Skipping heartbeat
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I am in perimenpause and I start getting skipping heartbeats. Have anybody get this if so how often you get it, is it everyday that you feel that skipping heartbeats.
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beth12460 kim93615
kim93615 beth12460
beth12460 kim93615
Sorry I was not very clear. These skip heart beats are usually menopausal related. It usually comes with anxiety. Anxiety is common in peri or menopause. You could have them many times a day. Perhaps so subtle you don't even notice. But its unnerving. I take magnesium. Everybody needs magnesium. I also take calcium. If you have bad anxiety you can take something like xanax in a very small dose. Don't use caffeine. I drink herbal tea especially ones which promote calmness. Exercise helps to get rid of anxiety. Relaxation cd's. A glass of red wine. But just one and don't mix medication with alcohol ever. Sometimes people use alcohol to stop anxiety but it does not work.
If you had a heart condition I think they would notice it in the dr's office. Or you would have other symptoms. Anxiety can be horrible. Just be able to recognize it. There is a really good book. Anxiety & Phobia Workshop Book. I fount it really helpful. Hope this helps.
angie_38564 kim93615
maria76995 kim93615
Me too Kim, my heart went mad night before it started racing and I felt it I'm my tummy too and I jump out of bed and went to the loo for a walk Lol...then went back to bed and sleep on my right side so I wouldn't hear it.
Guest kim93615