Skin tags
Posted , 8 users are following.
hi you lovely ladies. anyone out there got any skin tags because of menapause. i seam to have got 2 small white ones on the side of my chin the past few monthes anyone else xx
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Posted , 8 users are following.
hi you lovely ladies. anyone out there got any skin tags because of menapause. i seam to have got 2 small white ones on the side of my chin the past few monthes anyone else xx
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kimberly31329 karen96096
Hi Karen, Yes, I have a few now on my neck under my arm. Don't know if it's menopause or just aging. Annoying though.
karen96096 kimberly31329
hi kimberly think it could be abit of both lol. thanks for replying xx
Pamwhid karen96096
OMG. yes, ive always had them but since peri ive gotten more
karen96096 Pamwhid
hi ive never had any but got 2 now xx
ImagineOneDay karen96096
Yes, I started to have loads. I had 2 big ones removed by the gp. But o have a lot more growing around beck and upper body. Annoying
hi mine are very tiny and white but never had them before. xx
hi mine are very tiny and white but never had them before. xx
sprohop karen96096
yes had a big one removed, have loads of little ones under my boobs, hate them have tried various ways of getting rid of them but doesn't work.
ImagineOneDay sprohop
I had a large one in between my bobs. My bra kept rubbing and hurting it. That’s why I got it removed. There are many mini others growing. Terrible!!!
Takingtime karen96096
Hi there, Yes, oh my goodness yes! When skin tags started for me it was when I was pregnant 15 years ago. I gained a lot of weight at that time.When I lost the weight I froze them off, but they grew back, then were under my arms, but not many, maybe three on each side. Now in my early mid forties it appears I have a crop of them on each side under and around my arms.I read that they cal be linked with insulin issues, but I have had numerous blood tests random sugar tests, A1C, and insulin testing and all is normal.My father has had them around his neck for as long as I can remember, so thought maybe it is just a heredity skin condition........but I will say over the last year they have multiplied.
unico31026 karen96096
i have one under my armpit and one on my lower torso