Skin cancer help pls

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Hi I've had this for 5 days. It's a very very small black thing on my finger, I think it's under the skin. Also I have Diabetes so I have to prick my finger for blood and this thing is in the same spot so maybe it's something else?

It's not 100% symmetrical but pretty close

Only slightly raised doesn't hurt etc

Only one color

And am male 16 don't go out in the sun much

I showed my parents and they don't seem to be worried.

Here's a pic


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Also hasn't changed shape or anything. Showed my parents again they said it's a blood blister
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    I just remembered I think I had something like this a while ago on my other finger and it just went.
  • Posted

    It sounds to me like you have had a small bleed that's been trapped under a layer or two of skin. The fact that you have to prick your finger regularly and the fact that you have had something similar before would support this theory. If it grows in size and/or becomes painful you should see a doctor. I think this is something quite benign. It's good that you are aware enough to keep an eye on things like this.
  • Posted

    Looked at your pic. I'm almost certain what you have is a small subcutaneous bleed, or blood blister.
  • Posted

    Thanks a lot!

    I also searched Diabetic finger blisters and found a pic of a finger with the same thing I've got.

    I really get paranoid about this stuff and know I shouldn't.

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