Skin Reactions/Skin Sensitivity/Elasticity
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Hello Ladies,
My skin is all over the place rashes, can't put the blow dryer on my skin it turns beat red and reacts instantly!!!! Then any pressure applied to my skin leaves marks for days!!!! Shot sfrom drs. stays for days and days!!!! My skin is changing with Perimenopause!!! Please ladies if any of you are having similiar problems or issues help to ease my mind. It's getting so old running to the drs. all the time when something new pops up!!! Thank You for your help and support!!!
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debra16694 Shana_P
hi Shana - Have you been diagnosed with Rosacea by any chance? Rosacea reacts to heat amongst other triggers, but many women develop it in menopause -
Shana_P debra16694
Hello Debra,
No I haven't they did. say I am allergic to the cold and the heat. I don't buy this because if that was the case I wouldn't be able to drink Ice cold drinks or frozen fruit. I go to see my GP tomorrow morning then the Dermatologist on Monday. I think that is a good start. Oh wow really I didn't know that!!! Thank You for the info!!!!
debra16694 Shana_P
hi there - look up rosacea & see if your skin looks similar - they of course always show the worst cases online - my rosacea is primarily on my cheeks & nose - my triggers are emotional stress, spicy food, strong coffee, red wine & heat & sun. i am really prone to hot flash/flushes & when i get those my rosacea lights up like a xmas tree - half the time i look like rudolph with my bright red nose & cheeks - oh, isnt menopause fun? NOT!
Shana_P debra16694
my nose goes red and calms down right in front of my face!!!! On and off it happens!!!
Guest Shana_P
Hi Shana! we chatted yesterday (raynauds). I get lines all over my arms in the morning from my sheets. My hands look like a crumpled piece if dry. Also, if I get a blood test the marks stay veins are hard to I get poked at a lot. This is super gross, but my stretch marks around my belly from being pregnant seem to be worse. my under eye circles are darker than ever. I slather on the vitamin e oil. They say for nice skin, stay hydrated, blah, blah, blah...I drink a is estrogen on its way out.
Hi Lou!! Yes I remember...Oh wow so I don't feel so alone now!!!!!! I just wish I could take this all away from every women!!! I have very puffy eyes and my skin burns a lot. I get cramps in my feet and tingling in my extremities as well!!! I believe I have all 66 symptoms!!!! So many drs. ignore menopause and perimenopause symptoms its crazy!!!!! We need specialists that deal with just menopause and perimenopause alone!!!!
Guest Shana_P
My skin has always been sensitive but since meno it is so much worse! I tried a new cream on my neck the other day and it was as if I had a chemical peel! It was red and itchy for days. My lips are always dry too.
Shana_P Guest
yes my lips are always dry as well!! Just using my blow dryer makes my neck look like a lobster and heat anywhere on my body does the same thing!!!
beth12460 Shana_P
I am having skin reactions. Firstly, I used to put Vitamin E under my eyes every night for the last 35 years suddenly I can't. It makes my eyes go red itchy and puffy in minutes.
I have a rash around my neck. Red itchy bumps. I thought it was a reaction to a new detergent but I don't know. Anywhere my clothes rub my skin itches! I fell like a dog with fleas.
I also have rosacea. I found a cream with caper flower. It works well. You have to Google it. Its from the UK.