Since July 2017 still suffering month 7. I can’t do this anymore

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Will this actually ever go I’m asking myself now. Another crash back in bed crushing neck pain it’s so painful, all at back going up to my head, awful headaches, tiredness 10\10 again, lymph nodes still up, and one is still up above my ear. Arm pains very painful. I want to be healthy again, I’m 26 and I’m so tired of all this. This isn’t a life it really isn’t, I don’t want to carry of living like this. My anxiety is through the roof I just want it all to end. Please someone tell me it gets better! The dr’s are saying it’s CFS/M.E. and I will be like this forever! Hell NO!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Rosanna,

    I am 25, I completely feel your pain and frustration. We are so young and to be unable to proceed with life as we usually do is very anxiety provoking and makes you want to scream and cry. Hugs to you... I completely understand.

    Rosanna, I had doctors mention CFS to me too. Don’t listen to them. That’s just doctors way of “explaining” what’s happening without actually explaining anything. There’s no test for CFS, therefore there’s no proof you have it. I am not accepting CFS,   Because to me there’s no benefit in it. What does it do to believe your condition is “chronic”. NOTHING. This is just a nasty virus. Your body is aching because it’s fighting this POS thing. You will be okay. It might take a little longer. But it’s not forever. 

    I’ve read other people talking about how they fell sick for months but then recovered. People who had a virus or “CFS” after 10 months, 4 months, 15 months getting better. To me CFS means nothing. I believe it’s a virus, and they just can’t detect it. Your body doesn’t just go haywire for no reason. It doesn’t ache for no reason.

    We will get better smile if you want to message me privately I wouldn’t mind exchanging FB because we are both going through something awful. If you’re looking for a pen pal for support smile 

    Xoxo girl, you will

    Be OK! 

  • Posted

    HI Rosanna,

    I am better,They tried to tell me the same thing at seven months and they were wrong. I had all the same symptoms you have and I honestly felt trapped in my own body and sure that I would feel this way forever but at about a year I started to recover.( I am 55 so you will probably recover sooner)

    I remember being at a wedding and I felt normal for hours and then the symptoms started lifting. I honestly dont know how I would have made it through without this forum to give me hope.

    The anxiety is one of the last things to go, an awful feeling I know, rest as much as you can. I tool advil for body aches, green tea for inflammation, vitamins, lots of water and rest. Try to distract yourself as much as possible with music, tv, internet, guided meditation, reading ect.

  • Posted

    There is hope. 9 months in to this I saw a naturopath, had 6 sessions of acupuncture, changed to a paleo diet and started taking pro-biotics turmeric omega 3 vitamin D and magnesium oil. I slowly got better and better.

    I will prob be paleo for life coz it changed things so dramatically for me. I have another condition too but all these changes have helped with that too.

    I also do yoga everyday

  • Posted

    Hi Rosanna,

    So sorry to hear things have taken a turn for the worse at the moment, I really do empathise and when I went through the virus I was the same age as you and I distinctly remember at about the 7-8 month mark taking a very similar turn to you - I had a spell where my joints became so painful and started bruising and the fatigue and fever was still there and I felt very similar to you, totally helpless and almost that all hope had gone.

    In actual that shortly after that things started to get much better Rosanna, and just want to let you know that I believe it's normal at this stage of the virus that a bad lapse can occur. Looking back now I believe that this bad lapse was my body starting to get on top of the virus and control it for good - really believing that can and will be the case for you too. At that time doctors were telling me it's CFS / ME too as going on for longer than 6 months - it scared me so much and caused me terrible anxiety too. I want you to know that IT IS IN NO WAY that is the case I truly believe, there is SUCH a difference between post viral and CFS, post viral can take a long time but it DOES get better, and it doesn't often for a lot of people happen inside 6 months as it's doctors say it's 'supposed to'.

    Hang in there Rosanna, I know you must be at the end of your tether, just take each day as it comes and please know that you won't be like this forever and that there still is recovery - it was after about 10 months that I really took a massive step forward in a short space of time, and from there on full recovery happened thanks to God - and that was over 10 years ago now.

    Thinking of you and you will get your life back again - you really will Rosanna and you're not going to be this way always - I went through the same and it's hellish and would never wish it on anyone, and just want you to know I'm thinking about you and believing in your recovery today and just take each day as it comes for now and rest when you need to.


    • Posted

      Thanks so much Craig. Again!! Your always so reassuring. I hope like you I do get over this In time. It’s so difficult, I’m so sick of it. But I will keep trying every day and Hopefully one day it will go!
    • Posted

      Oh I know Rosanna you must be so sick of it - I just wanted you to know how much I empathise having been through similar experience, and to remind that there is tonnes of hope today and that you won't be stuck this way - maybe for now things not great and it's been going on for so long I know but it doesn't mean in any shape or form that it won't get better - because it will and you will be back to full health again Rosanna, take care and just hang in there for now I know it's hard - better times ahead.


  • Posted

    Hi Rosanna.

    Cheer up! It's also been rough for me. This constant tiredness and foggyness is so annoying! Some days I feel exhausted all the time I can barely get out of bed. Every since I got this nasty virus my immune system went haywire. I went from being a cheerful, active, optimistic person to being an apathetic, worrisome, anxious kind of person.

    I got allergies and I had a horrible bout of gastritis/GERD a couple of months ago it's been a nightmare. My depression/anxiety got WORSE (I even went back to drinking which I hadn't done in more than a year though I'm really trying not to do it because my stomach hurts if I do).

    I went back to taking antidepressants (which I hadn't taken in more than 3 years) and I don't know what to expect next. My life before mono seems like something entirely different... But I feel I'm slowly improving. I don't feel as desperate as when it all started. Just hang in there, we'll all get better. I try to think of this as something that will make me stronger and a better person and I try to enjoy little things in life and the good days. Try to do the same and don't think about bad things. Smell the flowers, It's a beautiful world out there. cheesygrin

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