sinus, jaw, head, eye pain

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My newest symptoms seem to be jaw ache, dry eyes with headache behind, ringing ears and sore sinuses. Common symptom or visit to GP?? Sheena

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Common symptom I would say as that makes two of us with it, excess mucus also . Urgggh
    • Posted

      Wonderful eh?? Oh to be a man haha. My pains just keep moving around, jaw one side, head the other, forehead, other side of jaw, neck, back to head.... It's a right pain in the butt and my ears just constantly ring. Hope you're okay and get some relief. X

    • Posted

      I came on here by chance you say excess mucus it is not causing a horrendous cough is it i have had it three weeks now really fed up now 


    • Posted

      Yeah Sue have had a cough with it for about 6 weeks now!

      Very fed up😕😕

  • Posted


    I had all of these problems intensely for about 5 months. Jaw ache is from all the anxiety and tension you are holding. This connects to the headache at the back of the head. My head would hurt to lye on a pillow. It also always felt tight. I've found they are connected with peri.

    • Posted

      It's all great isn't it haha. Am gonna go and get my eyes tested and just try to relax a bit more. I'm very health anxious now so every time I get something else I'm obviously dying of some God forsaken disease haha. Did you use anything for relief?? X

  • Posted

    my newset is the eye twitching and that midle fat finger numbness feeling for the lat 5 days non stop on the finger I can feel like when I touch it or if anyone else touches it I can feel hot and cold and pin prinks it just remains feeling tight numbing feeling and when I bend it with other fingers it feels like the skin is streching and fat thick feeling! Anyone else get this and twicthes ofv and on throughout different parts of body? I have been IN constant PANIC mode over this Googles has it anywhere from leporsy to MS and ALS! I read number 21 in 66 symptoms of menopause---> 21. Joint and Muscle Pain, Achy, Sore Joints, Muscles and Tendons, which sometimes develop into actual carpal tunnel syndrome, or give rise to the questioning of other disease possibilities. Does that mean it can linger? I have the tingling in the hands too but that middle finger feels the numbness thick feeling!  I;m trying to combatt this Panic but since it hasnt cleared up the panic is growing horribly! IF ANYONE ses this and has experienced this PLEASE let me know rigt away.

    • Posted

      I've had lots of bone and muscle aches and pains and my vitamin d was low I now take a supplement for it and it's improved massively but the jaw pain is getting on my nerves. I haven't had the numb fingers tho sorry

  • Posted

    I am having the dry eye daily , headache out of the blue and sinus pressure on and off. I'm going back to my eye specialist to have the temporary tubes put into my tear ducts to stop the dry eye.

    • Posted

      I am going to get eyes tested I do suffer from dry eye since getting laser treatment but the pain in jaw and head is a new one to me and it's annoying

  • Posted

    I have all of the above. I woke up yesterday with one leg tingling and numbness. It actually started at the calf and went all the way down to my foot and toes. It was strange. I also have the eye twitching. Its under the left eye. I hate it and its so embarrassing.
  • Posted

    Yeah have had all of that Sheena. The top of my head used to hurt so

    much at first I thought I must have banged it on something, but it just

    kept coming and going. Pain and tingling in jaw and left side of my face.

    This has stopped now, thank Goodness, but have had so many symptoms

    on and off and sad to say I am still getting new and returning ones, I am

    56 and postmenapausal!

    Dry eyes seem to be on going, suppose that has something to do with age

    too. I use moisturising eye drops which make them feel better.

    This tingling thing, I would say is common too, but am baffled by the thick

    finger thing. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it a common symptom. Start

    a new discussion on it Cresado, you will probably get some replies that

    Will put your mind at ease. I expect we will all get it soon lol😊

    All the best to you all??

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