Sleep Apnea
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Anyone by chance develop sleep apnea with the onset of menopause/peri menopause?
I'm considering doing a sleep study to see if this is a possibility for me.
The same day all these crazy/awful symptoms started was the same day I stopped drifting off to sleep easily. Now, as soon as I am about to drift off, I suddenly startle awake. it kinda feels like I couldn't breathe for a second. Im at a loss...I just honestly feel broken. any thoughts, please?
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amy341731 jill19850
lori93950 jill19850
mauiblue jill19850
Never did i snore before.
So im thinking that there has been a change in the elasticity of the throat or something.
Maybe you are waking up from snoring and not the absence of breathing. Just a thought. If you are able to have a sleep study done, i would for sure.
I sleep only on my back, and i startle awake also sometimes, and when on your back your tongue goes back easier and blocks the air.
Do you sleep on your side when this happens?
jill19850 mauiblue
mauiblue jill19850
Yes ive had the startle feeling, its kind of like almost falling and the waking up because you startled yourself. Its like the brain isnt ready to shut off- but the muscles and body are trying to do so.
so we are trying to fall asleep but not quite letting go yet. I hate that when it happens, i noticed it happen to me more often when im really super tired.. so tired i cant sleep and i do that, im like over wired. do not like 0x0x0x
pinkcatfairy jill19850
I have had the waking up and feeling like im not breathing and I panic, it's like it takes a few seconds for me to know how to breath, it's not like im gasping on waking, just have a moment of panic
Claire4474 jill19850
I get this too and it terrifies me, I wake up in a blind panic, I usually leap out of bed or sit bolt upright gasping for air. It comes and goes, and I'm happy to say I haven't had it for a while, you're not alone :-)