Since i stopped my HRTs
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Ever since i stopped my Estradiol and the Provera i have not been myself I am not sleeping to good i am restless and irritable
i stopped it because of the bleeding i went through and the two cyst on my left ovary and the lesion on my right ovary.
I even had to stop my Nurontin because it made me really tired weak and it made me feel like i was going to pass out.
I just want to have a good nights sleep through the night with out waking up feeling restless crying and moody
I don't know what to do any more
Can someone give me some advise please Just feel like crying and screaming
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debbie41090 susan21149
susan21149 debbie41090
MrsMerm debbie41090
Because like me and the rest of us (you've no energy) this has to be the very worst thing I've had in my life (really)
Never really had any medical probs, hiked love fresh air and a great enthusiasm for life and Then THE MENOPAUSE uhh!!!
Keep going and stop beating yourself up, this thing is really bloody awful
debbie41090 MrsMerm
patti23776 debbie41090
sheryl37154 patti23776
They don't want to take hormones (and I don't mean you in particular, Patti, as i don't know you), then end up taking a cocktail of drugs to try to offset all the symptoms that they are suffering, which ends up making them so unhealthy and probably cancer prone!!!
Just do proper medical research, read the whole research papers, to check the conditions that they are researching under as it may not pertain to your circumstances. Otherwise a lot of flawed research abounds as 'myths'.
Good luck.
MrsMerm susan21149
having a rubbish day myself
Have you tried HERBAL nightall tabs, they might just relax you enough to drop off, but personally I think the best thing is some fresh air, just 30 mins walk would help (honest), I can't muster up the effort today though, I'm sat here on the couch having a "pity party" LOL
Stay positive Hun XXX
susan21149 MrsMerm
patti23776 MrsMerm
bobbysgirl susan21149
I do get some bleeding and when I do I stop the HRT for a couple of weeks. When the misery starts again I start back on the HRT.
It is not perfect, but it works for me. I do have regular ultra-sounds and scans to keep an eye on things and we'll just see how it goes.
susan21149 bobbysgirl
I just been so cranky not sleeping to good and moods all over the place
sheryl37154 susan21149
patti23776 susan21149
bobbysgirl patti23776
patti23776 bobbysgirl
susan21149 patti23776