old crock and im only 51 . It worries me if im stuck like this fir the rest of my life . On Monday it was a migraine , followed by an aching back that kept me awake last night and now its my right arm that is painful and has a burning sensation near the elbow and into my muscles . I have always had problems on and off with my back in the lumbar region and Im wondering if things like this rear their head more during peri . I havent had a period for just over 2 months now and technically was due on again this week . I seem to get lots of general aches and pains and have often had that heavy feeling and twinges like my period is coming on , but then nothing . Is this all normal ? Any thoughts would be appreciated

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