Skipped periods

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Hi Ladies - new here!

I have been going through all this for some time now.  Hot flashes are the worse!  So a little background and curious on others time frame.  I know we are all different but maybe I can get some idea what to expect next..

It started about 3-4 years back maybe 5, as the PMS symptoms went through the roof!  Then I started to notice my periods were going from 28-31 days down to being about 1-2 days early from the 28 day mark.  That would go back and forth for a couple years - sometimes on time - sometimes early.  One period came 2 weeks early during this time - then back to the other cycle.  then had a period (about 1 year ago) that was skipped and started at around 45 days.  Then back to the other pattern of on time sometimes and then a day or two early..

During this phase my periods were longer as I used to be about 5 days bleeding - it went to 7-10.

Also gained weight during this time and cant seem to get it off - I try but to be honest just feel so damn blah with no energy and hungry all the time, I admit not trying too hard.

So my last period at christmas last year was on time then the big changes started!  Hot flashes!  OMG - like every hour on the hour and inbetween feel hot!  Sleeping with an icepack became my new best friend!

Then after decembers period didnt have a period for 95 days!  The month before I started the hot flashes calmed down.  After I started I had 3 more periods on time then nothing now again going on 91 days.  The flashes came back super bad again after my last on time period.  Now the last week flashes are on and off not so bad and today I am COLD!  Wondering if I am going to start a period again at around the 95 day mark like last time....hell if I know!

So I put on some over the counter progestone cream as though - why not!  At this point feel so lousy all the time figure it cant hurt...

I want to go through this natural and hanging in there but sure wish I knew when the end was coming.  This week so out of energy that just typing this seems like a chore.  Just want to get on couch and do nothing.  My husband gets on my nerves too...Seems the only person I like right now is my cat.....she never bothers me...

Anyone skip a lot of periods for 3 months and if so how long did that part last?  I just want all this over with.

As soon as I get the energy I will post more weird symptoms I have had in hopes it helps others - just feel so blah right now and think I'll go try and do something around the house here - force I feel like I'm turning into a big blob of nothing..neutral

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5 Replies

  • Posted

     Hi Cindy, just to let you know......  Stopped having a period last year in July.  Had periods This year in February March April and haven't had one since May so   Wondering when my next one might be or if this is it for good. 
    • Posted

      Thanks Trish - went 6 months without then BAM, 3 more...thats what I did, only I went 3 months then had 3 more and now been 3 months again with nothing - Ok...well, looks like we both are in limbo right


  • Posted

    Hi Ladies,

    My last real period was in October of last year, so it's almost a year.  Before that, I think I went four months without a period.  It was two or three months before that. The last couple of years my cycles were really wacky.  But, as of next month, I will oficially be in menopause as it will have been a full year.  However, menopause is rough, and I would go back to having periods if I could as mine were never bad.

    • Posted

      Thanks Tina......One more month and you're done...

      I actually agree on having periods as at least I knew I would feel better after I started and this noot knowing if the other symptoms will go away are murder!

      I feel this week like I am going to get a period - low back pain and moody, depressed  - more so than normal menopause I used to get right before a period...what scares me is this is how I am going to always feel until its all over so hoping it's a period coming.

  • Posted

    Hi - its is such a struggle, have you been to your doctor? you may need to get something to help you? You could try taking 'Menopace plus' this has lots of helpful vitamins & herbs that help & ease your suffering! I did have hot flushes evry hour & the tablets have helped alot, I still get them but not as regular, maybe 3 - 4 a day!

    Ypu could also try extra B6/B12 to help your mood swings which I take each morning! Good luck!biggrin

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