Skipping heart beats.
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I am 51 and just shy of two years post menopausal
If it isn't one thing it is another or multiple things at once. So I have had chest and breast issues this entire year. I had right breast pain then left breast pain. Got a 3D mammogram and it is all ok, so they say. Started having fluttering heartbeats in the middle of the night that made it hard to for me to sleep because - I worry. Then I had severe upper right just above my breast pain in the beginning of July that sent me to the ER. After tests they determined it probably was Costochondritis. It went away about 2.5 weeks later. But in the I had an appt with my Dr. the next day after ER for left breast pain. She did a breast exam, hit that inflammation and I wanted to hit her. She said she felt a thickening on my upper right breast, and wanted me to see a breast surgeon. Ok I felt it was the costochondritis but I wanted to know about why my left breast keeps aching. Two nights ago my heart started what feels like skipping a beat. Was not that frequent but was like hiccups in my heartbeat. So today was my appt and my skipping got worse. (I figured stress from traffic and appt added to the skip). My appt went ok, Seems that I am fairly normal (ha, me normal?) though she didn't do an ultrasound. She did notice the skipping in the stethoscope but didnt' comment other than avoid caffeine.
I read that it might be or might not be serious. That it will usually go away on it's own.
Anyone else have this issue? I keep wavering on going to ER. I think I have a room there with my name on a plaque. lol.
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chrisann144 Keljo48
im sorry your goingthru all this it just sucks in plain english i had palpatations i started taking chelated magneiusim which has helped i get them on occasion now i was on vacation when it happened regularly thought i was going to die right there so i searched the internet and found soaking in epsom salts two cups for a half hour i did that until i could order my magnesium i hope that helps it helps and i thought if it didnt help then i would go to my dr good luck and also it made my anxiety go thru the roof which made the palps worse
Keljo48 chrisann144
Thank you,
I take magnesium but I never knew about the chelated. I looked for some but it was late and stores that may carry it readily are closed and none of our pharmacy chain stores carry it. My anxiety is through the roof and to top it all off I get home and a case manager nurse with my health insurance left a message to call her. Great, lets just add insult to injury now I have to worry what she wants lol. So I will probably have to order my chelated magnesium,
I will try the epsom salts too! Thank you 😃
Keljo48 chrisann144
I just wanted to let you know the chelated magnesium seems to have calmed my skipping heart. So thank you! I also take a low dose vitamin e (200mg) recommended by breast surgeon and also take evening primrose. So far (knock wood) those issues aren't bothering me. I have now pain in what I believe is my left ovary. It feels like I am being jabbed. I have an ultrasound at GYN tomorrow. I also have had for close to a month a calf and back of the knee pain on my right leg. It's bothering me now! Sigh. Went to the ER (I see them more than my family) because my husband consulted Dr evil google and had me worried that it might be dvt. ER doc treated me like I was a hypochodriac or that I was being stupid. Blood work d-dimer neg- no blood clot. My NP appt on Mon she said that those results can be false negative supposedly so she ordered a ultrasound which I went right over to the hospital for. Tech said afterwards that though she can't discuss results of my ultrasound that if I had a blood clot I would not be allowed to leave and would be hospitalized. Bless her heart. NP says no blood clot or Baker's cyst. I now will see a vascular specialist. NP said that I might be pre diabetic because my Er blood work said sugar was 118. (8pm at night) I didn't fast and I can't say when I ate an hour before going in) anyway diabetes runs in my family and I am way over weight. So I check my glucose. I have had numbers about 105 in morning. So I requested my glucose blood work from NP. Just did that this morning. I have just started no sugar at all, low glycemic carb and lean protein and trying to walk on treadmill. (ovary and leg pain ugh). I only drink water.
I don't want to end up with diabetes. I am more worried about ovary area pain more than the leg pain. I really feel like I am falling apart.
chrisann144 Keljo48
im glad that helped i have added vit c ans b6 i dont feel they are doing anything but the mag yes def helped immensly i have a feelinf all the aches and pains are peri related! everyday you just dont know what you will get! with the blood sugar at the very least the last time you ate has to be six hours i have lost weight in peri but its been a journey i exercise five days a week even the exercise i dont feel like i used to where the endorphins would kick in nope dont feel it at all but i do it because its good for me! good luck and keep us posted! this whole thing just sucks
sara97862 Keljo48
Hi Keljo,
Glad to hear your appt went ok!! Well, except for Dr. Grabby Hands, lol.
Yes, in the past I have had palpitations, and they make me so anxious!!
Things that would make them worse: missing meals; heat; schedule too packed; large meals; period; ovulation; starting or stopping hrt; pain (having a migraine would make mine worse until the migraine pain passed); any stressful event... illness; worry; tragedy in family; etc
I hate that feeling so much.
I have been really lucky lately... getting them very rarely these days.
Do whatever it takes to get peace of mind about them for yourself.
dev77856 Keljo48
i’m not sure but sounds like anxiety along with gas. It’s important to minimize eating foods that cause inflammation. Have you had any bleeding or spotting?
VSF1918 Keljo48
Yes- Sounds exactly like mine. I don't have quickening heartbeats, but mine feels as if it SKIPS. I can feel it change in my breath, sometimes I feel the breath need to cough and it seems to regulate again. Many times throughout the day. This has been going on for apx. one year. The "listen" in the dr's office over the last year have been fine. However, last week I had a hysterectomy and right before the surgery, to address the reports of the skipping heartbeat, the anesthesiologist did an EKG. The report came back as "Right Bundle Block" and "Borderline ECG", which can be nothing or something. Going back for post-op next week and will follow up.
Keljo48 VSF1918
How is your skipping heartbeat going? Did you find out anything?
Skipping is gone so far. I take the chelated magnesium every day. So heartbeat good so far.
karen71465 Keljo48
Hi sweetie sorry to hear you have these things going on when this was happening to me strange heart beat i took magnesium it calmed me and my heart seemed back to normal i hope that everything works out for you all the best ...karen x