Skipping heartbeat

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Have anybody experience skipping heartbeats from perimenpause. If you have please tell me how long does it last. Because I am in perimenpause, I have lost weight, dizziness, waking up throughout the night. I be thinking crazy I just feeling scary. Please somebody tell me something.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    This is very common and related to anxiety which is also common.   Take magnesium.  And if the anxiety gets to you get xanax.  I had to do it twice in my life but it worked. 
  • Posted

    I have experienced the skipping heartbeat and a fast heartbeat. From what I have read it is totally normal to have palpitations during perimenopause due the hormones.
    • Posted

      I too have become so windy, it’s awful.  I had major palpitations also, So I was monitored on an ecg machine and all was fine, I was suppose to go back to fitted with the portable one for 24 hours, but they literally stopped that day... the wind continues though! 🤦🏼???

  • Posted

    Ditto here...had palpitations, fluttering in stomach, everything, of course I thought I was about to have a heart attack!
  • Posted

    I keep getting gas in my stomach and pains under my ribs are these all signs of peri menopause? Feel like am going off my head. 
    • Posted

      I replied to the wrong person there...😳

      I too have become so windy, it’s awful.  I had major palpitations also, So I was monitored on an ecg machine and all was fine, I was suppose to go back to fitted with the portable one for 24 hours, but they literally stopped that day... the wind continues though! 🤦🏼???

  • Posted

    Hi Kim I also have palertations and skipped beats , went to see my cardiologist yesterday as become really worried about them , she reassured me that mine were not harmful and also added the amount of ladies of our age are having them she also said half of her consultations the previous day were from us ladies who are experiencing them, she also said as much as they are horrid to experience they are mainly harmless and when they happen it brings on anxiety which makes them worse , hope this has helped but if your concerned have them checked , my cardiologist is putting on a 3 day tape just for my peace of mind and check she isn’t missing anything ...x
  • Posted

    Good Morning. i have had the same, and the dizziness and waking up thru the night for past year and half..but there is hope. i am now in menopause and feeling better.   sleeping better.  Its alot of anxiety, which if you had prior to peri, it will hit u  a bit harder then someone who never had anxiety.  but i will get better try to realzie that its just your hormones dropping.  i am only in menopause now 2 months,( which was confirmed by blood work ) and i still have to wait the 12 months with out a bleed before totally confirmend .  I  still have anxiety, but magnesium does help  i take 250 a day.  and i take 1 gram of inositiol a day , which really helps too.  hopefully you will go through it quickly. It will get better..just take deep breathes.  I am 52 and suffered with anxiety prior to this rough part of life.  And pray now that it all will start to settle down.  which it is already smile...i hope this helps. 
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      I do suffer from anxiety and it does seem to be getting worse.  I had spotting for two months and it sent me in to total overdrive...even although I had clear pap test and an ultra scan that was fine, the spotting has now stopped but as my doctor had suggested I visit a gyno ( purely to give me peace of mind) I’m over anxious again.. 😢

      I take escitalopram for  my anxiety.. what is it the magnesium does?

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