Sinus pressure

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Has anyone experienced pressure around the eye socket and right below the eye before the cheek bone starts?  I also feel it in the neck and nostril, base of head and a burning sensation on the outside of my ear. All of this on left side.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes ...every month before my period and now around ovulation. Its the worst feeling and I've suffered with sinus problems all my life and since peri...they've become heightened. I sometimes feel my eyes are so strained I can't get them focused and need glasses. My throbbing and pressure is usually in both eyes though.

    When someone figures out which hormone we are lacking in this particular area ,please let me know!

    Hope u start feeling better @sharcerv52408 Be Blessed xxx

    • Posted

      Thanks! I put a warm washcloth on my eye and around that area and it helped some.
  • Posted

    Hi hun 

    Are you stressing again 

    Stop it and relax 😀

    I have had left ear weirdness like pressue in it, and sensitive teeth and gums left side 

    Sometimes my nose runs out the blue but havent got a cold 😳

    Relax and stop worrying 

    Big hugs 

    Jay xx

    • Posted

      I finally went to the gyno today to discuss my symptoms and they think it's all depression related.  I told them that i was having the same symptoms as all of you and they didn't seem convinced but she put me on a low dose of antidepressants. The nurse outrightly dismissed it and said my symptoms could be something else. When the doctor came in she didn't dismiss the notion of my symptoms but she was more concerned about helping me feel better with my symptoms so i can function properly. 

      Why do these medical professionals discount our claims when we know our bodies better than them???

    • Posted

      Hi Shar 

      Are they saying your symptoms are not peri related did you mean..

      Hope your antidepressants help you and calm you.... 

      Expect to feel fuzzy headed on them and maybe tired.. Depending on which they gave you .. 

      Good luck Shar

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      The nurse was suggesting my symptoms were related to something else.  The doctor never affirmed or denied my symptoms as being peri related.  She was more focused on giving me something to help with the symptoms,  i. e., the antidepressant.

      As far as feeling fuzzy and tired, it's like that sometimes already these days. Lol! But i only have to take them the 10 days before my period and the first 3 days of my period to help with the symptoms. I'll let you know how it goes. 

    • Posted

      Hi Shar

      hope it helps you sweetie..

      let us know what they gave you..  To take ..

      jay xx

    • Posted

      They prescribed Zoloft.  There are a lot of crazy side effects but hopefully because I'll be taking it intermittently,  they won't affect me. At least hopefully not the bad ones.
  • Posted

    we must be twins....i was just at my doctor's office today because of the pain in my face and neck exactly as you describe it...of course, i was convinced that it was because a sinus infection had spread to my brain (or perhaps bacterial meningitis....i tend to jump right to the worst-case scenario).....he said it was likely a tension headache exacerbated by jaw-clenching and suggested that i take a higher dose of over-the-counter ibuprofen to manage it. whatever it is, it hurts like the dickens....i'll try the warm washcloth trick to see if that helps. hope you're feeling better soon. Xx
    • Posted

      Yeah i tend to jump to worse case scenario conclusions too. Yeah try the warm wash cloth it really does help. 
    • Posted

      Hi, yes I get this too. All part of the muscular tension in face, neck, jaw. Don't know what the answer is but I find heat helps. Also I find that paracetamol works better than ibuprofen. Xx

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