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It's been 2 weeks and 2 days on 50 mg of Sirtraline the problem I'm having is getting out of bed in a morning real struggle when I wake up I feel anxious and do feel like I want to do anything just stay in bed all day but a force myself up because it makes you feel worse staying in bed when I come round feel a bit better then thought the day the negative thought kick in and the anxitey thinking people are looking at me funny and I keep looking in the Mirrow and I think I look rough black rings around my eye and look down as anyone else had this problem ?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi don

    Sorry you feeling not great at mo.

    It is early days for you still i guess.

    When are you taking the tablets ?

    They say it can take 4-6 weeks to feel any effect and that they can make you worse initially. That does suck though having to feel worse first of all.

    I'm not feeling great on mine after 2..5 weeks and going to hang on a bit longer and see

    Good luck and hold your head up high as it will all sort itself out eventually

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply I was taking them at night at start but sleeping problems it's been 3 days now taking it at 5 pm
    • Posted

      Well, stick with it for a few more weeks and

      Hopefully you may see a change !!! I too changed from night to day, purely as I wasn't noticing much. Stick with it if you can , and keep your g p up to date with how things are!!

  • Posted

    Hi Don,

    My thoughts are with you.

    I am on week 7 of taking Sertraline 50mg.

    I let myself go with the flow...if I feel the need to stay in bed, I do. I used to feel guilty about it because I have spent 30 years as a very busy person in a fab career, motivated every single day to go to work. I loved every moment of my time in work.

    I have now come to terms with the changes ME/CFS have brought to my life. My brain stil functions at that fast pace but my body is worn out; it reminds me of the comparison of the rabbit and the snail.

    I try to laugh about it as often as I can!

    I use PMA every day of my life now and that works for me, I think, because I have come to terms with my life as it is now.

    However, that does not mean that I have given up; On the contrary, I look to the future always. I have two wonderful children in my life who motivate me.

    I wanted to write to you because you talk about the things I experienced.

    I have black rings around my eyes most days; that's the mark of ME for many... I just don't use the mirror quite so often. Instead I focus on doing rather than seeing. Well, as well as one can under the circumstances.

    Some days I am just aching all over then I just become a slob 😍 No one cares so I stop worrying.

    My shower time, dressing time happens when I feel I am ready...😡 The most important thing (for me) is

    sticking to a day made up of a set routine which I try to record every day. I even write a I can helps me.

    Some days my wrists and legs just don't work so I allow myself time out even though I know my therapist is going to want to see my diary and the meeting of goals I have set the previous month...😇

    Don, Don't beat yourself up.

    Don't use up energy you don't need to.

    Do what works for you.

    Keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel because it's there.

    Acceptance...and take control.

    Good luck Don

    If it helps to talk, we are here for you.

    Jinny 💝

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply what do u mean by black rings are a part of ME for many ?
  • Posted

    Hi again,

    I take Sertraline in its lowest dose to help me with my ME/CFS. I know several people who have ME and we share our experiences. One of them being Black eyes; Rings around the eyes the size of A 50 pence piece. I think it 's quite common.

    I take it you Do not have ME ??

    Sorry if I confused you



  • Posted

    Don't fret, the black rings you feel you have doesn't mean you HAVE m.e,
  • Posted

    Hi Lynda,

    It.s a chronic condition. 

    Myalgic  ( meaning chronic aching) Enchephelytis ( meaning Imflamation of the brain or spine). Some say ME/CFS, others see it as 2 separate conditions.

    I was aware after writing to someone regarding Sertraline that this was not a forum for ME but meds. Hence my input on this forum.


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